Being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area can imply gratification, piety and fellowship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's explanation such dreaming of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area signifies self-governing ardor, fertile lust, originality and dynamism.
Constructive adaptations are ahead in your life if: being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area - This betokens the fame within a particular sphere. You are one step ahead. Alternatively, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream might mean upside down connotation: a person of importance should be serpentine and/or unstable in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 72, 8, 22, 63, 73; 2 extra numbers - 41, 4.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and red .
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  • Nose - nose is pierced, warns about bad people you are surrounded by; Everything will go well if nose is well shaped – to dream of having nose that is normal, signifies the things that will go smoothly, according to plan; Disputes in your family if have two noses – to dream that you have two noses indicates arguments within your family; Will lose the family if have no nose – to dream that you do not have a nose, signifies the grief and loss of your relatives; Miscarriage if nose is bleeding – to dream that your nose is bleeding denotes... (read more)
  • Abdominal pain (stomach ache) - Psychological Meanings: Deal with fears and illness Abdomen pain ( stomachache, gripes) may indicate underlying fears that you must make conscious again, to cope with them. Sometimes the unconscious warns that you may have disease in the abdomen, so that may be appropriate for frequent recurring pain in a dream, and you need a thorough investigation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Vulgarity if have abdominal pain – The dream is a warning to beware of too much open body and sexuality. Do not be so vulgar; Worries if belly colic or gripes – A stomach colic torments somebody in the dream, means that... (read more)
  • Bleed to death (Exsanguination) - disaster; Watch your property if dream of bleeding – The dream about bleeding denotes that you will suffer from big losses be aware of your money and property. Arabian (Islamic) Difficult period if bleeding – In the dream you are bleeding then a difficult disease will strike you. You are in a big danger and you have to assert yourself against an unpleasant opponent, who seem overpowering and you should not shrink back against unscrupulous acts you have to fight. Also this dream threatens financial losses which may eventually lead to the bankruptcy. * Please, see meaning of blood.... (read more)
  • Driving into water - everything started from the water it is the rudiment of the life. Hindus also thought that only the water can maintain the life; In Baptism the water has three main meanings: life, death and rebirth. It is believed by baptist people that when someone goes under the water, somebody else instead of him will born. Remember that when the women is in labor, the first thing that happens is that her waters breaks, which announces about the new life coming in to the world; Since ancient times the water is associated with femininity and fertility of the women. When the... (read more)
  • Water - area or overflowing onto land, it indicates danger that has to be interpreted from other symbols; Clear water has luck, but murky, cloudy or dark indicate an unfortunate turn in life. Water is also available for cleaning because it can cleanse the people of the inner and outer dirt through the day. It frees the baptizer to from his previous sins, also from those he has inherited from the family; In a dream to go into the water, means to begin something new; Deep water points out that the dreamer either loses the ground under his feet or penetrates into his unconscious;... (read more)
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  • Snake on stomach - To dream about snake on stomach can stand for unannounced agitation followed by spontaneous protection of yourself. Also, this symbol suggests absolutely hidden risks and very uncaring human being. Despite everything, conventionally it symbolizes great ability of the psyche, which gives essential ingredients for favorable outcome in life. Psychologically by S. Freud, snake on stomach represents seductions of erotic nature.... (read more)
  • Bleeding - General Meanings: Stressful period  Women who dream of blood are often find that menstruation has begun. Also the dream of bleeding may be a sign that you are working too much and losing your power and energy. The other meaning may signify stressful situation in your life such as a financial worries. Psychological Meanings: Inner pain Do not worry, this dream is about your inner feelings not about serious disease. When blood is shed in your dream, you should try to accept an emotional loss or not to grieve yourself all the time. This is a prompt to let... (read more)
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  • Bloodletting - General Meanings: Bloodletting can warn about approaching quarrels or material losses. Sometimes the loss of a people through separation or death is behind it. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Disease if see blood-letting of other person – in the dream you see bleeding of other person, it is a sign of an accident, death or illness; Worries and Quarrel if bleeding from veins – You are dreaming that you are bleeding from veins, this means strife, infirmity, mental suffering, annoyance, misfortune. Hindu (Hinduism) Losses if see other bleeding – Dreaming of bleeding from an unknown person, means that you will lose your... (read more)
  • Menstruation - Association: Power of female, fear or being identified as a woman; Question: Where I am going to express my natural instincts? General Meanings: Inner talents There are several meanings when dreaming of menstruation. The main explanation of the dream foretells about creative side of personality. This means that from simple materials the dreamer can create amazing creatures. The dream also opens the secret of life – how and where it starts. Fear If the woman dreams of menstruation or menopause, then such a dream shows the fear of the end of active life and also the promise of new... (read more)
  • Flying - for no reason, means that you will face unfavorable circumstances while dealing with your life; Fulfillment of wishes if flying with the balloon – to dream that you were flying with the balloon, promises realization of your dreams and wishes; Falseness in love if woman flies and then lands from one tower to another – such dream is a warning to be aware of the man she is in relationship at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may also indicate inability to choose the right decision in her life; Unfaithfulness if been shot during the flight – to dream that you... (read more)
  • Eagle - dream warns you. You have to be very attentive, because the enemies are ready to attack you. Also means that you are defeated by the stronger person and you can not defend yourself from this. Your enemies are near you they want to destroy all your plans and desires. You will have a threatening influence which will change your attitude to certain situation or position. This will make you to think about people around you. To dream dead, killed eagle or you killed, shot an eagle – This dream shows that you will defeat and overcome your enemies. You will resist bad... (read more)
  • Lips - On the psychological level the dream about lips may represent the female genitals. It is also the sign of unfulfilled sexual wishes. Make sure you are open with your chosen one about your needs and wishes. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) In dreams lips mostly represent erotic desires. The shape of the lips which is heart shaped are also recognized as the symbolism of appreciation. Unpleasant experience if see fat, unattractive lips – such dream indicates conflicts in marriage, unpleasant decisions and unwanted meetings; Luck in love if see red and smiling lips – the dream of someone’s smile with beautiful... (read more)
  • Bloody nose - General Meanings: In General the bleeding nose represents the the despicable environment the dreamer is. The dreamer feels that he is neglected by others and do not suppose to be at the place he is at the moment. Psychological Meanings: Psychologically the dream about bloody nose is mostly related to sexuality. There is a possibility that the dreamer has a fear of losing his virginity or the partner he is in a relationship at the moment. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Beware of difficulties if nose is bloody – the one who dreams of having a nose that is bloody... (read more)
  • Giving birth to a baby girl - someone is giving birth to a girl represents forthcoming relationship with bright people; If the dreamer’s girlfriend is giving birth to a baby girl, then it shows a wish for stronger bond between the two; Giving birth in hospital – means success in business, career or with any professional skill; Giving birth on a bathroom toilet to a girl – such dream can be induced by as external stimulus of bowel movements, alternatively it prophecies economical fortune throughout careful planning; Giving birth to a baby girl and bleeding after delivery – means that you are very helpful person, you have huge amount of good... (read more)
  • Diamond ring - man – is a sign of strong person: might be the dreamer himself or his wife; If diamond ring is for wedding – happy and unbreakable marriage; If it is engagement ring – indicates right choice for those who are in love; To find – Dreaming of finding a ring with diamond meanings by sex: For woman – happiness in marriage; possibility of successful opportunity in career; For man – indicates money, profits from business or better position in work; could mean a marriage to a good woman; newborn son. The big – Dream of big diamond in ring meaning... (read more)
  • Weapon - Association: – Working on expressive power, attack and defense, aggression. Question: Where in my life I can be more pen and more receptive? In general: Weapon generally stands for aggressiveness, recklessness, strong desires and immature sexuality (especially young males). It may also warn of disputes with rivals. The useless weapon suggests that it will solve problems only with prudence, not by force. The dream of weapons usually refers to the desire to hurt someone or something. The dreamer has internalized his aggression, and it is perfectly acceptable that he dreams of weapons and against other people in the dream... (read more)
  • Zodiac - doesn’t take risks and is more comfortable without being in danger or changing things cardinally. Psychological Meanings: The Zodiac signs symbolize the relationship between human-beings and universe. Very often the dreams of Zodiac signs are related to people’s ability to adapt themselves to different situations. There are many different situations in life, where the dreamer acts influenced by the characteristics he has, those attributes are characterized by each Zodiac sign. Some people are very interested in horoscopes, without even knowing and understanding the real meaning of Zodiac signs. The symbols of Zodiac signs are dreamed mostly then, when the dreamer... (read more)
  • Rail transport - life journey. When traveling by train we voluntarily from the schedule and the leadership of the train, we are on the journey of human life, which has its specific stations, their particular behavior. This journey of life through the ages through education for our individual human targets. Trains have their specific departure times – who does not reach in time the train is not coming along. What a great metaphor is thus created for the “lateness”, for the “missed connection” in life generally. Every action has its favorable moment, his “Kairos”, where it is ready for us necessary, you have... (read more)
  • Abdomen / Belly - To have a nice, smooth belly and the feeling of being full, this is a sign of physical and sexual satisfaction, but can also express the desire for it. Psychological Meanings: Restrain yourself The “kitchen” of life in which – the experiences of everyday life processes are digested. Sometimes, dreams of the full belly is as warning sign to restrain yourself. Wish for psychological satisfaction In the dream the belly is bloated, then this requires the psychological relief in the form of an outburst of anger or an open talk. Rising emotions Also the belly is as a symbol of fertility... (read more)
  • Fight - – if the dreamer saw himself fighting another man with the gun or pistol, then such dream promises gain for one of these men; You will be saved from catastrophe if fighting on a battlefield – the fight in a battle shows your ability to go along with others and fight till the end, therefore you will find the solution to your concerns with the help from the others; Prepare yourself for hard work if see the battleground – such dream gives you an understanding about hard work you will have to do; Should finish the relationship with a man... (read more)
  • Assassination - Fear to feel pain In the dream you were attacked in order to be killed but escaped successfully then this dream signifies that you really afraid to be hurt and you always run away from difficult situations. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if commit to murder – The dream when you commit to do assassination indicates that you have to beware of shame. You do not have to sacrifice yourself for a hopeless cause or situation, because this will bring you only damage; Stay calm if see or experience – In the dream you see a murder then this dream... (read more)
  • Disgust - General Meanings: The sign to think again To feel disgust in the dream means that your soul refuses to accept some kind of statement which is not acceptable to you or even a wrong action. With this dream your consciousness gives you an opportunity to think thoroughly about yourself and your actions. The unconscious uses the disgust because such a feeling clings in the memory remains until awoken. In a dream nausea or disgust sometimes occurs as a body-conditional for example an stomachache. The denied aspects of yourself. Psychological Meanings: Rejection The disgust often explains a reaction of the... (read more)
  • Fire - Association: – Spirit, energy, clean and purifying. Question: – In which areas of my life do I search for influence, inspiration or renewal? Medicine Wheel Meanings: - Huichol shamans: wisdom Artemidoros Meanings: Fire is functionally distinguished in two different kinds: firstly the heaven and divine, secondly the earth and the one which is used in everyday life. In the interpretation of the heaven fire you have to proceed as follows: to look at radiant, pure and small fire in the sky means a threat from power, however, a large but immeasurable predicts the approach of enemies, infertility and famine... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - delicious sex with spouse that night. • Drinking clean and limpid water from a glass: Benefits from one’s children or wife (because glass is part of the essence of women,56 and water symbolizes the fetus). • Being given water to drink in a glass or a goblet: Will have a child. • Water in a glass: A child. If the glass is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child survive. The reverse is also true. • An atheist drinking clear and clean water: Will embrace Islam. • A person seeking learning drinking pristine water: Will... (read more)
  • Lemons - do not waste everything very fast, because this can bring you some sour disappointment. This dream shows personality development in all the areas. A tree with lemons means a good work deal or projects. Dreaming a lot of (many) lemons – In the dream you see a lot of lemons (on the ground, on the table), this dream indicates upcoming news. This may be very pleasant and also unpleasant news. Yellow lemons in the dream, announces healthy and long living. If lemons are falling in the dream fro the tree or from the basket, this announces you unhappiness and sadness in... (read more)
  • Train - Association: The type of a vehicle, in which, during the trip you can see the view of areas through which you travel. Question: What do I want to see while I change my life? General Meanings: Personality and mental growth  The train in generally symbolizes the striving of personal development and professional success. The dream shows that the dreamer monitors the environment which may change his living conditions or personal growth. Beside, he mustn’t be afraid to contact with other people, because they can help him to get more knowledge and  improve his wisdom. There are some different explanations depending... (read more)