Gold chain around neck dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about gold chain around neck can betoken repose, fondness and intimate friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung analysis the dream about gold chain around neck symbolizes self-governing guts, womanhood sexual urge, artistry and attribute.
Enthusiastic remodellings are going on in life only when: gold chain around neck - This symbol typically announces dominance and being a person who runs ahead of other. Else ways, if it was bad dream then your dream can imply backwards content: an important person is being underhand and insecure toward your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 72, 2, 16, 50, 4; 2 extra numbers - 65, 26.
Fortunate colors for this dream: yellow and brown .
  • Watch - Association: Restriction; division. Question: What things I would like to make easier for me in my life? General Meanings: Lack of time – A symbol of time pressure – the constant views to the watch calls us to rush, you are a prisoner of your appointments and obligations. (The bracelet is at the same time a symbol for the chain, handcuffs etc.) Psychological Meanings: Pressure of time  The watch on wrist marks stressed people, they are feeling limited and constrained. Like any other watches this point that the dreamer needs to learn better time management in waking life. Need to stop and think ... (read more)
  • Brilliant (gemstone) - ...over-valuation; Love if find gemstone – When you find a brilliant in your dream, then this dream denotes that you will find someone who loves you devotedly; Complex if wear brilliant – Mostly the dream of brilliant marks your overvaluation of yourself or hard inferiority complex; Hiding yourself if see brilliants on your hand or on neck – This dream indicates that you are always trying to cover up your feelings of inferiority through appearances; False friends if look at brilliants – When you are looking at brilliants, then this dream is a warning against false people; Joyful events if... (read more)
  • Swan - ...peace these patients are within themselves and the destiny they have. According to Plato the song of the swan if the song of the joy. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords friendship, love, relationships, beauty, grace, wealth, richness. Description The swan is the bird that has long neck and short legs. These birds snow white color feathers, which makes them look pure, clean and elegant. Swans are very good swimmers and also great flyers, that happen to be known of many people as the symbol of life and productivity. In some legends it was said that that the swans have ability to... (read more)
  • Collar - General Meanings: Generally the collar in dreams stands as a symbol of keeping up with the rules and orders. Collar may also indicate unfavorable circumstances that lead to failures, especially when the dreamer tries to iron or finds it difficult to put it around the neck. Alternatively, in these days it is very popular to wear a collar as a jewelry, therefore it shows the desire to be beautiful. Psychological Meanings: Psychologically the collar can be interpreted as a symbol of sexuality, which shows hidden desires and secrets the dreamer has. Alternatively, the dream shows the major affair in... (read more)
  • Lose weight - ...and confused at labor or in profession; Bad omen If a single part of the body lost weight – The dream according to the meaning of that body part which lost weight: The head and the neck – for dreamer itself; Collarbone – for concubine; The upper arms – the brothers and closest relatives; The shoulder blades and ribs – the wives/husbands; the belly – the family and the richness of the dreamer; the thigh – his blood relatives;  The legs and feet – poor living; Good omen If meaty – Every body part that is full, strong and meaty means a good thing according... (read more)
  • Band - be seen or lug around: it has far too heavy financial obligations, debts are incurred; – blue: faithful love; – green: good hopes; – red: fun; – black: mourning; – white: pure love; – ribbons fluttering in the costume of a person: happy and have good friends; – dreaming a young woman as she is adorned with ribbons, she gets the hoped-for marriage proposal, from carelessness, but it makes a mistake. – Does she wear girls, the bands, which stands for rivals in their efforts to find a husband. – Buy tapes: they will lead a comfortable and good... (read more)
  • Ornament (art) - ...already have. Like a diamond which needs to be polished in order to show its beauty. You want to estimate the things you have, you want to increase values for further. Psychological Meanings: Improving situation When the dreamer dreams of ornaments, then this dream points that his personal space may be used even better, and thus may become more successful. The dreamer does not pay attention only to the basic situation, but he actively improves its internal and external situation. Spiritual Meanings: At this level, ornaments stand for tangible and demonstrable spirituality. * Please, see meaning of necklace, jewelry.... (read more)
  • Trailer (vehicle) - Association: Stragglers; disability. Question: What additional load makes me busy? * Please, see meaning of amulet, vehicles, necklace.... (read more)
  • Acrobat - ...not take any trips. Psychological Meanings: Risky person who is showing his incredible abilities If you’ve dreamed of a breathtaking trapeze act and you were the star of the circus, then such dream indicates that you have appetite for risky ventures and you will prove your skills to others – but not secretly and discreetly. Desire for recognition Acrobatic tricks in dream shows that the dreamer wants to shine, to enjoy the admiration of others. The dreamer is seeking for affirmation and applause – even if he or she has to risk his life and neck. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) More... (read more)
  • Elephant - Association: Wisdom, memory and the power of perseverance. Question: Where is my own wisdom? General Meanings: Maternity care – The elephants can be interpreted as maternal nature whose powerful protection we are looking for. Transferred to the waking life: we should build on something that can not harm us. Who rides on an elephant, plans an ascent to higher spheres. Sexual needs – Elephant can be strong sexual needs, for women symbolize the desire for a strong, sensitively sexual partners. In addition, the following interpretations are possible: Moving on with the force – Elephant with driver on the neck indicates the... (read more)
  • Lightning - are hit by lightning, without damage, although one must reckon with unexpected difficulties, but you will survive well. – When the flash is nearby, standing before a change of place, for those in love, he had a good meaning (as it has just taken), with married couples it accelerates the division. Indian dream interpreters argue the lightning in a dream would point to a disease. For Freud the flash has phallic significance. Means to be struck by lightning a good thing after Artemidorus, his fire was like the gold that you win, but also can quickly lose it again.... (read more)
  • Balance - Psychological Meanings: This dream marks the struggle for balance and also for justice. You desire to find the golden mean in your life. * Please, see meaning of balancing.... (read more)
  • Rail transport - ...secrecy, lack of understanding and lack of understanding, which leads to that the future is still dark, you will leave the tunnel again, you will get to review and achieve success. – Too late for the departure of the train indicates complexes accumulated anger that one should break down quickly and the uncertainty of his contacts with his environment. – (Did you forget that you wanted to train) Omitted the railroad, you have probably missed a golden opportunity. – If you miss the connection, you have to be so good or ill add in the current situation. – Will we... (read more)
  • Water basin - General Meanings: The water basin represents a hard work. When you drink from a water basin, then you will fall in love with a poor girl, but you will reach everything on your own hands. The golden water basin indicates that you will become free from unpleasant responsibilities and then you will reach your own goals. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good friend if water basin made of copper – The dream announces you a wonderful friendship, which will make your life even brighter; New start if wash hands in water basin – You are washing hands in the water... (read more)
  • Pharmacist - General Meanings: Connection The pharmacist appears in the dream, this presents a connection between human and creation. The mind connects together with knowledge. Traditional Meanings: Stay healthy The pharmacist is the part of the dreamer, who cares about his own health and heals himself. Spiritually: The alchemist transforms raw material (basic spiritual knowledge) into (spiritual) gold. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) Desire for wealth if be a pharmacist – In the dream you are a pharmacist, this dream indicates that you are looking for more social welfare. Hindu (Hinduism) Kindness if be a pharmacist – This dream denotes that you  want to... (read more)
  • Alchemist - General Meanings: Changes – from bad to good An alchemist appears in a dream, this has an outstanding importance. The symbol of alchemist can give the dreamer the clue how bad things can be changed into good ones. A mental process will convert probably towards more positive and better way. To reach your goals You are an Alchemist and want to produce gold, this means that you have extensive and interesting projects in your mind. You have to move step by step very carefully if you want to implement this. * Please, see meaning of chemist.... (read more)
  • Formal wear - ...sad event. Sometimes the evening wear also indicates that you want to make or do more from yourself. The desire to be on the top In the dream you often see yourself dressed in elegant evening clothes, shining in a center of a society, means that you are still in the beginning of the new start and the new career in your life. The dream already takes the reality on: you want “to be on the top” – especially if they occur in indeterminable red or black and gold color. These are colors of the power of wealth – so to say... (read more)
  • Africa - ...travels and experiences, which attracts a stranger and unsatisfied situation but you will overcome them and feel happy after all; Need for experiences if study in the Atlas – The dream shows that you are longing for distant and unknown lands; Illness if go there or be there – When you are in Africa or you go there in your dream, this can be a warning about upcoming illness which brings fever with it. Hindu (Hinduism) Stay on the reality if see – Do not get lost and remain on the ground of the reality – All that glitters is not gold.... (read more)
  • Wabun Spirit Keeper of the East - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Adler; enthusiasm; breakthrough; rebirth innocence eternal spring; spontaneity miracle; curiosity, exploration; passionate. Description Wabun is the name for Spirit Keeper of the east in Sun Bear’s system of medicine wheel. This is the time of youth, the new beginning of spring and dawn. Wabun  includes the element of air, the mineral, the tobacco plant. The animal is the eagle and colors are gold and red. General Meaning The symbol stands for new beginning, enthusiasm, freshness, vitality. Transcendent Meaning Rebirth. Please, see meaning of East,spring.... (read more)
  • Bird - Association: Freedom, escape. Question: Which part of me wants to fly? General Meanings: The dreams of birds represent imagination, thoughts and ideas, need for of freedom. In ancient times it was believed that birds are the bearer of the soul and have magical and mystical powers. Psychological Meanings: The bird in the dream is a symbol for contents of the unconscious. Birds are fluttering around in a room or a cage helplessly, then this dream interprets your slightly confused state of mind. Bird are flying freely and unhindered then this marks the freedom of our thoughts and our soul.... (read more)
  • Horse - ...represents inner independence and easiness; Prosperity if the horse in a barn – the dream promises rich life ahead of you; Opportunities in career if the horse is wearing a saddle. The dream foretells about more prestige progress in your professional life; Disobedient horse signifies barriers -the dream foretells about overcoming obstacles you will face while reaching the success; Danger if the horse has escaped – if it was running from you away such dream shows that you should be aware of the enemies around you; Achievements if the horse is jumping around – the dream promises that you will... (read more)
  • Snake - ...The golden snake symbolizes the abundance of wealth and the power of the Spirits. The white snake implies the depth of the soul. Dark, black snakes can alert the dreamer to change his life. Green snakes represent the body energy, which could still be used. Kissing, touching or any other friendly contact with snakes in the dream, represents the possibility of betrayal and deception. Healing, freeing and protecting – Together with other symbols this animal can be interpreted very positively and often represents some kind of healing: not for nothing a snake winds around the wand (rod) of Asclepius (Latin Aesculapius),... (read more)
  • Hair - the best state of mental and physical wellness; Respect if the hair is brown – In the dream to have brown hair means that everyone is going to enjoy your company or actions you do. You’ve got respect from those around you. If the dreamer sees someone else with brown hair – this person with brown hair have now or will have big authority; Enemies or sexual desires if the hair is red – the dream suggest to be careful with people you are in contact. Otherwise, the dream could represent hidden sexual wishes, which are not fulfilled; Frivolity... (read more)
  • Pregnancy - ...that his wife became pregnant and her belly became bigger: he will accumulate gold in its vaults, but worries and sorrow are inevitable; Success if Wife with Big Belly – If common man is dreaming that his wife became pregnant and her belly became bigger: he will achieve outstanding results in his affairs. Hindu (Hinduism) Broken Friendship if Being Pregnant – In a dream to be pregnant (same for both, woman and man): means that the dreamer will lose a good friend. Artemidorus: Dreams of pregnancy meanings accordng to Artemidorus Daldianus Meanings of the dream about pregnant man, significance by social... (read more)
  • Madness - ...of ecstasy. Artemidorus Meanings: This dream promises you enterprising success because the mind is all what you can use. It is really awesome for those who desire to influence the people and want to control the large amount of people, also for people who are trying to win the favor of the crowd, this dream denotes that they will have big inflow. For poor people madness announces a golden age – the one who has a sense of madness, gets something from all sides. For the sick person it predicts health, because madness drives the people to move forward.... (read more)
  • Diamond ring - wear – Dream of a diamond ring fitting on finger meaning: Happy relationship; Coming proposal; Successful marriage; Excellent spouse; Clear indication that new ventures will be successful; Other symbolism foretells to be cautious, dream warns against an infidelity or adultery. Metal, alloy – Diamond rings’ meanings by ring’s composition, by metal or alloy: Gold ring with diamond: for married couples – marriage blessing, for unmarried – imminent wedding party; means that such benefits will come with ease; Silver ring with diamond: dream promises a happy family life and lots of healthy and happy children; nothing will stand in the dreamer’s... (read more)
  • Zodiac - ...affected by lungs, heart and liver. The color if Lion are orange and gold and the gemstone is topaz and tourmaline. Suggestion for Lion – try to learn be less offensive towards the others, because you are not always the leader. Virgo – the sign that is mostly affected by stomach. The colors of the Virgo are gray and navy blue and the gemstones are pink Jasper and Jade. Libra – is the sign of balance, therefore the sign is mostly affected by area of lumbar. The colors of Libra are blue and purple and it’s gemstone is opal. The... (read more)