Being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area can imply gratification, piety and fellowship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's explanation such dreaming of being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area signifies self-governing ardor, fertile lust, originality and dynamism.
Constructive adaptations are ahead in your life if: being shot by gun in stomach and bleeding also bleeding boils coming from vaginal area - This betokens the fame within a particular sphere. You are one step ahead. Alternatively, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream might mean upside down connotation: a person of importance should be serpentine and/or unstable in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 85, 11, 98, 71, 99; 2 extra numbers - 77, 37.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and yellow .
  • Lose weight - to prosperity; Problems If yourself lost weight or emaciated look – This dream is a warning about coming problems. You threatened loss, strife, heartache and envious friends, health disorders; Prosperity If see being thicker then normally – This a sign of coming prosperity in near future. Arabian (Islamic) Not good If lose weight – In the dream, it doesn’t mean good when the body or a single part of the body is emaciated, with the exception of the female tongue. Worries If became thin – Who is good in flesh and in the dream became thin, everything will be wrong... (read more)
  • Chameleon - further and live in greater harmony with your fellow human beings. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trustfulness lover if see your loved one with a chameleon on a leash –  She/he will prove unworthy of your trust, if they see better opportunities elsewhere, they will leave you; Worries with bad people if someone changes like chameleon – In your dream somebody changes into chameleon, this announces that you will have to deal with such a hostile person who adapts like a chameleon; Accept changes if feeding a chameleon – in the dream you are feeding a chameleon, this marks that you... (read more)
  • Shrub - General Meanings: The dream of bush stands for secrets because we can hide them from the environment. The bush may be like the tree. There are some interpretations: The green bush in the dream announces an upcoming happy event, which will give you an ability to start normal and wonderful life. The bush withered and bare, indicates that you are in conflict with your feelings which will bring you failure and boredom. Psychological Meanings: Shrub as a dream symbol stands for the questions: do you have something to hide behind it? Do you want to protect yourself or others?... (read more)
  • Baby snake - Besides that it also means hidden and suppressed sexual desires. A lot of times snake is seen in wet dreams and are led by nocturnal emission with an orgasm and vaginal wetness. A flow of healing transformation is symbolized by a snake which comes out of an egg. If it is a birth of a baby snake then your change just begins. If it is matured snake – then your transformation has reached maximum extreme. If you see many baby snakes being born, then the flow of changes has more directions. It can be spiritual, creative, or healing changes.... (read more)
  • Vagina - Association: – Female sexuality; Yin receptivity. Question: – What do I receive? What receives me? General Meanings: Development of personality The dream symbol of Vagina (vaginal) indicates not only sexual needs. Often, the vagina symbolizes properties,which stand for psychological or spiritual fertility, for example – creativity, imagination, intuition, and ideas that should be encouraged. Psychological Meanings: Motherhood and Femininity For primitive people, the feminine genital organ is a symbol of the femininity, which means the motherhood. Modern psychologists interpret a dream symbol of vagina as the absolutely feminine force, which also has an effect for the man, also not... (read more)
  • Rifle - learn something new and very useful for you. Arabian (Islamic) No danger if see rifle – To dream of rifle, then this dream is like a sign, that you will pull yourself from danger, because you were attentive; Respect if get a rifle – When you get a rifle as a present or as a heritage then this dream marks that you will earn honor and respect; Repentance if have a rifle – To have a rifle in the dream marks that all your rude and angry actions will need to be redeemed. * Please, see meaning of gun.... (read more)
  • Transformation - This image is found in the legends and mythology, for example, the Lancelot – a knight of King Arthur’s Round Table – has to cross the bridge to Meliagaunce – the seducer of his beloved Guinevra – to find and fight with him. Launcelot deals with his shadow, because he has also seduced Guinevra, in spite of the fact that she is the woman of his King. The confrontation with your own shadow always starts a reorientation and change. We know the picture of the bridge from the Quran, which describes hell. That bridge is so narrow as a hair... (read more)
  • Moose - Association: Power and Strength General Meanings: Sexuality and Advantage The Moose usually and mostly refers to the male sexuality (animal instincts). In general the moose  is a good forerunner, it points to beneficial business or private and personal connections. This animal indicates personality features such as power and kindness. Psychological Meanings: Freedom and relaxation The powerful animal is a strong symbol of freedom and unlimited space. Also the moose stands for a simple and independent life in nature. This animal sihnifies about long and good life. The dream about moose also indicates the need of rest and relaxation. Traditional... (read more)
  • Cupid (God of love) - Association: Divine innocence, angelic child. Question: Where do my spirit and mind reborn? Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of cupid indicates a passionate but only temporary love. The naked god of love in the form of a child points to affair which are rather superficial. Also this may be a sign to take a risk and start new relation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) You are loved if see a cupid – Your loved person is thinking about you; Not your love if see the arrow directed to you – This dream points to a love affair that is not for you; Stay aside... (read more)
  • Ice - – When you break the ice in you dream, shows that you are afraid to stand out, and also you have to put up with a lot of fear; You have to dispose hostile people from your surroundings; Troubles in love affairs if frost flowers see in the windows – The frost flowers threaten annoyance in the love. Also shows that your feelings will cool down; Hindu (Hinduism) It is not the right place if see ice in the summer – This dream warns that it is not a very good place to start your business; Risk if go on... (read more)
  • Sausage - In general: Sausage is often as a phallic symbol for sexual needs. More generally, sausages refers to a materialistic outlook on your life, which you should be able to correct. Consumption of sausages announces a nice, but very superficial acquaintance. Traditionally: Arabian – To eat: delight your stomach; – Also dreaming that you eat sausage: you wait for the fulfillment of a wish; – To see: you’ll soon be going to a festival; – To produce sausages: you should care well your household. European – Dreaming of sausage in general: domestic difficulties are often due to poor health; –... (read more)
  • Archery - In general: A symbol of the concentration on the essentials and the targeted approach. Despite “high tension” of success is already in sight – a symbol of good luck that will encourage them to persevere. Psychologically: Archery is marked in a dream as in the everyday lives of the meeting a goal. You really want to accomplish a purpose, it is important, whether made ​​in a dream or not. It does not necessarily matter whether the dream-self or another person dream shot. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – Archer in a dream: for the unmarried, it means rapid engagement, for people... (read more)
  • Quails - General Meanings: The dream of quails announces bad news in near future, also some unpleasant events and risky decisions. Quails also indicates the negative emotion which the dreamer has especially of woman, so it is aggressively quarrelsome. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if see quail – In the dream you see a quail then this dream announces good news in love, also happy family; Negative emotions if shoot quail – When you shot a quail in the dream, then you may show negative feelings for friends because of their wrong and inappropriate behavior; Warning if see killed quail – The killed quail... (read more)
  • Aggression - Psychological Meanings: Suppressed anger inside you You killed or shot the known person in the dream, this expresses suppressed anger feelings which you have edged out in the everyday life. On the contrary you are murdered  or attacked by somebody you know, this certain person has unfulfilled and impossible expectations to you in your life. If you cannot fulfill the wishes, demands or expectations more because of others, then responsible complexes arise in your dream. The unconscious often responds by aggressive attacks from “internal pressure”. * Please, see meaning of steam.... (read more)
  • Goats - Association: – Lustful force relentless energy & omnivores. Question: – What am I determined to do? Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords: omnivores; hair; collide; horns lust; horned gods; earth-religion. Description: Goats are four-legged, horned mammals that are occurred worldwide. The goats in some parts of the world are also useful for its milk and meat. They can be relatively easy to tame and prefer to live in community with other animals.  They eat almost everything and it is difficult to keep them in a fenced area. General meaning: Your freedom-seeking part; feels constricted by the pressure of the conventions; one aspect... (read more)
  • Ride off - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Unsuccessful efforts if ride off – In the dream you pull yourself through a difficult place (a riding area), this shows that you put a lot of effort to reach your goals but this will be unsuccessful and not so useful as you wished.... (read more)
  • Descent - of the place. Wrong place and negative consequences Who hurries down high stair, possibly was indiscreet and has ventured in an area, which was not determined for him. Now the fear of negative consequences advises to retreat as quickly as possible. Success and relaxation The cautiously step by step descent through the rock wall is understood: a special achievement brought you to the peak of success. The exhaustion follows the joy now – you can enjoy the end which you reached with your efforts. Fear of losses (Slip = risk) Descent through a dirty or wet stairs into a dark room (basement) means the... (read more)
  • Lawyer - Victory if Being Lawyer - In a dream to be involved in a process as an lawyer: means that there is the possibility of success in the future. * See meanings of court, attorney. Miller’s Dreambook: Lawyer dream meanings by Gustavus Hindman Miller from dream dictionary “10,000 Dreams Interpreted” or “What’s In A Dream” or “Dreams, Their Scientific and Practical Interpretations” In a dream to be a lawyer and to advocate any cause, indicates that you will be faithful to your interests, and endeavor to deal honestly with the public, as your interests affect it, and be loyal to your promises to friends.... (read more)
  • Accepted - General Meanings: The end of relation The dream where you are accepted of the lover or accept the offer of the lover. It is a warning that your love affair will not grow and will thrive for a long time. In some areas it is considered as a lucky omen.... (read more)
  • Abnormality - to deal with aspects of life which are not in such a way as he gladly wish to have. To dream of a dwarf or a giant, may mean that the attention is directed to certain points that have something to do with size or deformation. Means that in the life of the dreamer there is something that is perhaps too big for him. Spiritual Meanings: Magic and special abilities Abnormality is related to strange things that usually has magical powers or magical abilities. Dreams related with any kind of abnormal things may indicate supernatural and mystical areas of spiritual life.... (read more)
  • Gauge (Measure) - General Meanings: A warning that you do not have to work on parsimony and avarice. You could lose your savings. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good sign if gauge something – In the dream you measure something means a good omen that you will be successful in all areas of your life Arabian (Islamic) Success If measure estate – Determined by measuring the extent and size of your estate, announces that you will avoid worries and troubles that may easily run into a long process. * Please, see meaning of measure, volume, distance, level, tape measure.... (read more)
  • Zinc - Psychological Meanings: The zinc is a well-known symbol for the fear of failure, and also always has a meaning of punishment. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good future if see zinc – To see zinc in the dream means that your future is on secure foundation. Also the romance will last for a long period which may bring you to marriage; Success of life if work with zinc – In the dream you are working with zinc then this denotes that you will achieve significant and very effective progress in your life and work. Also in all areas of business everything goes with great... (read more)
  • Mobile phone - Association: Accessibility & expansive communication. Question: What kind of communication have extreme importance for me? Psychological Meanings: The symbol of freedom Mobile phone or cell phone (also hand phone) is a very recent “newcomer” in the dream symbolism. Those who frequently dream of mobile phone (it carry with them a lot to make calls on the road, etc.), is in reality he is the typical cell phone user – he values ​​independence in all areas of his life. Also this person likes to improvise and doesn’t let anyone to control him – he hates that. Mobile phone is a... (read more)
  • Money - a dream to spend money promises success and financial gains. Dishonor or Pride If Having Money – In a dream to have money can warn from careless spending, but also announce that you can lose prestige and influence, but not always. Sometimes comes pride. Psychological Meanings: Wealth or Poverty – There are many signals for correct interpretation of dream about money. Important are the source of the money, the place where you get it, find or lose, their colors and their numbers. Dreaming about money can indicate either riches, wealth or poverty. Power and Sexuality – A dream in which money is... (read more)
  • Chronicle read - General Meanings: Chronicle read in the dream points to the future and promises usually very successful and good luck in all areas of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good future if read chronicle – In the dream you read chronicle then this promises a good future and happy life.... (read more)
  • Audience - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if get an audience – This dream is very good sign that soon you will improve your position and will have wonderful luck and success in all the areas in your life; Trust others if give an audience – This dream wants to pay your attention, because you have too ambitious plans and aims which will not be fulfilled. But there is an advice you have to listen to important news and others experiences and only then you will be able to pay closer attention to what is more important to you; Arabian (Islamic)... (read more)
  • Thief - General Meanings: Fair of losses and secret affairs The dream of a thief indicates that the dreamer is afraid to accept losses. It necessary must be material things, it can also be love or passion. Thief can stand for secret desires that you allow only furtively, among other things also including sexual needs. Other meanings are derived from the following circumstances of the dream: Seeing caught burglar or thief, this announces a positive and favorable phase in life. Being robbed by the thief is a good sign for business purposes, professional and financial plans. The thief escapes, means that... (read more)
  • Attic - Association: Higher consciousness, memory, stored past. Question: What’s “up there” that I want to take as my own? Why I am afraid to explore ? General Meanings: Use your experience In the attic we mostly keep things that are old or you do not even need. In the dream the attic refers to memories and old feelings. Maybe the dreamer has to deal with his past or to use his past experience. Also this dream may show that may be there are a lot of useful things. Psychological Meanings: Experience or new things The attic should be clean and tidy... (read more)
  • Chinese people - The dream indicates that your hard work will be pay off and you will have great property. Hindu (Hinduism) Satisfaction if see Chinese – In the dream you see Chinese people, then this dream denotes that you will leave the place where you were unhappy and will come into area where you will fell satisfaction. Arabian (Islamic) Travel if see Chinese people – This dream will bring you a journey with people you love; Old friends if talk to Chinese – In the dream you are talking with Chinese then you will have a visit of your old friends from far away.... (read more)
  • E - General Meanings: “E” appears as a written or a plastic letter or sometimes a spoken in the dream. This dream symbol stands as a kind of traditional link between body and soul and spirit area.Often it shows a lack of awareness of reason and logic. You have to work for this in order to find inner harmony and which may include body therapies.... (read more)
  • Gemstone - Turquoise: he represents courage, physical and spiritual fulfillment and success. – Tourmaline: provides inspiration, imagination and friendship represent – Zircon: symbolizes sophistication, but also honor and grace of the Grand. Psychologically: All kinds of gems are in the dream symbols of inner qualities such as: self-confidence, pride, dependability, confidence, consistency and perseverance, but they can also express a desire for these properties. Stones with dark inclusions or cracks have a negative symbolic value, they point to deception out by others – or a relationship has “get a jump”. Spiritually: From a spiritual point of view, gemstones and their interpretation promote... (read more)