Holding bottle of wine dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about holding bottle of wine can prefigure relief, partiality and fondness.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's explanation such dreaming of holding bottle of wine signals self-contained dauntlessness, girlish libido, style and endowment.
Affirmative metamorphosis are ahead if: holding bottle of wine - This dream typically represents power and influence over others. You are a trailblazer. However, if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream may foretell contra understanding: a person of great significance might be double-dealing or insecure in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 55, 48, 83, 43, 9; 2 extra numbers - 83, 13.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and yellow .
  • Wine - creates happiness. Sometimes a bottle of wine is understood in its intoxicating properties as a phallic symbol or a symbol of masculinity. The wine glass can be seen as a symbol of happiness or dream symbol of pregnancy. But if glass of wine is broken in a dream, it means either grief or, in the dream of a woman – a miscarriage. The red wine is regarded as a symbol of the blood. The white wine is regarded as a symbol of clarity. Spiritual Meanings: At a spiritual level wine indicate wealth, fullness or admission of spiritual power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian)... (read more)
  • Wine bottles - General Meanings: In a dream a wine bottle stands for desire and passion. To dream that you’re breaking bottle of wine, signifies excessive gratification in your desires, wishes and passions. Psychological Meanings: At the psychological level the dream about wine bottle symbolizes the masculine. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happy travel if see wine bottles in a dream – This dream shows that soon you will have a happy visit; Sad days if dreaming of empty or broken bottles of wine – This shows sad thoughts and many sorrows in your family; Too much love if break a wine bottle by yourself... (read more)
  • Wine glasses - Association: Fun & Pleasure; Happy & Fortunate. General Meanings: Joyful life Dreaming of wineglass (or glasses of wine) indicates great times, happy and funny days. Also glass of wine may be symbol of a pregnancy. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good omen if dreaming wine glass – Very good sign about upcoming happy news which will change your life into better; Disappointment if seeing an empty wine glass – You are dreaming that you see an empty glass of wine, signifies that you do not let yourself to participate in a pleasure, also announces disappointment, because you haven’t completed something what... (read more)
  • Palm wine - European (Judeo-Christian) Reaching aim if drink palm wine – The dream when you drink palm wine, then you may expect that you will have ability to implement your wish. Hindu (Hinduism) Fulfillment if drink palm wine – In the dream you are drinking palm wine then this dream announces that all your desires will soon come true. Arabian (Islamic) Creation if make palm wine – When you are making palm wine in the dream, then this shows that you have a talent to create and to make what you want to. * Please, see meaning of wine, wine glasses, wine bottles.... (read more)
  • Beer bottle - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficulties if see an empty beer bottle in a dream – The acquisition that you made will bring ​​more difficulties that you thought; Careless life if drinking and seeing a full bottle of beer – This dream announces about carefree times in your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Unexpected things if drinking beer from a bottle – This dream symbol will bring you something wonderful that you haven’t expected. Arabian (Islamic) Respect if drinking beer – This dream shows that you have respectful position; Disease if broken a bottle of beer – This dream announces you illness... (read more)
  • Wine barrel - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Luxury if dreaming of wine barrel – This dream symbol predicts great luxury for you; Changes if buy a full wine barrel in a dream – The dream shows that you will have visitors, which will change your life. Hindu (Hinduism) News if seeing barrel of wine (cask of wine) – You’ll get visitors from far away. They will bring you very good new and  perspective offers. Arabian (Islamic) Richness if seeing a lot of wine barrels in a dream – This dream signifies wealth and prosperity in your life. Your life will be secured;... (read more)
  • Hot water bottle - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Show emotions if see hot water bottle – The hot water bottle in the dream denotes that you keep all your emotions inside yourself and you have to express them because this may bring damage to you. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if see hot water bottle - This dream is a sign that you have to beware of your health. Arabian (Islamic) Anger if see hot water bottle – The hot water bottle in the dream marks that soon you will meet some barriers which may bring anxiety.... (read more)
  • Wine cellar - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Joy if seeing or being in wine cellar (vault, room, closet, basement) – This dream announces that you will have excellent entertainment and many comforts; Happiness if being in the wine cellar – This dream shows that you will have very good and exited experiences with your family members. Hindu (Hinduism) Misfortune if dreaming of wine cellar – The dream marks that you that the ideas that you hold inside can not be realized. Arabian (Islamic) False friends if seeing wine cellar – This dream shows that you have to be aware because somebody from your close... (read more)
  • Champagne - with it all the time; Be more attentive if consume champagne – You have to beware of overabundance and extravagance in your life. Contexts’ Meanings: Dreaming drinking and toasting with champagne or sparkling wine – This symbol stands for happy event in dreamer’s life. In the real life people want to celebrate something very special with the glass of champagne. In the dream champagne indicates the desire to celebrate personal achievements, completed work or project. Also this dream announces good money incomes, wealth and better life. To open or to uncork a bottle of champagne in the dream – This... (read more)
  • Wine bar - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Relaxation if see wine bar in a dream – You will get an invitation to have pleasure and relax; Gossips if being in a wine bar in a dream – This dream indicates gossips by which the dreamer makes himself a fool. Keep your mouth shut if you want to avoid worries. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if dreaming of wine bar – This dream shows that you are immoderate person, you do not pay attention to others warnings and your health. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if staying in a wine bar – You have to beware against... (read more)
  • Wine press - General Meanings: Dreaming of wine press indicates that you’ll earn much money in the near future. The broken wine press stands for misfortune and no matter how hard you try to reach your aims. * Please, see meaning of wine, grapes, grapevines.... (read more)
  • Winemaker - In general: Dreaming of winemaker (winegrower or grape picker) announce great future. To see winemaker at his work, or to help him, or even be one: means pleasure, good health, happiness and wealth.... (read more)
  • Wine vinegar - General Meanings: In the dream you see the vinegar of wine (wine vinegar), then this may announce that soon you will have short term disputes and quarrels in your everyday life. When you drink vinegar in the dream then you may expect some sour news.... (read more)
  • Dionysus - General Meanings: Dionysus is the god of wine in some areas where wine is grown such a dream is interpreted as a sign of a bad year for wine. Dionysus is a symbol of nature which stands for physical and sensual pleasure. This reflects an appropriate attitude and way of life of the dreamer, but also warns against exaggeration or excessive suppression of the physical (not just sexual) desire. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Annoyance if dream the god of wine Dionysus – In the dream you see a Dionysus then this marks that  your dissolute life arouses annoyance for... (read more)
  • Drinking - escape from current period of your life. Alternatively, drinking of alcoholic beverages, which are delicious for you in waking life, means that you are seeking illusory and deceitful feeling of happiness, delight, or satisfaction. But if you are drinking wine, it is often the reflection of the image from our religious culture. Drinking of any wine in the dream has symbolism of a divine power. Also, second meaning of wine is interpreted as induction of external stimuli, but you must dream particular sort or brand of wine. Then it means that you have huge affection to this kind of wines.... (read more)
  • Water - or fears. Dream about washing with cold water has same meanings as bathing in cold water. If you were dreaming that you drank water of heaven, wine or milk the meaning of this dream foretells that you will obtain knowledge and wisdom in your personality. Artemidorus: Dream about water meanings by professional diviner Artemidorus Daldianus (Ephesius) from Ancient Greece (2nd century AD) In the dream drinking of cold water brings happiness. But warm water in the dream has opposite meaning. Drinking of warm water is unnatural and such dream indicates health problem or disease and trouble or difficulty in business. Medicine... (read more)
  • Driving into water - water means that your feelings are a bit too cold. Arabian (Islamic) – Drinking warm water – To drink a warm water in the dream, it is an indication that the dreamer will get in trouble and annoyance, these will be big as the heat of the water, because happiness is like cold water, when hot water is misfortune. – Washing with warm water – If someone washes with warm water, his distress will be lower. – Drinking wine mixed with hot water – If in the dream someone is prophesied to drink wine mixed with hot water means heavy... (read more)
  • Alcohol - an inevitable consequence. Desire to escape from responsibilities Frequent intoxication dreams generally point to the tendency to avoid or to escape from unpleasant situations – the harsh reality. Also the meaning of the dream depends on the type of alcohol: Drinking wine in the dream – The red wine signifies blood. Consumption of wine marks sociability, satisfaction, relaxation, pleasure, luxury and wealth life. Drinking beer – The beer represents youth and free of worries and troubles. Enjoyment of life and company. Harmony with yourself and the environment. Drinking champagne – The joyful period of your life. Luxury and richness is announced... (read more)
  • Coca-Cola - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fantasies if man drinking Coca-cola – The man drinks Coca-Cola from a bottle or dreams a bottle of Coca-cola then this means that he has an erotic fantasies; Relax if drink Coca-cola – You are sitting and drinking Coca-cola from a bottle then you will have an invitation to relax again and to enjoy free time.... (read more)
  • Thirst - Drink plenty of water because of thirst, then this dream announces wealth in near future. To give something to drink for a thirsty man, then you may expect for gratitude. To be thirsty and to see an empty bottle then this dream can warn of a disappointment in the partner relationship. Psychological Meanings: To satisfy your thirst in the dream, then this is a sign that you are capable of accomplish requirements properly. The thirst of the dreamer wasn’t satisfied then this shows that inner existential needs to be fulfilled. Spiritual Meanings: The thirst in the dream stands literally for the thirst for spiritual knowledge and for... (read more)
  • Falling - Association: The fear of failure, loss of power and control. Question: Where I want to end up in my life? Where I lost the control of my life? General Meanings: In general the dream about falling indicates insecurities, unstable life and fears of the dreamer. Falling dream interpretation by S.Freud According to S.Freud the dream about the falling represents decreased libido and sexual needs. The dreamer has much lower sexual needs than he had before. There are some factors that lowered the desire to get a pleasure or the dreamer avoids the actual sexual intercourse with someone, therefore while... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - the muezzin of a mosque…. (Hand bell) Ringing a hand held bell in a dream means propagating falsehood…. (Hand bell) Holding a hand bell in a dream also means associating with a useless person, or it could represent a liar…. (Hand bell) To have a diminutive hand; deliverance, disembarrassment…. (Hand, Hands) Ringing a hand bell in a marketplace in a dream means making a false oath…. (Hand bell) The right hand corresponds to the rational, conscious, logical and virile side…. (Hand) (See Hand mill)… (Hand grinder) The hand symbolizes our means of action…. (Hand) The left hand means irrational, illogical,... (read more)
  • Whisky - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if dreaming of whisky – In general it is not a good omen, this includes debt and difficulties, disappointments of all kinds; Destroyed wishes if see whisky in a dream – The dreamer will never reach his goal that he hoped for; Success if drinking whiskey or seeing someone else is drinking whisky – This is a good omen that  very soon you will reach your desired object or goals after many disappointments; Successful results if see bottles of whisky – It is a warning that you should be more cautious with money transactions.... (read more)
  • Warped - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No success if plastic bottle is warped – The dream where you see a plastic bottle was warped then this denotes that some of your thoughts and plans are strange and will not bring you success. Hindu (Hinduism) Be attentive if be warped- In the dream you are warped so this is a sign that you have to be attentive in your life because there are some false friends around you. Arabian (Islamic) News if warped thing – The dream announces that soon you will hear a message from a distance and you will be... (read more)
  • Beer - ...in your life and you are reaching them; Lack of trust if see an empty beer glass – Warns about your trust deficiency towards people who do not deserve it. You have to trust your friends and family members; Celebration if glass is full of beer – This dream signifies about an upcoming festivity; Worries if spill beer – You will meet anger, disappointment and unpleasantness in near future, but you will overcome them and will win again. Contexts’ Meanings: Drinking fresh, bright or light beer from a can or a bottle in the dream – This dream is a good omen.... (read more)
  • Grapes - General Meanings: Need of joy The dreamer perceives grape this points out that he has a need for celebration and ceremony. A dream of grapes shows that the dreamer needs fun and laugh because he is too strict and serious. Best way to change this is to bring creativity into life. Psychological Meanings: Need to give When grapes appear in dreams, then this maybe indicate a sacrifice. The dreamer has to give or to make something in order to achieve exactly what he is really looking for. Wine often symbolizes a sacrifice, because of so obvious similarity with blood. Spiritual... (read more)
  • Mug - will be poor if you neglect many opportunities and possibilities. Overflowing mug – This dream symbol can warn of intemperance, dissipation of forces, hasty, ill-considered actions.   European (Judeo-Christian) Health if drink from a mug – To dream of drinking from a mug then you may expect good time. Also this dream announces that your health will become better if you were sick; Illness if drink from a dirty mug – This is a sign of poor health because of your irresponsibility; Good time if drink wine from a mug – The wine in the mug will bring you wonderful future and prosperous time; Feast if mug... (read more)
  • Pour out - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No success if pour out water or other liquids – In the dream you pour out water or something else, then this dream indicates that all desires ans aims will melt and disappear. You are not ready to implement them; Worries if pour out wine – When in the dream you pour wine, then this means levity. You are very irresponsible person and do not pay attention to really important things. This will bring you lots of worries and problems. Arabian (Islamic) No luck if pour our a liquid from a container – This dream... (read more)
  • Tub - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Two meanings if take or see tube – In a dream you see a tube and it is filled with something then this announces good income, but if it is empty so the meaning is opposite. Arabian (Islamic) Wealth if tube of wine – In your dream you see a tube of wine then this is a good omen which announces high income; Moving forward if tube full of water – The tube full of water in the dream indicates that you will come slowly but surely forward.... (read more)
  • Rabbit - propose or someone is going propose to you; To feed the rabbit – marriage or success in business; When someone gives you a rabbit as a present it means love; Eating the rabbit shows unsuccessful period in life, sickness, mystery; Rabbit eating anything – poverty; When the rabbit is being caught up and the dreamer is holding it in his hands it symbolizes short illness, which will be defeated; Breeding the rabbits – fortune; When the dreamer sees many rabbits it shows his fear, there is something that he is afraid of; Bunny or rabbit that is seen in the dreams... (read more)
  • Tongue - lips are sprouted. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sexual symbol In general – The tongue is a symbol of sexuality and sexual organ (in direct and transferred sense) and the meaning has no doubt; Defamation If Seeing – You must watch out before someone jealousy which wants to slander you; Ridiculousness If Holding out – Someone holds out one’s tongue, the situation in which you are now is quite awkward and makes yourself ridiculous; Disgrace If Seeing someone’s – To see tongue of someone else announces that you will be disparaged in a scandal, and you must now guard your tongue; Disapproving... (read more)