ATTENTION: If you notice numbers in a dream, so you should try to play in a lottery. These numbers should bring a good luck.
Those who want to save time and see symbolism immediately, should use shortcuts and jump directly to numbers: Zero 0, One 1, Two 2, Three 3, Four 4, 5, Six 6, Seven 7, Eight 8, Nine 9, Ten 10, Eleven 11, Twelve 12, Thirteen 13. For better understanding of dream about exact number, one also should look in dedicated page for detailed number’s interpretation, which is listed here under numbers theme in this dictionary.
General Meanings:
If the subject of the dream is pointed to numbers, then they have either a personalized meaning or symbolical content for the dreamer. For example, if you tried in vain to remember numbers in the waking state, then they can occur easily in a dream. These numbers can show an important date – birthday, phone number or address.
Unconsciously the dreamer often keeps the meaning of a number in memory, even if it is not consciously accessible to him any more. The number may be related to a date of an actual event in the relationship and then such dream doesn’t require special interpretation.
Sometimes we dream of something that we wish for – like numbers with which we can play and win a lottery. Sometimes, but not always, we’re dreaming lucky numbers, which later actually are inevitable and inexplicable in a lottery. However, we should not rely on such dreams.
Each number has unique significance and own importance in the dreamer’s life. Especially numbers from 1 to 13, which are interpreted more precisely:
0 Number Zero symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 0 in a dream: Zero stands for emptiness and Nirvana, for the chaotic beginning and nothingness, where everything disappears. Specifically, it can indicate desire for self-knowledge, inner peace, meditation and higher insights,realizations. Sometimes they also indicated as a circle or letter O (see meanings of dreams under those keywords);
- Spiritual Meaning of Zero: The feminine, the unconscious, the absolute or completely hidden;
- Practical Significance of Zero: contains potential for everything.
1 Number One symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 1 in a dream: One symbolizes the indivisible who rises in all other without changing, and the foundation upon which the life is founded. We understand that often in the sense of individuality, intellectual independence or desire, with yourself or with all beings to become one.
- Spiritual Meaning of One: Man himself, the beginning, the first unit.
- Characteristics of One: independence, self-respect, resolution, determination, intolerance, conceit, bigotry, humiliation, stupidity.
- Practical Significance of One: the dreamer will study an ability, which he needs for his fully work;
- Read more about 1.
2 Number Two symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 2 in dream: Two shares in opposites like good and evil, light and dark, inside and outside, brings contradictions in own personality, and calls on learning to live with it and constantly to seek compensation;
- Spiritual Meaning of Two: Duality, indecision, balance, male and female, two sides of the debate.
- Characteristics of Two: serenity, sincerity, selflessness, social life, harmony. indecisiveness, indifference, irresponsibility, being stubborn.
- Practical Significance of Two: business or personal relationships must be treated with caution;
- Read more about 2.
3 Number Three symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 3 in dream: Three means something new, which is formed by the union of two elements, often relates to the conflicting or contrasting characteristics obligations and inclinations. The wish for a child is also sometimes expressed in it. Generally is the number for creativity or for the entire life of the soul with ego, superego and I;
- Spiritual Meaning of Three: The Triangle, freedom;
- Characteristics of Three: freedom, courage, fun, enthusiasm and grandeur, apathy, overconfidence, impatience, carelessness.
- Practical Significance of Three: the idea of the dreamer concerning stability and success in relationship will be realized;
- Read more about 3.
4 Number Four symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 4 in dream: Four embodies inner balance, strength, stability and resistance, sensuality and love of nature.
- Spiritual Meaning of Four: The square, strength, stability, practicality, the earth, reality, the four sides of the human (sense perception, feeling, thinking, intuition), earth, air, fire and water;
- Characteristics of Four: loyalty, tenacity, practicality, honesty, clumsiness, slowness, conservatism, lack of adaptability;
- Practical Significance of Four: if dreamer wants, he can create a secure and protected home;
- Read more about 4.
5 Number Five symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 5 in dream: Five often symbolizes the body (head, arms and legs) their needs, then requests to better body consciousness. Traditionally, they indicated as the union of the four basic elements of medieval alchemy to new forms, as the abundance of individual life opportunities;
- Spiritual Meaning of Five: The human body, human body consciousness, the five senses;
- Characteristics of Five: adventure, animation, courage, health, susceptibility, sympathy, recklessness, irresponsibility and fickleness, unreliability, lightheartedness;
- Practical Significance of Five: dreamer is about to make an important discovery, which provides his live for changes.
6 Number Six symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 6 in dream: Six symbolizes harmony and symmetry, which often refers to the unity of body, mind and soul that you should reconcile. Sometimes six in dream also warns against disease.
- Spiritual Meaning of Six: Harmony and balance;
- Characteristics of Six: idealism, selflessness, honesty, charity, loyalty, responsibility, superiority, good nature, impractical disposition submission;
- Practical Significance of Six: dreamer is open to enter into a new love relationship.
7 Number Seven symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 7 in dream: Seven may indicate the influence of cosmic energies and rhythmic oscillation (biorhythms), that the dreamer should live in harmony. It may also stand for the physical and psycho-spiritual development that is divided in seven-year steps (childhood, schooling, etc.);
- Spiritual Meaning of Seven: Life cycle, magic, spirituality, wholeness of man;
- Characteristics of Seven: wisdom, discernment, philosophical inclination, inner strength, depth, thoughtfulness, unnatural, excessive criticism, lack of action, anti-social behavior;
- Practical Significance of Seven: with personal commitment, the dreamer is able to solve problems.
8 Number Eight symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 8 in dream: Eight contains an up and down movement, it is therefore interpreted as a symbol of destruction and death, which followed with the rise and rebirth. Specifically, in concrete terms, this often indicates that one finds out from distress and worry or may be not careless in luck;
- Spiritual Meaning of Eight: Death and resurrection, infinity;
- Characteristics of Eight: Practical assessment, power, capacity, decision, control, durability, lack of imagination, dullness, self-sufficiency, dominance;
- Practical Significance of Eight: life of the dreamer has the potential for a wonderful opportunity;
- Read more about 8.
9 Number Nine symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance:
- General Meaning of Number 9 in dream: Nine at the end of digit numbers, so symbolizes the end of a development that follows a new phase at a higher level;
- Spiritual Meaning of Nine: Pregnancy, the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new spiritual awareness;
- Characteristics of Nine: intelligence, discretion, skill, understanding, greatness, morality, genius, dreaminess, lethargy, poor concentration, lack of purpose;
- Practical Significance of Nine: dreamer must be careful.
10 Number Ten symbolism – general and spiritual meanings:
- General Meaning of Number 10 in dream: Ten arises as a combination of zero (0), which comprises the initial chaos, and one (1), which represents the beginning that develops out of chaos. It is therefore justified in the further development of the new plans and goals on the previous experience.
- Spiritual Meaning of Ten: A new beginning, the male and female together;
- Read more about 10.
11 Number Eleven symbolism – general and spiritual meanings:
- General Meaning of Number 11 in dream: Eleven can be interpreted as an evolution to a higher level. Sometimes it admonished as last hour, so that it is right time for action.
- Spiritual Meaning of Elf: The eleventh hour, the master number;
- Read more about 11.
12 Number Twelve symbolism – general and spiritual meanings:
- General Meaning of Number 12 in dream: Twelve plays in the mythology since ancient times an important role, for example, the twelve signs of the zodiac in astrology, they are indicated as the sum of the experiences or opportunities that you have to use for further development. It may also embody ideals, wisdom, reason, hope, love and things which make only the great diversity of life.
- Spiritual Meaning of Twelve: Time, a closed cycle, a holistic approach;
- Read more about 12.
13 Number Thirteen symbolism – general meaning:
- General Meaning of Number 13 in dream: Thirteen is interpreted as the totality of the life and personality. But we often see it as a symbol of evil, less fortunate number;
- Read more about 13.
Psychological Meanings:
The symbolism of numbers is an issue that concerns people since ancient times. The beginning of symbolical explanation of numbers goes back to Pythagoras. Numbers are as symbolical figures in all religions and their meanings are based on religious significance.
The wide field of numbers is still not fully understood. However, physical and mental importance of numbers has been observed and surprising links have been founded between these aspects.
If figures in a dream was expressed clearly, then there is a special message in them. The dream about number can be deciphered on the base of the separate number and its importance in a dream.
The most common numbers are presented here. Explanations of psychological meanings is divided in two categories.
Practical significance of numbers, which have importance to everyday life:
- - One: the dreamer will study an ability, which he needs for his fully work.
- - Two: business or personal relationships must be treated with caution.
- - Three: the idea of the dreamer concerning stability and success in relationship will be realized.
- - Four: if dreamer wants, he can create a secure and protected home.
- - Five: dreamer is about to make an important discovery, which provides his live for changes.
- - Six: dreamer is open to enter into a new love relationship.
- - Seven: with personal commitment, the dreamer is able to solve problems.
- - Eight: life of the dreamer has the potential for a wonderful opportunity.
- - Nine: dreamer must be careful.
- - Zero: contains potential for everything.
Characteristics of numbers:
- - One: independence, self-respect, resolution, determination, intolerance, conceit, bigotry, humiliation, stupidity.
- - Two: serenity, sincerity, selflessness, social life, harmony. indecisiveness, indifference, irresponsibility, being stubborn.
- - Three: freedom, courage, fun, enthusiasm and grandeur, apathy, overconfidence, impatience, carelessness.
- - Four: loyalty, tenacity, practicality, honesty, clumsiness, slowness, conservatism, lack of adaptability.
- - Five: adventure, animation, courage, health, susceptibility, sympathy, recklessness, irresponsibility and fickleness, unreliability, lightheartedness.
- - Six: idealism, selflessness, honesty, charity, loyalty, responsibility, superiority, good nature, impractical disposition submission.
- - Seven: wisdom, discernment, philosophical inclination, inner strength, depth, thoughtfulness, unnatural, excessive criticism, lack of action, anti-social behavior.
- - Eight: Practical assessment, power, capacity, decision, control, durability. lack of imagination, dullness, self-sufficiency, dominance.
- - Nine: intelligence, discretion, skill, understanding, greatness, morality, genius, dreaminess, lethargy, poor concentration, lack of purpose.
Spiritual Meanings:
On the spiritual level, brings the dreamer to development progress in a position where he can use the vibrations of the numbers at the best. It has been assumed all along that we can exert influence on the environment of the dreamer by combining numbers in a certain way.
Spiritual meanings by numbers:
- - Zero: The feminine, the unconscious, the absolute or completely hidden.
- - One: Man himself, the beginning, the first unit.
- - Two: Duality, indecision, balance, male and female, two sides of the debate.
- - Three: The Triangle, freedom.
- - Four: The square, strength, stability, practicality, the earth, reality, the four sides of the human (sense perception, feeling, thinking, intuition), earth, air, fire and water.
- - Five: The human body, human body consciousness, the five senses.
- - Six: Harmony and balance.
- - Seven: Life cycle, magic, spirituality, wholeness of man.
- - Eight: Death and resurrection, infinity.
- - Nine: Pregnancy, the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new spiritual awareness.
- - Ten: A new beginning, the male and female together.
- - Elf: The eleventh hour, the master number.
- - Twelve: Time, a closed cycle, a holistic approach.
Traditional Meanings:
Arabian (Islamic)
- - To see number in a dream: you will have much to do with your income; Also: announces profit and success;
- - To see endless rows of numbers: points to financial loss;
- - To write numbers in dream: your bills will not rise; Also: you will have large earnings this week;
- - To sum or add up numbers: a lucky win is in sight.
European (Judeo-Christian)
- - To dream numbers and to remember them; it denotes chances to win in the lottery; Also stands for unfinished business, which cause dissatisfaction and headache;
- - To see one digit: indicates company;
- - Two digits to see in a dream: anger;
- - Three digits: good business;
- - If four digits: division;
- - Five or more digits: disappointment;
- - Multi-digit numbers: means big mental problems and errors; In an important business you might emerge as a loser;
- - To wipe out or clean up numbers from a blackboard in a dream: indicates losses due to carelessness.
Hindu (Hinduism)
- - To see: you will be transported in your profession;
- - To write numbers: do not loose your hope.
* Please see detail interpretation of every number and also see age interpretation in a dream.
I dreamed that someone game me this phone number
(619) 628-1933
i was getting a dream in which i got 10649543 what is the meaning
I saw in dream tonight me and my two friend are bathing on the river.
Hi, in my dream I dreamt of the decimal number 1.58, what could be the significance of this?
I saw in dream met in accident.. what is the meaning in number.
hi…I keep seeing clock,numbers and random timings in my dreams.mostly timings I see are of 0 decimals,like 12.30,12.00,5.40,8.40 n so on…please can you spare a few minutes to reply n tell me the me aning of this…I got scared when this clock was replaced in my dream which was already working good.please reply.
In my dream I saw 94 and 4l numbers in teer game. what does it mean
i dreamt of 11,000 ,6,300 and 7000.. what do they mean?
I dreamed about my little pony (i know, so mature) and twilight shot off her brothers foot and then i looked at the shows age-rating and it said TV 83, this isn’t in any of the phone numbers that i know of and none of my relatives had died at that age etc.
I had a dream about the numbers 772, 660 what do that mean I told my husband that looks like the number that girl be calling you from and he said no that’s not the number its 660 what do that means
Last night I had a dream and I dreamt that the date was 31st March. {meaning tomorrow} In the dream me and all my friends were really happy that it was the 31st and we had a party in my old French classroom. What does this mean?
I dreamed about the number 32, and when I was researching your site there were”32″ responses to numbers..I get it
what does it mean
On my dream I saw number 16 written in bold with green colour what does that mean
On my dream I saw number 16 written in bold in green colour
At first my dream started off with people were after me, ungodly people. I was trying to get away from them in some kind of car. Then all of a sudden am in a stand with a whole lot of people with me. I think we were all Christians(am a Christians) It was like we were sitting waiting for something to happen in the sky. While watching the sky the number9 showed up as if someone literally wrote it. Then the heavens opened and out comes this person coming down so gracefully with a rod or something in his hands. but the person that am referring to is Christ. No one would say anything, so I was the first one to say something. I shouted GLORY to the top of my lungs and then everyone else joined with me to manify His name. I asked someone next to me what did the number 9 meant and he said it meant Jesus so close in coming back and that it meant judgement. so when I woke I got up and looked the number 9 up and I saw were it says that the number 9 meant the end, judgment, being on alert, coming, coming to you, enduring, follow me, get up, stand up, watching, persevere, serving, persecuted, come down. . .So this was really conformation for me.
i dream i get 31 blankets what does that mean
I found out that the day after I had this dream my mums partners work mate had a truck accident and rolled the truck 12 times.
im still waiting for my reply
I dreamt of buying rose plants 7 of them pink and white When I can to pay I was told the cost was 107.00 I felt that was to much to so I asked for them to be repriced New price was 7.15
To all number dreamers out there you are the luckiest people in the world, i am also one of them ,when i got them i play the game of numbers i.e lotto and i have won up to four numbers. The hardest part is to interpret or decode a dream into money numbers. Check game results over your dreams. I play 3 draws with same numbers before i drop them. Everytime i just say thank you to whatever force that makes me dream them. My recent dream i went to a shop and found people waiting outside and they said shop is opening at 8, when it opened i went inside i bought 5 loaves inside one of the sliced loaf i found a chicken piece inside ,i failed to remember rest details of this dream, i played 8, 5, 23 and won three numbers.before i played i counted numbers of slices from one loaf in my area and there were 23. It takes time to understand dreams whether they are for lotto or something
Dream with dead husband, he is in his work office, there is no direct commuiction with him, but during dream and after a warm feeling of friendship, and I am looking for some info and this I see 1:30. I have a relationshio with a man, who is emotionally very similar with my dead husband, whom I married after 10 years, and with the present boy friend it will be also 10 years> Dream left with good warm feelings about my dead husband.
I dreamt I was traveling as a passenger in the back of a car, my mums partner driving. He started driving like a maniac. Ripped up the hand break & the car spun around at full speed exactly 12 times.
It’s 12.12.12 tomorrow.
I dream somebody telling me the number 1023
I should add that the numbers comes in 3 sets of 4…and I tend to dream them up Sunday mornings before I wake up for work..
My dreams of numbers comes in four ie 1234, it doesn’t stop there though these numbers flashes thru whether I’m up or sleep.
this is very complex and this type is certainly new to me, any suggestions?
I deam about me taking a test and i pass it with 720.should i play the lottery or leave it
I never play lottery before but wat can i do now..plz help me
I have regular dreams and all it is a big ball of numbers randomly changing and growing until the dream gets to much and I walk in a dream like state through the house till it stops. Wierd……..
Hi i dreamed aboyt my friends date of birth which is 82 and couple of days later i saw her as 83 and then 84 what does that mean
I had a dream that I gained weight. And I weighed 175 lbs!! 35 lbs more than I have ever weighed! What does the number 175 mean?
Thanks in advance, Karen
Dreamed of 5 digit number 55558 a few weeks ago. A week ago while sitting on my porch had a tiny hummingbird approach me face to face then flew away quickly. When i researched the meaning , the website i ended up on mysteriously had the 55558 attached to its IP address
I dreamt 2, 17, 53, 54, 55, came out of a lottery machine. What does this mean?
i have seen numbers on a wall 11,12,31,41,51 what is the meaning of this dream?
I had a dream that there were people with dogs after me in my high school and i kept beging in my head for them to stay away from locker 86. what does it mean
I dreamt my pin No is 11 and 1 also two equal rows of houses like No 11 what is it meaning
randomly, while im in the middle of my dreams, my dreams shifted to 3 flashing numbers that were rambled together. it was 361. what does it mean?
Heya i am for the first time here. I found this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and aid others such as you aided me.
My husband had a dream last nite about our son who passed almost 2 months ago…in the dream, JJ (our son) told him to say his (my husbands) name 13 times and to write my name *Ma* once…Van didnt know that J called me Ma one did….and J mentioned 1st Corinthians 13..*..which is a scripture about Love, and my J wrote it out to me last Mothers day but replaced the word Love, with Mom…*…this is too weird…anyone?
i had a dream about prices for panties. Before that I had a dream with 6 number, i have been playing lotto with these numbers, but i have not won. Can I continue playing or I am just wasting my time
the dream had this number 1212
I dreamt the whole sky was filled with different numbers.have no idea what it means
Mine was 6200000 in the sky.
I dreamt I won a raffle. It was a light brown ticket, number 217……
It’s completely baffled me as to what it means??
i dream of 6001155. its a phone number given to me in my dream . what does it mean
It may be a lotto numbers
Try your luck with these numbers.
Hi i dream that my late husband come and told me behind the picture there is a num 16 and 20 i must always give it to my son what does it mean