dreaing having sex with a fellow female friend a dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about dreaing having sex with a fellow female friend a can prove creature comforts, devotion and good will.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's analysis the dream about dreaing having sex with a fellow female friend a omens self-determining sparkle, womanish sex instinct, accomplishment and competence.
Constructive evolutions are ahead in your life when:  dreaing having sex with a fellow female friend a - It generally signs the state of being superior. You are a pioneering person. On the other hand, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream can emblematize backwards implication: an unknown person is being tricky or hazardous in relation to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 93, 38, 88, 5, 79; 2 extra numbers - 86, 24.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .
  • Jaguar - their own. It is unusual for the cats to like the water, but Jaguars are one of those who enjoy taking part in water life. In Central and South America the Jaguar takes the special place in history and nowadays too. It is the animal that is respected for it’s ability to be lonely and independent. The Jaguar was an ally with a very strong, protective, emotional and sensual aspect of female nature. General Meaning Generally the fact that you came in contact with the Jaguar is interpreted as the contact with femininity and all other aspects that are related... (read more)
  • Dead father - Personally, I never have the dream about my deceased father, or I don’t remember one, because I never knew my own biological father in real life. Basically, it means that the real connection in waking life with the father is most important factor, by which our subconscious mind recreates the vision of the father in the dreams. But for others the dream about dead father occurs a lot and has such huge significance that has to be explained in very detailed way. So, what does it mean to dream about dead father? The starting point of the interpretation of... (read more)
  • Abundance - General Meanings: Dreaming of having a high abundance of adequate element, means that you have to look after your incomes and supplies which you have. The dream also tells you to look after your health, make sure you are not ill. If you dream of having a huge abundance of different type of things, this represents your future as happy, successful, lucky and profitable.... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - assets. Wearing a ring on one’s little finger, then taking it off to put it on another one: The dreamer is sleeping with a second woman or driving women to his wife and advocating debauchery. Seeing one’s ring that was on the little finger passing to the ring finger and onto the middle finger without having done anything to change its position: The dreamer is betrayed by his wife. Selling one’s ring for money or bartering it for wheat or sesame: The dreamer will part from his wife after talking nicely to her or giving her a financial indemnity.... (read more)
  • Inn - of inn or pub announces surprises. It is a dream symbol for change. Inn is the male place of relaxation. At the level of dream symbolism, the inn is the male place to relax and a coffee bar is place of relaxation for the female. Traditionally: European – Dreaming of inn: announce grief and loss. Arabian – To visit inn: trust in every person; – To left inn: you will well-being. Hindu – To visit inn in dream: you are wasting your time. * Please, see also meaning of alcohol, friends, guest house, bar, music, restaurant, host and tavern…... (read more)
  • Quails - – When you see quail in your dream, then you may expect a pleasant trip; Money if hunt or catch quail – You are hunting quail in the dream, so this dream announces you profitable business. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Family, wild bird. Description Quails are a large family in the genus. In general, they are small, clumsy birds that spend more time on the ground than in the air. In the wild you see a female which chick who follow one by one. General Meaning The meaning of family, which can be harassed and become an easy prey. Association Fat Quail –... (read more)
  • Dates - General Meanings: Need of warmth Dates are exotic fruits, so this marks that the dreamer wishes for something unique. On the other hand, the dates in a dream may be a sign that the dreamer needs some real friends or lover and support from them. Date usually has sexual meaning, this denotes the need for sex, love and tenderness, especially if you consume it in a dream. Psychological Meanings: Happy love or complexes The date symbolizes the feminine in mental and spiritual level. Ripe, sweet dates refer to satisfying partner relationships and overall satisfaction and surprising luck in love.... (read more)
  • Room - that in near future you will improve your lifestyle and living conditions, but you must work hard if you want to succeed; Good partner if young women is dreaming beautiful room – When a young woman is dreaming a beautiful, clean and well-furnished rooms, then this symbol may announce, that a wealthy man will ask for her hand; Marriage if room is simply furnished in a dream – But when the room is simply furnished in the dream, this also suggest marriage, but not with rich partner. Hindu (Hinduism) Lost friend if having your own room – In your dream... (read more)
  • Ant - Association: Social organization, order, industriousness. Question: How do I have to work with others to achieve my goals? General Meanings: Ants are to be assessed differently, though you should specifically consider the following circumstances: Luck – In the dream you see ants, this promises success and happiness, but only if you look exactly like the proverbial striving hard-working insects. Good sign and Ready to implement plans – Ants on your body are also considered as favorable omen, perhaps the conscious wants to point us here and now to the fact, that we have to reflect on our own hard... (read more)
  • Bridegroom - fortune for her, insofar as her clothes and adornment appeared beautiful; (Muhammad Ibn Sirin) Disaster if Man is Seeing Artists – If the dreamer on wedding night is dreaming about musicians and dancers and sees himself as a bridegroom: it shows possibility of dying in that place; (Muhammad Ibn Sirin) Disaster if Man has Intercourse without Recognition – If the dreamer on wedding night is dreaming about being bridegroom and in a dream he is having marital intercourse with his bride, but can’t recognize her: such dream also shows chances of death; (Muhammad Ibn Sirin) * Please, see meaning of bride, wedding.... (read more)
  • Moose - Association: Power and Strength General Meanings: Sexuality and Advantage The Moose usually and mostly refers to the male sexuality (animal instincts). In general the moose  is a good forerunner, it points to beneficial business or private and personal connections. This animal indicates personality features such as power and kindness. Psychological Meanings: Freedom and relaxation The powerful animal is a strong symbol of freedom and unlimited space. Also the moose stands for a simple and independent life in nature. This animal sihnifies about long and good life. The dream about moose also indicates the need of rest and relaxation. Traditional... (read more)
  • Meeting - meeting, this dream indicates that the decisions, propositions or projects you may took at work without discussion with your partners, then this may bring you unpleasant conflicts with a business partner or colleagues; Insufficient assessment if observe a meeting – You observe the meeting as a spectator in your dream, then this means that all your efforts that you did at work or for your family may be insufficiently evaluated by your fellows or relatives, and such an attitude will cause you a desire to demonstrate more of your skills and abilities. * Please, see meaning of speech, club.... (read more)
  • Chameleon - further and live in greater harmony with your fellow human beings. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trustfulness lover if see your loved one with a chameleon on a leash –  She/he will prove unworthy of your trust, if they see better opportunities elsewhere, they will leave you; Worries with bad people if someone changes like chameleon – In your dream somebody changes into chameleon, this announces that you will have to deal with such a hostile person who adapts like a chameleon; Accept changes if feeding a chameleon – in the dream you are feeding a chameleon, this marks that you... (read more)
  • Bus - Association: Common journey, mass of transport. Question: What relation exists between my individual power and the mass consciousness? General Meanings: Belonging to the group and dealing with the commitments Staying at a bus shows that the dreamer deals with group of relations and considers how he wants to deal with his fellow in the future. Perhaps the dreamer feels the urge to be with them, although he belongs to a group and fights with their commitments. Psychological Meanings: Changes and movement toward As in the real world: rapid progress in the community. Sometimes a dream assistance for people who... (read more)
  • Desert - desert: your desire give you no peace; – Dreaming, that you are in it: you’re going against heavy sorrows; – To see or to look into desert from far away point: you will have very soon to leave your environment. Your life was so far without success; – To see camel in desert: not all can be so good as you are, so you should have mercy on your fellow man; – To die of thirst in desert: someone will envy to you, because of your luck, but do not listen that evil; – General: your worries are big, but... (read more)
  • Winter - Association: – Cycle of decay. Peace. Re-birth. Question: – What I want to bring forth? In general: The winter as a dream symbol of a fruitless time in the life of the dreamer. Also winter is symbol of increasing age and decreasing forces. Psychologically: Winter is the season, that points to our retirement. When winter in the dream is described as particularly hard, we feel, even when we are young, perhaps lonely, because love has cooled to a fellow human being. In this case we should move completely to through new contacts and change our real position to effect... (read more)
  • Lose / loss - losing something, then this marks that you’ll have vain efforts. This means that you will not reach any desires; Fulfillment of desires if have financial losses – In the dream you suffer from financial losses, this dream marks that you will be able to reach a huge success if you be obstinate person; More respect if lose a person – In the dream you lose a person which is really important to you, this denotes that you should act selfless with your fellowman, you have to show more consideration and respect. * Please, see meaning of playing cards, games, way.... (read more)
  • Burn / Combustion - your real life. You may want to get rid of bad influence or wrong people around you or even your own bad behavior. Think what you speak If you burn yourself only a small part of the body, this may show that you have to keep your mouth shut because your words may hurt others. Because thoughtless words may insult others and may damage your reputation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Do not condemn if see something burning – In the dream you see others burning:, this dream marks that you should not condemn your fellowmen; Worries if burn yourself –... (read more)
  • Arrested - this dream goes as a sign that you have to get rid of your own sense of blame and a wrong suspicion. Psychological Meanings: Do not criticize Somebody is arrested or you see when somebody arrests another person, you have to try not to criticize your fellow man, because it might fall back on you what you dedicate for others. Wish to run away and warning The place where you saw the action of arrest is very important because this may show the environment from which one you want to escape. Also this dream is a sign that the dreamer... (read more)
  • Ducat - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fortune if see ducat – In a dream you see a ducat, then promises rich prize which may change your life; Respect if have ducat – You have a ducat in your dream, then this dream indicates that you will earn honor and respect. Hindu (Hinduism) Contempt if have ducat – The ducat in the dream warns that you should not despise your fellow man. Arabian (Islamic) Profit if see ducat – In the dream you see a ducat then this dream announces you prospect of profit, also you will be honored because of your support and... (read more)
  • Lease - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Benefit if lease your house – In the dream you lease your house then this may show that you are ready to accept something that was unpleasant and improper for you but will bring you some valuable matters. Hindu (Hinduism) Loss if lease something – You are dreaming that you lease something then this dream is a sign that you will suffer from a loss. Arabian (Islamic) Support if lease your property – The dream denotes that you will give some support to your fellows.... (read more)
  • Being invisible (invisibility) - General Meanings: Feels ignored and invisible for others When the dreamer becomes invisible or disappears in the dream, then this points to the fact that the dreamer is afraid to confront with insights or there is something that he would like to forget. the motive of this dream appears in two ways. Firstly, the dreamer feels ignored, disrespected and invisible of important figures or fellows in the waking life. Secondly, this is a possibility for the dreamer to do what ever he wants, because nobody can see him. This is one of the frequent omnipotence dreams. Psychological Meanings: Your... (read more)
  • Banishment - You see a child who was banished, the warning to be more careful with your business or work, because the colleagues will make a perjury and this will bring lots of damage. Hindu (Hinduism) Changes in relation if dream banishment – The dream is about banishment, then this dream denotes that your relationships will change in overnight. This may change into better or even worse. Arabian (Islamic) Lost reputation if be exiled – In the dream you are exiled, this dream announces that soon you will lose your reputation by a careless remark or an action of your fellow; Get... (read more)
  • Widow & Widower - Association: – Loneliness & Isolation. Question: – What part of me is isolated? In general: Dreaming of being a widow, can point to a loss and sadness. Sometimes a dream marked a change in the consciousness of a woman on the path of development for the wise old woman to use the associated freedom and the opportunity that’s inherent wisdom. Widow or widower often warns against retreat into memories and emotions, life needs to be more active. Psychologically: We see ourselves so in the dream that has nothing to do with the loss of our partner, but with new,... (read more)
  • Bow (arc) - on an unconscious level. The need of another person to feel superior and he confesses to the dreamer this feeling in the dream state. If the dreamer sees in his dream an arc with a colored ribbon instead of a string, this represents a connection between the feminine principle and the feminine beauty. Spiritual Meanings: On a spiritual level the dream symbol of arc indicates the superiority, union of male and female, or standing for the ritual celebration. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if see Triumph Arch – In the dream you see the Triumph Arch then such a dream... (read more)
  • Brassiere (Bra, Bras) - Association: Intimate female self-disclosure. Question: How do I express my femininity? General Meanings: When you dream bra then this dream indicates protection and femininity. The dream symbol of bra marks hidden abilities and talents which the dreamer hides but shows only for trustful and perspective persons. * Please, see meaning of breast.... (read more)
  • Baker - Creativity The baker presents the creative side of the dreamer, that provides emotional and spiritual nourishment for the dreamer. Properties of the female In a dream an oven and a baker indicate procreation and birth. In the dream woman is occupied with the preparation of food in the oven, this is always an indication to the maternal giving and nourishing properties. The “fire” in the oven also has an importance because ancient people say that the fire is one of the four magical forces of nature. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fulfillment of wishes if see in front of the house a baker – This dream... (read more)
  • Dice (Cube) - In general: To dream that you play with dice means that in awaking life you play with fate or to perceive opportunities in life, previously necessarily careful should be reconsidered. Dice (or cubes) by old dream book announces bright future full of happiness. Psychologically: The dice has a square shape and is therefore, understood as the square itself, as a whole symbol. The number four, for the shape of the square plays a role, depicts the female power in man, which he often is not aware of. The dice (cube) is a spatially extended square. Thus, the properties of... (read more)
  • Oven - General Meanings: Oven as a dream symbol stands for a change for the better, especially when one recognizes the fact of fire in the oven. The fire on a stove, indicates luck and fortune. Psychological Meanings: Symbol for “fire held in control” – denotes suppressed or at least controlled instincts. According to Freud, this is female sex symbol it is equivalent to the uterus. Mature personality According to modern interpretation when something is baked in the oven may indicate maturity. If something is pushed into an oven, this denotes that something is taken out as baked then this indicates... (read more)
  • Y (letter) - In general: Y as a spoken, written or formed letter usually points to something unknown, which is to be further explored. More rarely it shows sexual needs. The Y symbolizes the man who takes up with outstretched arms to spirituality or God. Psychologically: Ypsilon, the second last letter of the alphabet is the symbol of the union of male and female in our soul (the Yin and Yang in Chinese mythology), which makes a burden lighter. A ypsilon shaped piece of wood (such as a branch fork), placed under a load means, for example, that a particular burden is... (read more)
  • Affair - Association: Dedication, passion. Question: What impulses I want to give? General Meanings: Awareness because of desires The dream gives an advice that the dreamer should think of his sexual needs and his desire for excitement, you have to use your awareness. To dream of an affair, this allows you to admit safely and surely such feelings. Maybe you have the urge to do something cheeky or something what is associated with emotional risks for you. Psychological Meanings: Unacceptable emotional fulfillment For the dreamer this may look an active way of emotional satisfaction, which is unacceptable for him in the waking state.... (read more)