Being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area can imply gratification, piety and fellowship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's explanation such dreaming of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area signifies self-governing ardor, fertile lust, originality and dynamism.
Constructive adaptations are ahead in your life if: being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area - This betokens the fame within a particular sphere. You are one step ahead. Alternatively, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream might mean upside down connotation: a person of importance should be serpentine and/or unstable in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 92, 64, 24, 96, 40; 2 extra numbers - 15, 19.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and brown .
  • Altar - be helpful to solve the problem; Prosperity If in magical lighting – The dream announces you comfort in your life and success in relations, work or other areas that you do; Happiness If adorn yourself – A good sign which points to happy events and happiness for yourself; Controversy If see priests at the altar – This shows discord and poor conditions at work and at home; Worries and  Illness If experience wedding – In the dream you see wedding by the altar, says that your friends bring you worries and also elderly of your family will get sick. Hindu (Hinduism) Worries... (read more)
  • Lobby - Association: Public area. Question: What do I want to show in public? General Meanings: In general the dream that relates to a lobby or the hall of an entrance, indicates the dreamer’s desire to show the features he has to others. Maybe the talents or opinions has not been expressed out completely, therefore the one is trying hard to show it in the place which is crowded, in this case – the lobby.... (read more)
  • Burglar - and expensive to us. Mistaken Pathways and Reward Sometimes the burglary in our house, is only the instinctive thought which reflects your wrong ways. For women, the burglary can be connected with fear of the sexuality. You are a burglar in the dream, you will be praised and rewarded in the near future. Psychological Meanings: Distrust and Fair of losses With this dream the conscious expresses the need, secretly to acquire something, what apparently is not possible in open manner. Burglars also stand for exaggerated distrust. You see acquisitiveness and deception in your environment and always incline to search the blame in... (read more)
  • Champagne - uninhibited in the sexual area. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unstable life if see champagne – In a dream champagne means unsettled life, much pleasure, infidelity, inconstancy; Unfortunate omen if see champagne – This dream announces luck of short period. Also unlucky omen for love affairs; Unhappy about environment if drinking alone champagne – This dream shows that you do not find sympathy in your environment; Cheerful time if drinking in society – this dream shows about your joyous and cheerful pastime; Joyful life if break a champagne bottle – This symbol shows and announces a stormy experience for you; New perspective if open... (read more)
  • Bay - Association: Protection; boundary. Question: Where can I have a rest? General Meanings: The dream of a coastline with a bay shows that the dreamer realizes the susceptibility of women and the awareness of sexuality. The man always has to make pleasure to woman. Psychological Meanings: The bay in the dream may indicate the intervention of the dreamer in the area of another person. The satisfaction is given to other. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the dream symbol of bay stands for shelter and giving birth.... (read more)
  • Baldachin (canopy) - General Meanings: Safe life The baldachin symbolizes the desire for safety, security or benefits. In ancient times, a baldachin was used to protect people in high positions, such as kings or priests, from the sun and the weather. On the deeper level, the dreamer is still desires for this privilege.  The dreamer is under a baldachin knows about his potential to reach great achievements. Baldachin promises more prestige and honors, even if it sits underneath. Secretly tries to carry out a baldachin, this may stand as a warning, because you might be exploited by others and you help them... (read more)
  • Dionysus - General Meanings: Dionysus is the god of wine in some areas where wine is grown such a dream is interpreted as a sign of a bad year for wine. Dionysus is a symbol of nature which stands for physical and sensual pleasure. This reflects an appropriate attitude and way of life of the dreamer, but also warns against exaggeration or excessive suppression of the physical (not just sexual) desire. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Annoyance if dream the god of wine Dionysus – In the dream you see a Dionysus then this marks that  your dissolute life arouses annoyance for... (read more)
  • Advocate - possibility of deception and fraud; Possible Victory if Being Advocate – In a dream to be involved in a process as an advocate: there is little chance of success in the near future. * See meanings of court, attorney. Miller’s Dreambook: Advocate dream meanings by Gustavus Hindman Miller from dream dictionary “10,000 Dreams Interpreted” or “What’s In A Dream” or “Dreams, Their Scientific and Practical Interpretations” To dream that you advocate any cause, denotes that you will be faithful to your interests, and endeavor to deal honestly with the public, as your interests affect it, and be loyal to your promises to friends.... (read more)
  • Rural - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Luck if be in a rural area – This is an auspicious sign, which means that you will soon enter into life in which you will be truly successful.... (read more)
  • Tree - health, new energy or power, sometimes stronger sexual needs that perhaps are now suppressed. Tree with fruits promises success through good work, especially when you harvest them yourself. Shaking the fruit-covered tree promises future happiness and success. Sit under a tree can mean safety or the need of it; Sit on the top of the tree, want to find out how to protect yourself from danger or misfortune. Climbing on a tree can announce a better view about the life situation; Partly this also indicates that you will arise, on your own force, in a higher protected position or use your... (read more)
  • Bridge - on left or right so the dreamer is not protected. Psychological Meanings: Link - A bridge is a frequently occurring image in dreams and it almost always refers to the transition from one life phase to another. It describes the emotional connection between the dreamer and other people or different areas of life and has the significance of an association. Reconciliation and Harmony – It combines opposites or bypassed difficulties that may exist in one’s own personality or relation with others. Thus encourages to strive for greater inner harmony and reconcile conflicts through compromise. Inner world condition via bridge condition –... (read more)
  • Circumcision - Psychological Meanings: Circumcision in the dream is not about the neutering or the loss of power. The vision of circumcision can stand as a reminder for the dreamer that his instincts have to be conscious. Sometimes such a dream may show your physical impairment, but mostly for sexual area. The important thing is how the dreamer feels at circumcision. * Please, see meaning of castration, phallic.... (read more)
  • Celebrity - Association: Recognition, fame, and occasionally notorious. Question: Which part of me strives for recognition? I’m afraid of recognition? General Meanings: More trust If a dream is the fact that the dreamer is famous or came to fame on a specific area, this shows that he recognizes his own abilities and trust of himself. Perhaps the dreamer in his real life is shy and inactive, but through dream he often achieves things that he had never thought it was possible. He has to be more self-confident and try to reach his goals. Psychological Meanings: Desire to be seen and evaluated... (read more)
  • Amputation - travel. For man the castration dream is certainly related with loss of power and sexual performance. Amputation warns not only about threatening and impending losses. It is also a painful incision in your usual life, you have to think about this. Psychological Meanings: Anxiety The old-school psychoanalysts interpret that the removal of limbs usually stands for erotic and sexual anxiety that castration. Also the anger and pain because of separation from a loved one. Lost mental support According to modern psychoanalysts view, you should notice which limbs were amputated or separated. Amputated feet or legs indicate that there is something that restricts... (read more)
  • Ossuary - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Danger if be in ossuary – In a dream you are in the ossuary then this may be a sign of danger which may lead to seriuos consequences; Journey if see ossuary – In your dream you see ossuary then you will delay some important affairs because of unexpected travel or event. Hindu (Hinduism) Unpleasant period if ossuary – The dream of ossuary might be a warning for upcoming danger in your life or unpleasant period. Arabian (Islamic) Disease if be in ossuary – You are in the ossuary in your dream, then you have... (read more)
  • Waffle - dream, then in your real life you may expect to suffer from harsh blows; Fear to be alone if bake waffles  – When a young woman is baking waffles in her dream, so this means she is tormented by the fear to remain single. Hindu (Hinduism) Troubles if eat waffles – The waffles in the dream means that in near future you will experience some worries and unpleasant news. Arabian (Islamic) Solved troubles if see waffles – The waffles in the dream is a sign of upcoming troubles because of bad people, but you will overcome this without much pain.... (read more)
  • Promontory - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Event if see promontory – In the dream you see a promontory then this dream predicts an extraordinary event that is imminent. Hindu (Hinduism) Joy if be on promontory – In the dream you are on the promontory then you may expect that you will experience satisfaction and joy in your life. Arabian (Islamic) Changes if be on promontory - You are on the promontory then this dream is an omen of upcoming changes in your life. * Please, see meaning of mountain, hill, mountain range.... (read more)
  • Sink - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Slow success if sink in the clear water – The dream where you sink in the clear and clean water means that you will reach everything what you desire but only little by little. Hindu (Hinduism) Be attentive if dream of sinking – The dream about sinking is a warning that the accident is coming to you, so you have to be very attentive. Arabian (Islamic) Goals if sinking – You are dreaming, that you are sinking in the swamp, the water, etc. indicates that you will reach your aims in spite of poor conditions.... (read more)
  • Washbasin - washbasin is dirty or broken – The dream where you see that you washbasin is dirty or broken then this dream is bad sign which indicates that you will regret for a disreputable relationship which caused sorrow. Hindu (Hinduism) Joy if see washbasin – The washbasin in the dream is a sign of upcoming satisfaction and happiness in your family. Arabian (Islamic) Think by yourself if wash hands in washbasin – The dream denotes that you have to get rid of all the negative influence in your life and to start to think by your own. * Please, see meaning of .... (read more)
  • Ewer (water pitcher) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see ewer (water pitcher) – You will have to beware of the secrets, the observance of this is at the risk, especially if you break the pitcher. Hindu (Hinduism) Hard period if broken ewer – The dream of broken ewer is a sign of upcoming difficulties and difficult period. Arabian (Islamic) Doing good things if see ewer – The dream symbol of ewer marks that you will do good things on your own without anyone support; Disputes if break ewer – In the dream you break the ewer then you will have dispute... (read more)
  • Quinine - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if see quinine The dream of quinine marks that you will experience a great feeling of happiness, but the prospects of wealth are rather meager; Improvement of life if take quinine – In your dream you take quinine then this denotes that you will improve health and get more energy, make new friends that support an economically. Arabian (Islamic) Illness if take quinine – When you take quinine in your dream then this dream shows an upcoming malaise, fever. * Please, see meaning of medicine.... (read more)
  • Fording - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No worries if fording through clear water – The dream where you are fording through clear water then this promises the easy overcoming through your obstacle; Disadvantage if fording through dirty water – Well this dream announces inconvenience and unpleasant event in near future;... (read more)
  • Weaving art - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Marriage if dream of weaving art – The weaving art as a dream announces that soon a bridal gown will be tailored for you, you will find your life soul. Hindu (Hinduism) News if dream of weaving art – This dream may be a sign for upcoming news for you or your family. Arabian (Islamic) Changes if dream of weaving art - This dream may signify about changes in your life or some unexpected news. * Please, see meaning of  weave,knit, plait.... (read more)
  • Interlock (engineering) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Show yourself if lock yourself – In the dream you accidentally lock yourself then this denotes that you “lock” all your qualities and can not show yourself for the people. Hindu (Hinduism) Travel if lock the door – In the dream you lock the door: a long and uncomfortable journey is coming to you. Arabian (Islamic) Stay calm if dream of locking – If the dream is about locking ( lock the door, shut the window etc.), this is a sign that you’re scary without any reason, stay calm only then you will find peace... (read more)
  • Tie together - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Give up if try tie together something – In the dream you desperately try to tie something together then this dream is a sign that you will never join two thing that do not fit. So do not waste your time because you will waste your efforts and time. Hindu (Hinduism) Marriage if tie together things – In the dream you knot or tie together something then this may announce upcoming marriage, you have met your soul mate. Arabian (Islamic) Love if tie together – You tie together something in your dream, so this may... (read more)
  • Words of Encouragement - Artemidoros: A comforting encouragement harms people who live in happy relationships, while those relevant is, in a terminal, the first, he brings meaning that they require in their lack of courage in the face of oncoming about it plagues a comforting popular, the latter he is good one hopes, and this output is consistent and with good reason. For no one says to a seer: “You will see again, “but of course, to one who has cataracts, no one to a healthy person, “You will come back to staff and healthy, “but of course, to a patient. The same... (read more)
  • Drawbridge - if raised drawbridge – In your dream you see raised drawbridge then this means that you will have continue your life journey despite obstacles; Support if see drawbridge – The dream is a sign that you will be entirely on the goodwill of another because of need of support. Hindu (Hinduism) Plans if see drawbridges – The dream denotes that your plans can fulfill or disappoint you. Arabian (Islamic) Disappointment if go across drawbridge – In the dream you go across a drawbridge then this marks that your expectations will disappoint you. * See also other dreams meanings of bridge, castle, river and trench.... (read more)
  • Cigarettes - Association: Suggestion & Addiction. Question: From what do I want to deflect myself? General Meanings: The self damage instrument of our times! A substitute of satisfaction, because the soul sucks appreciatively something. Sometimes called also as an erotic dream. Psychological Meanings: Opposite meaning The cigarette has two different meanings in the dream: firstly, it is a symbol of enjoyment of life, mental fullness and inspiration; secondly, it also points to lack of independence, dependence and nervousness. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) New plans if lit a cigarette -In the dream you light the cigarette means that new plans are coming... (read more)
  • Onions - – In a dream you are gathering onions, this means that you will suffer from harm caused by your own family. Artemidorus Meanings: To eat onion and garlic in dreams – bad luck to dreamer’s property, but happiness in life. Only for the sick one, the dream of onions is different. Dreams for sick ones – to eat a lot of onions in a dream, announces that he will recover. If someone, who is sick, eats only a few onions, there is serious problems about health. Contexts’ Meanings: To eat an onion or onions in a dream – The onion... (read more)
  • Submarine - Association: The investigation of the unconscious or emotional conditions. Question: Which feelings do I ready need to consider more exactly? General Meanings: A submarine as a dream symbol stands for intensity. As a rule the person dedicates more attention to the depths and the spiritual heights of unconscious. Psychological Meanings: The submarine in the dream indicates that the dreamer will understand his own unconscious needs. Sometimes this may be a sign of a need of protection from unknown and deep places. Spiritual Meanings: The dream of a submarine indicates a spiritual need to penetrate deeper in your own emotions.... (read more)
  • Chase away - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trying to get rid if chase away – In the dream you try to chase away something then this denotes that you try to get rid of something unexpected to you. Hindu (Hinduism) Troubles if chase away a person – If you are dreaming that you chase away somebody then this is a sign that will have troubles and annoyance in near future. Your inner voice warns you about upcoming difficulties, which appear in the dream like chasing actions. Arabian (Islamic) Got rid of bad person if chase away a known person – In the... (read more)