free online dreams' dictionary is a source for dreams' interpretations by general, psychological, spiritual aspects and with dreams' meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism
In my dream I was dead and come back to life again. On the same instance when I regain Life I saw my dead body lying a few steps away from me that I noticed how my body was like when I was dead.
My dad passed away with 2003, and my mother passed in December of 2017. Last night I had a dream where they had both come back to life. In my dream I was afraid to tell my son that they were back, since I was not sure how long they were going to be back.
I just want to know the meaning of my boyfriends dream. Its a car accident he was the driver and were having good time inside the car by drinking light beers then accident happened, i was dying no breath at all then he rushed me to hospital and begging to the doctor to make me come back to life and after a while the doctor told him, your girlfriend is okay now shes alive and then he is so happy but he found himself so lost no shoes and walking on the hospital floor cried a lot. Whats the meaning?
In my dream it look like I was on work and someone came in and said some guy has died at the back. Upon bringing the body to the front it was a girl I had work with. Then she gradually open her eyes. She asked what she was doing here. I said Trina what happen she was angry and grab the closest person to her and started to beat the person. I calm her
down and ask her what happened and to give me a phone number which she did. The dream ended there.
What’s the meaning?
I’m worried!!!
Hello, I lost my mother in law 8 days ago. Last night I had this dream and I don’t know how to interpret it.
She appeared in a room I’m not familiar with full of people I don’t know. She looked really healthy and about 10 years younger. I was shocked to see her. She said I’m mad at my kids. She informed me that she faked her death, after my initial shock we were laughing. Then she was very busy collaborating with the strangers in the room and I woke up. For about 5 minutes I though it was real. Very strange dream. Please help
*please help*
I’ve had the same dream twice and it’s starting to make me worried.
It’s always about the same, me and my boyfriend are at home alone. Were sitting in a office at our house (the house in my dream looks nothing like my real house, but it feels like home). One robber looks threw the house and the second one comes in and looks at me and shoots my boyfriend and then he points the gun to me and tries to shoot me, and when he pulls the trigger he runs out of bullets. Miraculously I somehow have a gun try to shoot him and I have no bullets and him and the other guy run away. I run and try to load the gun and I can’t figure out how to do it so the gun talks to me tying to help me. When I look over at my bf he’s fine laying on the couch. And another thing is that in the dream I remember having it the first time.
In my dream, it was raining & My boyfriend died then I crying putting my head on his chest, suddenly when I touched his neck ,he came back to life and then we lived happily ever after….but I’m really scared to see that tragic incident in my dream. Please tell what shall I interpret from this.
So last night I had this dream, where I woke up, about to be cut open by those examiner people after I had been shot in the head. Next things next I had asked the morgue person to give me a couple days before reporting this, so I could surprise family… despite my gunshot wound, I still surprised my mum and dad before i woke up. The coversations were of utter disbelief of my return. What does this mean??
Hi my son had a dream of his uncle dying then his uncle texting him on facebook then after knocking at the door in a ghost form his uncle was there, the next day his anuty dies and the same thing she does then the next day they come back to life, please tell me what this suppose to mean please thank you
before my husband’s totally untimely and unexpected sudden death, a Raven visited my deck for about 5 minutes and then flew away. That evening around 5:15 my husband passed to eternal life from a massive heart attack. He was not thinking he was mortally wounded prior to his passing – death was NOT on his list at the time. This is because he is so needed here on earth; he was a constant study companion of our blind daughter and of great assistance to her as both a confidence builder and study partner on her journey to become a chiropractor (extremely challenging). Last night (during the middle of our daughter’s final exams in which I am unable to help her at all and we are so missing her dad) I had two dreams (and I usually don’t remember dreams at all) First I dreamed a little bird was pecking the heck out of a large bird (not black birds or raven looking birds, just regular brown and blue birds) and then I dreamed that my husband actually came back to life. He looked great! He greeted me and all his brothers and sisters — who seemed to “get up from a table to great him!” He was dressed in a suit and looking just like he looked when he was alive; sadly when I awoke i knew this did not really happen YET something did — I felt comfort before I went to sleep as I was doing a Friday rosary before sleep – Doe this mean he has come back to help with her exams? Is this the Holy Spirit sending him to assist her as he would have if he was still on this earth??? This is the feeling and interpretation I get… I responded with joy and hopefulness this morning and thanked God for sending him to her to help — as I cannot do so — the topics are too difficult, and no one had a rapport with her like my husband — there was no one else in her life quite like her Dad.
I had a dream that my cat Bear got hurt and died, I was distraught in the dream and looked for help! On my return people told me he was alive when I saw him he started to wake up and got better again. In no time he was just playing like normal. What does this mean? X
I had a dream I was driving past a totaled car and on the side of the road were 2 bodies and someone was next to them. I got out and asked who it was and they had said 2 people died when I looked it was my sister and another person Idk if not or girl but had blonde medium shoulder length hair.
I was going to call my mom and put something on Facebook that my sister died but I didn’t tell anyone that she died. Later in the dream I go back to look at my sister and this person who was next to them in the beginning said she thought she saw her breathe and my sister came back as did the other person.
I am not sure what this means.
I had a dream last night that my spouse died in his sleep. I was so upset because I thought an unfaithful choice I made was the cause of this happening and in my dream I felt insane regret and a few days later he was alive and I was so very thankful. This was all in one dream. It all felt so real when I woke up. What could this mean?
I saw the death of my mom I am very attached to her but at that moment not at all crying and during ceremony she opened eyes . initially very week but later becomes fine .
What does it mean.worried…..
Niharika Chopra
I had a disturbing dream that my husband drowned in a swimming pool. I pulled him out and gave him CPR. He lived. I was very distraught. What is the meaning?
It probably means u directly or indirectly is the source of hope for your husband in his marital or financial breakdown.. Hope you both are staying strong.
Hi.. Try to interpret.. who the other 2 were. Dying and coming back in dream is a good sign n never bad.. It means your kid is going to enter a new phase of life.. A new beginning. Probably the other person coming back to life could be you. And the other person still dead could be someone for whom this change doesn’t make a difference. God bless your kid.
Dying and coming back to life in a dream is always a good sign for a positive beginning of a new phase. The 3rd person was dead because this new beginning may not affect the person or doesn’t matter much.. God bless..
I had a dream about me dying with someone and seeing them & me getting revived back to life but the other person was still dead…. What does it mean? Please help me!
The dream could probably signify a new beginning in your kids’ life – a new positive phase and your kids may eventually get adapted to it after a slight hesitation. Like getting adapted to a better school, new environment, etc.,
(Sorry for posting twice. There were typos)
I had the weirdest and scariest dream I think I’ve ever had.
I was back at my old high school and me and my friend went to use the bathroom on the first floor of our school. We go in the bathroom and there’s a bunch of dead kids everywhere. Some looked familiar, a lot of them I’d never seen before. But everyone would still come in and use the bathroom like it didnt bother them. All the while I’m trying to figure out what happened to them Cuz the bodies still look fresh like it had happened not to long ago but no one was at the school freaking out about a bunch of dead kids in the bathroom. So even tho I’m scared to death (in the dream I still go use the bathroom) I go in the handicapped stall and there’s a guy hanging from the back of the stall by his neck and he looked to have stab wounds as well as bullet holes throughout his body so I knew he was definitely dead but I just couldn’t stop looking at him as I continued to used the bathroom scared as hell. Suddenly he opened 1 eye and looked at me and before he could get me I ran as fast as I could out of the bathroom with the dead kids. I have never seen the guy in my awake life so I have no idea who his is but later on in my dream he’s alive. I was walking up the road going back to school in my dream, and he was in a black car when a group of guys (I guess some of them knew who I was Cuz they were trying g to get my attention) stopped and started talking to him. And the guy who I saw dead in the bathroom was kind of scaring me about seeing him dead in the bathroom but the other guys aren’t catching on to what he was saying. I have no idea what this dream could mean. Im honestly scared to have it again. Please help!!
My papa is sick with cancer and last night I dreamt that he died for a couple of minutes and came back to life and died again what does that mean please explain to me what it means . Thank u Johnna
I dreamed that me and someone else were dead but couldnt recognise the other person, however when I was asked which one would be crommated I said mine and was told to identify myself by removing the cloth over my body and the I came back alive and i was talking to me and saying look I have clean lungs and by opening my chest with both hands the other me saw an open clean chest in the form of two massive eyes, still cannt understand the full meaning of this dream. Can anyone help?
Please interpret this dream of mine today.
We were fishing with family. I got upset and leave. Then all of sudden it been 6 days , my family and my daughter missing. I went crazy looking n look for clues. Then two cop found my daughter’s feet ,her body were covered in sand, i digging sand off her, grab her, rocking her, screaming, crying and she woke up, like she just cough up little of sand. Look little confused but happy to see me. I just focus on my kid not other missing family. By the way my daughter is going to be 6 but in dream her body size were 3 years old. I love my baby. I do have gift. not too strong one, but im not sure about this dream.
I dreamt that my mother died, I was in the living room and my dad brought two coffins. One was empty and in the other was my mom. When i looked at her she started talking to me asking for my dad, I was confused so I ran to get my him. While talking to him I take a glimpse down the hallway and my mom is walking/hovering towards us, she is dressed in a black night gown with long black hair. My dad immediately says not to talk to her and to close the door, that she’s not real. Dream ends. P.S. my mom is battling cancer, could that be it?
little over a year ago I dreamed I had a beautiful baby boy but he died and we wrapped him in cloth and buried him. It seemed so real I woke up crying. Last night I dreamed we were in a different place I was digging and dug up the baby who was mummified I cried and fussed at someone we looked down and that beautiful boy was alive again in my arms crying freaked me out any insight will be appreciated
My boyfriend dreamt I was in the tub he left out came back and I had according to his dream slide under he had to revive me my handsmoved will headministered mouth to mouth what does this mean. I
Hi. Just my interpretation. It means he will never let u go no matter what.. He fears he has failed u sometimes or u may leave him someday but he strongly believes in his love for u to make it long-term.. A small guilt in the real life is a reflection of him leaving u in the tub and coming back to save you is his love for u..
I had a dream once of seeing a dead person in a coffin. I have never seen him before, or maybe I had, but I was not just paying attention. When I came near his coffin, he was awake. I walked backwards because I was shocked and afraid. Then he suddenly sat up then got off his coffin and he tried to follow me. I ran so fast as to not make make him come to me close. What does that mean? Thank you very much.
i had a dream about people i know, which i know they died and they return to life again but the truth is that in real life this people are not died and one of them i know him but i never talked to him and in my dream when he comes back to life and i saw him walking to wards me i cry and hug him that im happy to see him again . what that means please
Curious, I dreamt people were dying and when I held them or touched them they would come back to life.then this pastor said I had healing hands and she started praying for me to except it.any clues what this could mean?
Iam a pastor of my church. For the first in dream, I saw myself in a big general hospital. When I got there, I saw a boy of about 12year laying down dead, he was covered with cloth leaving the two feet uncovered, and the Holyspirit minister to me to go and pray for him. The doctors hd tried their best to revived him prove abortive, his parents weep and got tired and left him there. When I came close to him his two feet started shaking before prayer. I hold him and pray for him and came back to Life. His parents, doctors and personality came to see the resurrected boy.
My question is that, is it a gift God is given to me or what?
Thanks, Pst Samuel from Nigeria.
In my dream I was dead and come back to life again. On the same instance when I regain Life I saw my dead body lying a few steps away from me that I noticed how my body was like when I was dead.
Please interpret for me.
I dreamt I was shot in the head and came back from the dead. What does that mean?
My dad passed away with 2003, and my mother passed in December of 2017. Last night I had a dream where they had both come back to life. In my dream I was afraid to tell my son that they were back, since I was not sure how long they were going to be back.
I just want to know the meaning of my boyfriends dream. Its a car accident he was the driver and were having good time inside the car by drinking light beers then accident happened, i was dying no breath at all then he rushed me to hospital and begging to the doctor to make me come back to life and after a while the doctor told him, your girlfriend is okay now shes alive and then he is so happy but he found himself so lost no shoes and walking on the hospital floor cried a lot. Whats the meaning?
In my dream it look like I was on work and someone came in and said some guy has died at the back. Upon bringing the body to the front it was a girl I had work with. Then she gradually open her eyes. She asked what she was doing here. I said Trina what happen she was angry and grab the closest person to her and started to beat the person. I calm her
down and ask her what happened and to give me a phone number which she did. The dream ended there.
What’s the meaning?
I’m worried!!!
Hello, I lost my mother in law 8 days ago. Last night I had this dream and I don’t know how to interpret it.
She appeared in a room I’m not familiar with full of people I don’t know. She looked really healthy and about 10 years younger. I was shocked to see her. She said I’m mad at my kids. She informed me that she faked her death, after my initial shock we were laughing. Then she was very busy collaborating with the strangers in the room and I woke up. For about 5 minutes I though it was real. Very strange dream. Please help
*please help*
I’ve had the same dream twice and it’s starting to make me worried.
It’s always about the same, me and my boyfriend are at home alone. Were sitting in a office at our house (the house in my dream looks nothing like my real house, but it feels like home). One robber looks threw the house and the second one comes in and looks at me and shoots my boyfriend and then he points the gun to me and tries to shoot me, and when he pulls the trigger he runs out of bullets. Miraculously I somehow have a gun try to shoot him and I have no bullets and him and the other guy run away. I run and try to load the gun and I can’t figure out how to do it so the gun talks to me tying to help me. When I look over at my bf he’s fine laying on the couch. And another thing is that in the dream I remember having it the first time.
In my dream, it was raining & My boyfriend died then I crying putting my head on his chest, suddenly when I touched his neck ,he came back to life and then we lived happily ever after….but I’m really scared to see that tragic incident in my dream. Please tell what shall I interpret from this.
So last night I had this dream, where I woke up, about to be cut open by those examiner people after I had been shot in the head. Next things next I had asked the morgue person to give me a couple days before reporting this, so I could surprise family… despite my gunshot wound, I still surprised my mum and dad before i woke up. The coversations were of utter disbelief of my return. What does this mean??
Hi my son had a dream of his uncle dying then his uncle texting him on facebook then after knocking at the door in a ghost form his uncle was there, the next day his anuty dies and the same thing she does then the next day they come back to life, please tell me what this suppose to mean please thank you
before my husband’s totally untimely and unexpected sudden death, a Raven visited my deck for about 5 minutes and then flew away. That evening around 5:15 my husband passed to eternal life from a massive heart attack. He was not thinking he was mortally wounded prior to his passing – death was NOT on his list at the time. This is because he is so needed here on earth; he was a constant study companion of our blind daughter and of great assistance to her as both a confidence builder and study partner on her journey to become a chiropractor (extremely challenging). Last night (during the middle of our daughter’s final exams in which I am unable to help her at all and we are so missing her dad) I had two dreams (and I usually don’t remember dreams at all) First I dreamed a little bird was pecking the heck out of a large bird (not black birds or raven looking birds, just regular brown and blue birds) and then I dreamed that my husband actually came back to life. He looked great! He greeted me and all his brothers and sisters — who seemed to “get up from a table to great him!” He was dressed in a suit and looking just like he looked when he was alive; sadly when I awoke i knew this did not really happen YET something did — I felt comfort before I went to sleep as I was doing a Friday rosary before sleep – Doe this mean he has come back to help with her exams? Is this the Holy Spirit sending him to assist her as he would have if he was still on this earth??? This is the feeling and interpretation I get… I responded with joy and hopefulness this morning and thanked God for sending him to her to help — as I cannot do so — the topics are too difficult, and no one had a rapport with her like my husband — there was no one else in her life quite like her Dad.
I had a dream that my cat Bear got hurt and died, I was distraught in the dream and looked for help! On my return people told me he was alive when I saw him he started to wake up and got better again. In no time he was just playing like normal. What does this mean? X
I had a dream I was driving past a totaled car and on the side of the road were 2 bodies and someone was next to them. I got out and asked who it was and they had said 2 people died when I looked it was my sister and another person Idk if not or girl but had blonde medium shoulder length hair.
I was going to call my mom and put something on Facebook that my sister died but I didn’t tell anyone that she died. Later in the dream I go back to look at my sister and this person who was next to them in the beginning said she thought she saw her breathe and my sister came back as did the other person.
I am not sure what this means.
Hi, I had a dream that my aunt killed herself which made me of course cry really hard but then I was told that she was alive. Meaning?
I had a dream last night that my spouse died in his sleep. I was so upset because I thought an unfaithful choice I made was the cause of this happening and in my dream I felt insane regret and a few days later he was alive and I was so very thankful. This was all in one dream. It all felt so real when I woke up. What could this mean?
I saw the death of my mom I am very attached to her but at that moment not at all crying and during ceremony she opened eyes . initially very week but later becomes fine .
What does it mean.worried…..
Niharika Chopra
I had a disturbing dream that my husband drowned in a swimming pool. I pulled him out and gave him CPR. He lived. I was very distraught. What is the meaning?
It probably means u directly or indirectly is the source of hope for your husband in his marital or financial breakdown.. Hope you both are staying strong.
please help me.
i dreamt that my daughter who is 5years of age died and came back to life.
in fact in my dream there were 3 , 2 of them including my daughter came back to life and the 3rd person remained dead.
Hi.. Try to interpret.. who the other 2 were. Dying and coming back in dream is a good sign n never bad.. It means your kid is going to enter a new phase of life.. A new beginning. Probably the other person coming back to life could be you. And the other person still dead could be someone for whom this change doesn’t make a difference. God bless your kid.
Dying and coming back to life in a dream is always a good sign for a positive beginning of a new phase. The 3rd person was dead because this new beginning may not affect the person or doesn’t matter much.. God bless..
I had a dream about me dying with someone and seeing them & me getting revived back to life but the other person was still dead…. What does it mean? Please help me!
It could probably mean you r entering a new positive beginning. A new phase in life and the other is not ready yet for the change. God bless..
I had a dream that my 2 young children died and then came back to life after a little time passed. .what could this signify?
Hi Kayla.
The dream could probably signify a new beginning in your kids’ life – a new positive phase and your kids may eventually get adapted to it after a slight hesitation. Like getting adapted to a better school, new environment, etc.,
(Sorry for posting twice. There were typos)
I had the weirdest and scariest dream I think I’ve ever had.
I was back at my old high school and me and my friend went to use the bathroom on the first floor of our school. We go in the bathroom and there’s a bunch of dead kids everywhere. Some looked familiar, a lot of them I’d never seen before. But everyone would still come in and use the bathroom like it didnt bother them. All the while I’m trying to figure out what happened to them Cuz the bodies still look fresh like it had happened not to long ago but no one was at the school freaking out about a bunch of dead kids in the bathroom. So even tho I’m scared to death (in the dream I still go use the bathroom) I go in the handicapped stall and there’s a guy hanging from the back of the stall by his neck and he looked to have stab wounds as well as bullet holes throughout his body so I knew he was definitely dead but I just couldn’t stop looking at him as I continued to used the bathroom scared as hell. Suddenly he opened 1 eye and looked at me and before he could get me I ran as fast as I could out of the bathroom with the dead kids. I have never seen the guy in my awake life so I have no idea who his is but later on in my dream he’s alive. I was walking up the road going back to school in my dream, and he was in a black car when a group of guys (I guess some of them knew who I was Cuz they were trying g to get my attention) stopped and started talking to him. And the guy who I saw dead in the bathroom was kind of scaring me about seeing him dead in the bathroom but the other guys aren’t catching on to what he was saying. I have no idea what this dream could mean. Im honestly scared to have it again. Please help!!
My husband died September 26 2015 lately I dream that he comes back to life what does that mean please help me
My papa is sick with cancer and last night I dreamt that he died for a couple of minutes and came back to life and died again what does that mean please explain to me what it means . Thank u Johnna
I dreamed that me and someone else were dead but couldnt recognise the other person, however when I was asked which one would be crommated I said mine and was told to identify myself by removing the cloth over my body and the I came back alive and i was talking to me and saying look I have clean lungs and by opening my chest with both hands the other me saw an open clean chest in the form of two massive eyes, still cannt understand the full meaning of this dream. Can anyone help?
Please interpret this dream of mine today.
We were fishing with family. I got upset and leave. Then all of sudden it been 6 days , my family and my daughter missing. I went crazy looking n look for clues. Then two cop found my daughter’s feet ,her body were covered in sand, i digging sand off her, grab her, rocking her, screaming, crying and she woke up, like she just cough up little of sand. Look little confused but happy to see me. I just focus on my kid not other missing family. By the way my daughter is going to be 6 but in dream her body size were 3 years old. I love my baby. I do have gift. not too strong one, but im not sure about this dream.
I dreamt of my mother dying and came back to life,what is the meaning of that?
I dreamt that my mother died, I was in the living room and my dad brought two coffins. One was empty and in the other was my mom. When i looked at her she started talking to me asking for my dad, I was confused so I ran to get my him. While talking to him I take a glimpse down the hallway and my mom is walking/hovering towards us, she is dressed in a black night gown with long black hair. My dad immediately says not to talk to her and to close the door, that she’s not real. Dream ends. P.S. my mom is battling cancer, could that be it?
My father died 8 years ago,Last night i dreamed of him he was always with my mom but i couldnt talk to him.what does this mean
little over a year ago I dreamed I had a beautiful baby boy but he died and we wrapped him in cloth and buried him. It seemed so real I woke up crying. Last night I dreamed we were in a different place I was digging and dug up the baby who was mummified I cried and fussed at someone we looked down and that beautiful boy was alive again in my arms crying freaked me out any insight will be appreciated
Hi my dad died 3 months ago and I dreamt last night that he came back to life can you help me out as to want this may mean.
You miss your dad.
My boyfriend dreamt I was in the tub he left out came back and I had according to his dream slide under he had to revive me my handsmoved will headministered mouth to mouth what does this mean. I
Hi. Just my interpretation. It means he will never let u go no matter what.. He fears he has failed u sometimes or u may leave him someday but he strongly believes in his love for u to make it long-term.. A small guilt in the real life is a reflection of him leaving u in the tub and coming back to save you is his love for u..
I had a dream that an old lady I look after died ,while I was washing her she came back to life and was well again
I had a dream once of seeing a dead person in a coffin. I have never seen him before, or maybe I had, but I was not just paying attention. When I came near his coffin, he was awake. I walked backwards because I was shocked and afraid. Then he suddenly sat up then got off his coffin and he tried to follow me. I ran so fast as to not make make him come to me close. What does that mean? Thank you very much.
My father died approx 5 years ago with Throat Cancer. I had a dream that he came back to life and was shouting my name. Please can you interpret.
i had a dream about people i know, which i know they died and they return to life again but the truth is that in real life this people are not died and one of them i know him but i never talked to him and in my dream when he comes back to life and i saw him walking to wards me i cry and hug him that im happy to see him again . what that means please
I had a dream that my dog who had died 2 years ago is coming back to us – was lost and finally found us again.
Dream pt my Dad came back and wanted a slice of bread
Curious, I dreamt people were dying and when I held them or touched them they would come back to life.then this pastor said I had healing hands and she started praying for me to except it.any clues what this could mean?
I had a dream that my shadow raised a dead person.
Iam a pastor of my church. For the first in dream, I saw myself in a big general hospital. When I got there, I saw a boy of about 12year laying down dead, he was covered with cloth leaving the two feet uncovered, and the Holyspirit minister to me to go and pray for him. The doctors hd tried their best to revived him prove abortive, his parents weep and got tired and left him there. When I came close to him his two feet started shaking before prayer. I hold him and pray for him and came back to Life. His parents, doctors and personality came to see the resurrected boy.
My question is that, is it a gift God is given to me or what?
Thanks, Pst Samuel from Nigeria.