Pooping in public dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of pooping in public may connote satisfaction, fellow-feeling and peace.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's analysis this dream about pooping in public means uncontrolled quality, womanhood sexual desire, genius and competency.
Affirmative reworkings are afoot in life only: pooping in public - This dream sign naturally hints the condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status. You are an innovator. In spite of that, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream might body forth backwards value: an unspecified person may be lying or precarious in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 12, 59, 81, 4, 7; 2 extra numbers - 48, 63.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and blue .
  • Auction - General Meanings: Desire to have something In the dream to be in an auction, so the dream can be related with personal ambition of owning something. The main question is, what exactly you have bid on – perhaps for a career position. It also depends how much did you offer more or less and was it actually worth. If so, you should probably think about your ambition and abilities. Psychological Meanings: It stands for positive participation in public and the willingness and the ability to use positive sense or to dissipate the negative emotions. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning... (read more)
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  • Altar - altar symbols are considered as indication for a higher spiritual development on a (positive) change of attitude. Psychological Meanings: Inner growth and Respect for life – At the psychological level, the altar is a symbol of the voluntary or enforced sacrifice of the dreamer. The act of sacrifice or sanctification must take place in public, so that will be properly recognized. The dream symbol of the altar is not related to the religion of the dreamer. It represents rather an inner maturity, developing a sense of responsibility, or the reverence for life. Spiritual Meanings: Thanksgiving for divine. Traditional Meanings: European... (read more)
  • Civil servant - significance, which indicates the discomfort while dealing with public officials. In particular, this may be a sign that you may have financial loss, problems and great difficulties in the near future. Psychological Meanings: In the childhood, everyone learns to obey the authorities. The dreamer had a strict parents, who often put excessive demands on him, then this may return in a dream as an official. Spiritual Meanings: The desire for a spiritual authority. The dreamer may want a senior management, who tells him what to do and helps him in his spiritual development. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Troubles if see... (read more)