Seeing my dead father in pain dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about seeing my dead father in pain may signal rest, worship and affection (love).
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung understanding of the dream about seeing my dead father in pain represents unallied humor, womanliness sexual urge, taste and ascendency.
Constructive transfigurations are going on in your life only: seeing my dead father in pain - This dream sign betokens advantage and being one step ahead of other. Variously, if the dream was more like nightmare then this dream may convey backwards significance: a person of great significance could be delusive or menacing in relation to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 55, 19, 15, 30, 85; 2 extra numbers - 29, 36.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and blue .
  • Room - hard if you want to reach them; Celebration if lit or switch on the light in room – In the dream you switch on the light in the dream, this dream will bring you big festivities in your family; Changes if paint or apply wallpaper in the room – You are dreaming that you are painting  the room’s wall, this dream signifies that you will experience changes in near future; Good life if seeing many rooms in a dream – Many rooms in the dream will bring you wealth and long life. Contexts’ Meanings: To dream being in the room... (read more)
  • Onions - General Meanings: Wholeness In the dream and in meditation the onion can occur as a symbol of wholeness, this holistic approach consists of many layers. Onion promises new courage, hope and good health. Personality features The dreamer peels an onion in his dream, then this dream suggest to unveil valuable personality features of himself or other people. This is an indication with all the effort to understand various features of their own personality. Unpleasant experience  In the dream the onions is cut or consumed (often with tears), then this dream announces a painful experience, falseness and deceit that will come very soon.... (read more)
  • Kiss / Kissing - were kissing the old person or received the kiss from him, shows the frustration you will suffer. Alternatively, the dream might show the respect towards the old person; Happiness if kissing the face – the dream in which the whole face was kissed, brings happiness in all aspects of your life; Melancholy if do not like the kiss – to dream that you do not want to kiss the person you love, shows the anger towards that person or sadness you are suffering; Many descendants if kissing the dead person – the dream in which you’ve kissed the person that... (read more)
  • Hair - pink or any of red shades, it symbolizes popularity and high temperament; Wellness if black color – In the dream to see dark tones of hair color, like black or dark brown hair, means healthiness; Grief if gray (grey) color – If you dreamed of gray, dark silver or ash hair, shows pain and sorrow; Fortune and knowledge if white color – Dreaming of white or bright silver colored hair signifies wisdom, goodness and happiness. Hair meaning in dreams by length: If you dreamed of short hair, then it might indicate repressed sexual desires; If you dreamed of long hair,... (read more)
  • Gravestone / Sepulcher - will loose your close friend or a relative; Welfare and happy family if seeing a gravestone – You are seeing a gravestone in your dream, this signifies happy and blessing marriage and prosperity; Illness if see crumbling or broken gravestone – This dream is a bad sign that you will have disease and some difficulties in your family; Meeting lover if admire the gravestone with other – You are dreaming that you are standing and admiring the gravestones with other people, the dream shows that you soon will meet the right partner and will be very happy about that; Getting... (read more)
  • Bridegroom - Association: Male activity and energy. Question: For what I am prepared to bind myself? Which bond I’m willing to take? General Meanings: To dream of a bridegroom usually indicates a desire to be married or to find a partner. The dream about a groom is the manifest of the need to care and to be responsible for another person. This dream’s symbol represents a link with the romantic side of the dreamer. Psychological Meanings: Significance of dream about bridegroom plays a big role at the psychological level. Such dream shows for the dreamer the importance to connect to the male instinct.... (read more)
  • Picture - nobody wants to help; News if seeing children, women or acquaintances – This dream brings you very interesting news; Liberation if dreaming deceased parents or friends pictures – This is a signal that you will liberate from an oppressive situation, assistance and support; Insecure if see people with pain in their faces in the picture – Dreaming suffering people in the picture, means that you feel insecure and nervous; High respect if see lots of pictures in the dream – This dream announces honor for you; Losses if paint yourself in the picture – You will participate in matters which... (read more)
  • Wound - your own or others aggression. Graze: abrasions are common injuries in dreams, that are generated as a certain superficiality. Spiritual Meanings: Lesson which you need to learn A wound represents a unpleasant experience in the life of the dreamer. He has to understand and try to learn something from this experience. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Stimulus Wound in general: a little pushing to change or clarify; Pain and Disadvantages  If Been wounded – This means pain and an unfavorable turnaround of business; Unfairness If Seeing others wounded – This is a sign about an injustice inflicted by friends; Harm If... (read more)
  • Parent - parents – To see dying parents in the dream then this announces about your own long life, also this dream denotes that you have to get rid of their strong influence. Dead parents – The dream of dead parents are understood as a luck symbol, sometimes for the purposes of prosperity. Psychological Meanings: Need of advise and support Mother and father, which cared for a happy youth often appear in the dream, when a dreamer longs to come back or for that sense of security that he felt at home: live in happy and fortunate circumstances. The unconscious takes them as an example, when... (read more)
  • Resurrection - or a goal, or the renewal of a romantic, platonic or professional relationship. Spiritual Meanings: Willingness – A resurrection symbolizes the desire for something higher and intellectual growth. Now mostly all development steps have been concluded successfully. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Protection If resurrection of the dead – The dream announces that you will be saved from misery and misfortune by your friends, an inner transformation begins in near future; New start If see a dead rising – Something very oppressive will be taken from you; as a religious experience process, this can indicate a new start and a turn to the... (read more)
  • Vampire - Association: Fear to be pulled of energy. Question: What haunts me? Where in my life do I fail to access with my own forces? General Meanings: Tired because of too big demands When big demands are placed to the dreamer, then vampire can appear in the dream who “sucks out” him. Evil or Bad person around The blood-sucking vampire is such a frightening creature that he is commonly regarded as an embodiment of the evil. Ancient Indian dream books understand him as a warning before own gentleness which is used from other. Psychological Meanings: Dark and Threatening thoughts Vampires... (read more)
  • Ant - Association: Social organization, order, industriousness. Question: How do I have to work with others to achieve my goals? General Meanings: Ants are to be assessed differently, though you should specifically consider the following circumstances: Luck – In the dream you see ants, this promises success and happiness, but only if you look exactly like the proverbial striving hard-working insects. Good sign and Ready to implement plans – Ants on your body are also considered as favorable omen, perhaps the conscious wants to point us here and now to the fact, that we have to reflect on our own hard... (read more)
  • Lizard - Association: – Cold blood; Reptile; A positive omen, a messenger; Regenerative power. Question: – Where in my life am I ready to show more warmth? General Meanings: Worries and Hardship – Lizard often goes for envious people, of whom you must be aware. Also misunderstandings, disappointments and disagreements can be expressed in it, according to the different or personal circumstances. This reptile is like a small dragon. Psychological Meanings: Subconscious and Fear – As a dream symbol it is considered as harmless, but rather, it represents the dreamer’s subconscious and hunches. Dragon lizard threat is in recklessness and lack of... (read more)
  • Dwarf - Association: The power from the small one, Unconscious forces, Magic. Question: Where do I perform work changes? General Meanings: Painful experiences Any type of deformity refers to a part of one’s personality, which has not yet been integrated or developed. In the dream a dwarf represents the part of the dreamer which was damaged by a painful infancy or childhood trauma or too little of emotional care or attention. Learn to use your energy Dwarf generally symbolizes unconscious energy and forces which affect the life imperceptibly, you must recognize them more clearly and more exactly so that they can be... (read more)
  • Eye pain - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Disease if have eye pain – When you have an eye pain in your dream then this means illness in the family.... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - lead you into good financial position. Or maybe you are in such connection right now and that is going right now in same direction. Dead dogs For correct interpretation you need to know what this dog was before his death. Was it good or bad? Was it yours or someone else? Why and how dog died? Psychological meaning foretells: Dead means spiritual rebirth or regeneration – Dreaming of a dead dog suggests that in some corners of the soul is something dead, which we should bring back to life.   Other conditions in dreams about dog: (will be updated later)  ... (read more)
  • Grave - Recompense if see freshly dug grave – The dream denotes that you have to repent for the mistakes that you have done and try to ransom them; Losses if seeing empty grave – Means disappointment and loss of friends; if return to bury the corpse which is missing – The problems and worries will come from unknown sources; Better life if lying in the grave – In the dream you are lying in the grave, this announces you glad events, which will change your life into better; Changes in your life if be buried – You are dreaming that you... (read more)
  • Fire (Christianity) - The Biblical meanings of fire dreams for Christians in European culture Fire is one of the most important symbols: depending on the situation it is destructive or inspiring, warming and stimulating; Get rid of past If seeing fire – Fire often alerts you about liquidation of past things; Regeneration If house on fire – If house on fire – House on fires must be always observed as a person, to rebuild the personality. Your inner world is burning down and you must recover it; Merry Family If Seeing fire – Fire may be symbol of home life and the... (read more)
  • Magician - bring you happiness; Happy life if seeing magic tricks – The dream about magician signifies that a mystery will be solved in your life. The prosperity and happiness in your family; Escaping from bad situation if showing magic tricks and others can see this – In the dream you show magic tricks as a magician, means that you will soon come to an unpleasant situation from which you can free yourself only with your own strength. Hindu (Hinduism) No worries if seeing a magician – This dream shows that you will avoid unpleasant situation by tricks; Show your talents if... (read more)
  • Plums - General Meanings: Joy and worries When in a a dream plums appear, this announces wealth, welfare and happiness, but only then, when it is the season of them. Otherwise, when plums appear out of season, this symbol signifies anxiety, sorrow, pain or worries. Psychological Meanings: In Japan, China and in the Far East the plum-tree is considered as a tree of the knowledge or realization and as a tree of life. The plum symbol in the dream symbolizes youth, vitality, innocence. Also the attitude to yourself, your attitude to your body. Maybe you are feeling being “plump”. Joy and envy... (read more)
  • Fire - one. Also, it shows positive sacred aspirations and an ability to reach spiritual enlightenment. If you touched or poked the fire, it symbolizes that you have encountered divine knowledge. It means that cheerful times are nearby. But if you had feeling of pain, then it symbolizes difficulty in search for better understanding of how things work in spiritual life. To jump over a fire means to fly over all of the difficulties. Also, it omens that you might have new birth or self-renewal in waking life. Additionally, it symbolizes your imaginary vision being supported by solid logic. Jumping over fire... (read more)
  • Clown - of the fear to be punished with withdrawal of love. For men clown in the dreams have another meaning: the fear to make himself ridiculous – or the wish to be popular in spite of some weakness and dubious behavior. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worst feelings if seeing a clown in a dream – The dream shows uncertainty, fear of mockery and feeling of inferiority. Also this dream shows that you will participate in frivolous relations; Lack of understanding and Different experience if you are a clown – You will find out that your friends do not understand you, means that other... (read more)
  • Blood - Association: Essence, vital energy, life-threatening. Question: Where in my life do I let my vitality? General Meanings: Since ancient times, blood is a symbol of life and life energy. Blood in general represents vitality, physical strength and awareness that enable an active life, sometimes even sex. In addition this symbolizes interpersonal relationships, fears and inhibitions. There are many different interpretations that can be derived only from the circumstances in the dream and the real life situation, for example: The dream of a violent situation which flows in the blood, then this shows that it carries destructive forces. If the dreamer... (read more)
  • Adam (the first man) - General Meanings: Postponement for a short period of time and then success It is considered as a good omen if you dream of meeting one of our first parents, Adam and Eve. If you talk with them or they talk with you, then this indicates some delays in the realization of your dreams, so be patient. In the dream you see Eve and Adam together, then this is a lucky dream. Psychological Meanings: Relationship with dreamer’s father The first man Adam, as the progenitor of mankind, often occurs as a symbol of physicality and sensuality, which is not channeled... (read more)
  • Horse - Association: The horse associates with fast, usually elegant, feelings of developed consciousness, sometimes unexpressed sexuality. Question: How do I find my own power? What kind of natural forces I suppress or express? General Meanings: Horse is one of the most ambiguous dream symbols. Mostly the horse symbol embodies instincts, impulses, passions, desires, sensuality, awareness of the body and sexuality. The horse or the mare also represents femininity, gentleness and harmony. Different conditions in the dreams have individual interpretations. These meanings can arise from the following circumstances: Free-running horse means freedom – usually if the horse is running, the dream... (read more)
  • Wild boar - in front of you a wild boar in your dream – This dream marks that you are very aggressive and unpredictable person. This disturbs you to reach your goals. The positive meaning of boar symbol, shows that you are brave person. You are not afraid to stand in front of the worries. Kill or seeing dead wild boar in the dream – In the dream you kill or see dead wild boar, this shows that you will get rid of all your worries. You will defeat all your enemies who wanted to make damage to you. * Please, read dream... (read more)
  • Burial (interment) - General Meanings: The mourning time The dream of a burial is an indication that the dreamer has come with feelings about death. It is not necessarily about your own death, it may be of another man. The dream may be a sign for the fact that there is a need to mourn because of an event or a person in the past. This time of mourning will give you an ability to forge plans for the future and to bury the pain and the past. Wish to forget sad things The dream of a burial or an interment can... (read more)
  • Animals - Association: Nature; the ability to tame yourself; freedom. Question: Which part of me wishes to be set free? What kind of features of the animals I can relate to myself? General Meanings: In General all of the animals are leaded by instincts. The desire to get what they want brings descendants and helps to improve the quality of life in all means – sexual, playfulness and other. The animals just like human-beings have an ability to warn others about the danger that is lurking for them. In dreams animals represents those aspects of the dreamer’s personality that are related... (read more)
  • Swan - succeed; Will find the right man if feeding the swans – for women to see themselves feeding the swans, indicates someone in their life that will lead through both easy and hard days; Disagreements if see the black swan – the color of the swan supposed to be white, therefore if the dreamer saw the swan that is black, shows difficulties and dissension he will suffer; Abomination if see the swan that is dead – to dream of the swan that is dead, signifies your frustration towards particular person or situation; Death of someone if the swan is screaming –... (read more)
  • Water - in prices or gains of war. Water helps for everything to come to life. Water in dreams represents a semen, a birth, a life. Water can symbolize a marriage, a fertility and a delivery of one or more children. Water can be lifegiver and sustainer or it can be a deadly foe and lifetaker. Water is the same in dreams as it is on the earth. On one side, water is symbol of purity, peace and justice, but on the other – symbol of worries, pain, sorrow or destruction and death. Association: Live-giving and vitalizing; Releasing and cleaning; Flexibility and... (read more)
  • Prison - better life, for which you have been waited for a long time. The prison shows that you have to lock your past life and start the new one. You should be sure, that you will be happier in this new phase of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Danger If Seeing  a prison – In the dream you see a prison, this dream means that there are some possibilities of danger, from which you can easy run away, but you have to be very smart and attentive to notice the danger; Offer If Seeing someone else – To see someone in... (read more)