Flogging a person dream meanings

Encouraging changes are about to become true only: flogging a person - This dream typically symbolizes the opportunity to gain benefit of something. You are an innovator. Alternatively, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream could testify contra understanding: a person of authority may be subtle and unhealthy in relation to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 82, 43, 52, 93, 30; 2 extra numbers - 14, 54.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and yellow .
  • Kiss / Kissing - Association: Welcoming, intimacy, privacy, affection, love, relationships. Question: With who I want to get closer? General Meanings: In General the kissing is presented as the action of tenderness, sign of love and affection. Those who have dreams about kisses usually are longing for sensitivity and closeness. There are different explanations of the kiss, depending on the circumstances of it: Kissing a certain person The dream in which you kiss a particular person shows your relationships and feelings to that person. Sometimes when we longing for some person or feel deeply and emotionally attached to him we dream of kissing... (read more)
  • Water - or fears. Dream about washing with cold water has same meanings as bathing in cold water. If you were dreaming that you drank water of heaven, wine or milk the meaning of this dream foretells that you will obtain knowledge and wisdom in your personality. Artemidorus: Dream about water meanings by professional diviner Artemidorus Daldianus (Ephesius) from Ancient Greece (2nd century AD) In the dream drinking of cold water brings happiness. But warm water in the dream has opposite meaning. Drinking of warm water is unnatural and such dream indicates health problem or disease and trouble or difficulty in business. Medicine... (read more)
  • Driving into water - – sadness, grief, dealing with bad people; Bright, crystal clear water – the joy, pleasant news, good company, a loyal friend. Nobleman dreambook: Dreaming about water interpretation by N. Grishin Water – the unconscious powers of the soul, and especially the world of the senses.  The water could also represent the personification of the beast that is inside the dreamer’s mind or return to childish naive world view. Consider that the dream might also be a symbol of inertia and passivity. The water in dreams could be in various conditions, therefore it is interpreted differently: Clean water – means joy,... (read more)
  • Death - the end might be a good thing, where you can start everything from the beginning. The death of someone It depends on who died in a dream, as for example if someone that is closed to you died in the dream, then such dream shows the fear of losing of that particular person. It also could show that you feel guilty of not giving enough of attention to that person, therefore you dream of his death, where you lose any contact with him for good. The death of your own If the dreamer sees his own death, then the dream... (read more)
  • Animals - Association: Nature; the ability to tame yourself; freedom. Question: Which part of me wishes to be set free? What kind of features of the animals I can relate to myself? General Meanings: In General all of the animals are leaded by instincts. The desire to get what they want brings descendants and helps to improve the quality of life in all means – sexual, playfulness and other. The animals just like human-beings have an ability to warn others about the danger that is lurking for them. In dreams animals represents those aspects of the dreamer’s personality that are related... (read more)
  • Tree - life. All these trees are probably the archetype of Germanic world – eternal green Ash tree, Yggdrasil. This evergreen tree spreads its branches as wings, protectively over Heaven and Earth, and on its top sits the Eagle, who observes the world, and a Hawk which makes the weather. Personality and inner life of human – A tree is the symbol of the original structure of the human inner life. If a tree emerges in the dream, you will deal wisely with this image in details. Tree is closely related to personality and the way to master with life. In particular, it can often draw... (read more)
  • Hair - Association: – Protection; Attractiveness; Sensuality. Question: – What do I want to hide? What do I want to show? General Meanings: Usually in the dream hair plays a very big role and symbolizes our physical and mental states. It also shows the vitality of the person, according to the condition of the hair: the healthier the hair is – the bigger vitality. Hair meaning in dreams by color: Deceit if dyeing – Hair coloring or dyeing in the dream warns of deception and false expectations; Fame temper if red color – In the dream to see hair color in red, rose,... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - hindrance against those who do good. ggg Drinking polluted seawater in a dream means turbulences, distress and sufferings that will be brought about by someone in authority. ggg If seawater runs inside one’s dwelling place or business, and if one drinks from it in a dream, it means an illness. If everyone drinks from it in the dream, then it means a plague. ggg Murky water in a dream denotes a tyrant. If a sick person bathes in murky water then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is... (read more)
  • Zodiac - would like to get rid off. The dream meanings of Zodiac signs: Aries is a sign of controlling behavior and domination. If you dream of the Zodiac sign Aries, such dream denotes to person who is born as direct, decisive, selfish and a bit reckless. Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac. It distinguish as the sign of sensibility, laziness, patience and reliability. To dream of Taurus as the Zodiac sign, denotes to the characteristics of personality you wish you had or already have them. Gemini has the characteristics of smart, energetic and furious. Since the sign of... (read more)
  • Admiration - General Meanings: Trust yourself and satisfy who you are  Dream about admiration is a clear sign of inferiority complex that the dreamer has. The admiration in dream is a compensation for the dreamer. f you dream of admiring someone, this is a sign that you have to take magnificent characteristics that the admired person has and to incorporate it into yourself. Then you may trust yourself more and will become more confident. Over confident person Other possible interpretation about an admiration may be that the dreamer worships a person, but he does not want to admit his affection for... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - the end. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) - Dreaming of ring in general: be careful and thorough consideration in bonds, for which there is not much desire; - To see ring in dream: announcing a binding to a different person; - Dreaming of gold ring: promises a speedy marriage or christening; - See two beautiful rings: announces an early commitment or even marriage; - If ring is broken or you brake one in dream: announces a death, represents a betrayal; Also dreaming of broken ring: dispute in the marriage or separation for married people; - To lose a ring: causes temporary... (read more)
  • Sea - between work and rest; If the dreamer sees someone washing up or bathing in the sea, then this dream promises a good omen. The particular person that was seen bathing or washing himself/herself up, will need your help. You should support this person, when your help will be needed, as it will bring you much joy and happiness; To dream seeing yourself washing up or bathing in the sea, signifies your great mental and physical condition. However, you should not stop and do things that you are great at; To dream of trying to go into stormy, raging and hectic... (read more)
  • Coffin - can not rely to much. The empty coffin indicates unnecessary worry. Psychological Meanings: With the death the symbol of coffin does not have much to do. There are some common dreams that may appear in the dream:  If coffin is decorated richly, this can symbolize that a person has an important turning point in his life, he would like to make clear transition in any way. The coffin closes something in the dream, paraphrases to say goodbye “that is all with the past now “. This also may be that the dreamer closes his mind against negative feelings and kills a... (read more)
  • Blind - Association: Can see, unconscious. Question: What am I ready to see or to understand? General Meanings: Don’t want to see reality Blindness in the dream indicates that the dreamer hesitates to see the truth. He has lost the sight of reality. Also the dream may show that you do not understand something or do not want to accept others, even if they have rights, you act like blind person. Blind moves Blindness can be understood as a sign that you blindly go through life without thinking about consequences. So you can not see either threats nor opportunities. To see... (read more)
  • Teeth (tooth) - pulled out teeth from another person’s mouth: you can pull the problems of a human with the help of others and overcome resistance. Artificial teeth may indicate need for recognition, vanity, light success or deception. Show teeth point out that one tries to intimidate or to hurt other. Psychological Meanings: Aggression and loss of energy Teeth crush our food that we take as energy donor. Aggressiveness is based on this image. In the dream tooth loss points to a particular energy loss, in some cases even the power is at risk. Loss of virginity If young girls lose their teeth in a dreams, so... (read more)
  • Being invisible (invisibility) - you are invisible signifies your feelings such as not being noticed as a person or recognized for what is really significant to you. You feel that you are forgotten and left alone; Unresolved affair if someone else is invisible (known person) – When someone else is invisible or becomes such, this signifies unsolved matters or feelings to that person. But if you do not know the person, then this embodies your conscience for undone works and matters. Arabian (Islamic) Escape if becoming invisible – In the dream you became invisible, this may show that you try to withdraw from the... (read more)
  • Dog - is aware that it is of the specific dog breed or it is a dog with specific characteristics such as the speed of a greyhound or the protectiveness of a rottweiler, a mastiff or a boxer, or even the aggressiveness of a sharpei, a pit bull terrier, or a staffordshire, and so on, then this special gift of the dog refers to the quality, which must be attributed to the dreamer and also this quality is in the need for the further development. Only with this quality the dreamer will be able to evolve as whole personality. And then he... (read more)
  • Room - General Meanings: New areas of personality In your dream the discovery of a new room in your own home is an exciting and good symbol because, it says a lot about the state of your own personality. Women more often than men dream of finding new room, especially when they have reached a turning point in their life. Isolation The dreamer feels trapped in a narrow room, then this dream may indicate isolation of dreamer’s social life, especially when doors and windows are closed in the room. Psychological Meanings: Part of dreamer’s life or personality Room is a part... (read more)
  • Car - Association: Personal power, ego. Question: Where I am going to arrive ? Who  I am? In general: In General, car symbolizes the facts and subjects which motives that dreamer. The car in dreams shows the path of the dreamer, not only professional one or the personal one, but in all aspects of his life. To understand the dream that is related to car better, the dreamer must associate the symbols with the reality he is at the moment, only then he will be able to interpreter his dream. For example, if the engine of your car does not work... (read more)
  • Reduction (thing or person) - Psychological Meanings: Contempt The dream of reduction has several different meanings, therefore, it is always important exactly to pay attention to the whole connection: a person or a thing is reduced in the dream. If the person is smaller in the dream than in reality, then this is a sign of the dreamer’s feeling of inferiority. He may be angry in the real life or perhaps feels the disdain to this person. Losing yourself To be smaller yourself then this may be a sign that you shrink and lose your original personality, until you ultimately entirely loses it. *... (read more)
  • Old people - General Meanings: Wisdom and advice Old people in the dream stand for wisdom and experience, they may appear in the dream with desire to give recommendations or advises. Also this dream may be a warning that you have to act and to behave thoughtful and responsibly. Get rid of long forgotten traditions To dream yourself as an old man, this marks that you live with your long forgotten ideals and traditions. The world is changing and you have to change your old attitude. If you are young and dream yourself as an old person, then this is shows that... (read more)
  • Vampire - Association: Fear to be pulled of energy. Question: What haunts me? Where in my life do I fail to access with my own forces? General Meanings: Tired because of too big demands When big demands are placed to the dreamer, then vampire can appear in the dream who “sucks out” him. Evil or Bad person around The blood-sucking vampire is such a frightening creature that he is commonly regarded as an embodiment of the evil. Ancient Indian dream books understand him as a warning before own gentleness which is used from other. Psychological Meanings: Dark and Threatening thoughts Vampires... (read more)
  • Swan - Association: Marriage, purity, youth, love, romance. Question: Where the relationship i am in is going to? General Meanings: In General swan is related to symbolism that is related to marriage. The dream might show the desire to get married or be special to someone in your life. The swan that is dying or singing signifies the feelings that are not alive anymore towards some particular person. Maybe the dreamer is not in love anymore with the one he has chosen. In ancient times the swan that was dreamed by the person who is sick promises the recovery. Psychological Meanings:... (read more)
  • Giving birth to a baby girl - you are pregnant with a girl; that your embryo has female dominant side; movement of the fetus. Dream about newborn girl without pregnancy: If you are not pregnant and you were dreaming about giving birth to a baby girl, then it can mean: your wish to be pregnant and have a baby girl; sound of a voice of girl in a environment; prophetic message, that you will become pregnant with a baby girl; If in your waking life you gave birth to a baby girl, then such dream can be a representation of your past experience. If a unmarried person is giving... (read more)
  • Obesity (fatness) - General Meanings: Defense and upcoming pleasure In the dream to see yourself as fat person, so your attention is focused on the defense, which you use against your inadequacy. At the same time this dream vision may be the sign for sensuality and pleasurable side, with which the dreamer may have not encountered before. Warning signal and inferiority The unconscious may require you to do something about adverse health effects – obesity/fatness. Perhaps, even if you are not too thick, the feeling of inferiority because of own appearance may appear with this vision. This dream symbol may appear especially for women, because... (read more)
  • Teacher - Association: Learning, Discipline and rules. Question: What do I want to know and learn? General Meanings: The teachers itself as the person is the authority for most of the people, especially children. Because of the influence the teacher makes to children, they respect and love the person as much as any of the family member. Depending on different circumstances of the dream, different meanings of the dream following out of it. For example, the one has finished the school long time ago, therefore the teacher would be a sign of learning something new, or the one should listen to... (read more)
  • Dates - in your dream, then this dream is a sign that you really longing for love; Kiss if give to someone dates – You give dates to someone in your dream, then this dream announces that you will meet a kind person and you will receive unexpected kiss; Love if a woman sees or eats dates – You are a woman and dream that you eat dates then this dream announces that you will be admired by a person and you will meet love; Desire of adventure if a man sees or eats dates – The dreamer is a man and he eats dates... (read more)
  • Personal care (Toiletries) - General Meanings: Trustful persons Personal care such as Toiletries mean servant. If you have lost one of these thing, then this means that you will lose something from your personality. To see a bottle of oil and a container for the shaver in the dream, then this means that you have a reliable spouse or a domestic servant who will always help you.... (read more)
  • Dwarf - Association: The power from the small one, Unconscious forces, Magic. Question: Where do I perform work changes? General Meanings: Painful experiences Any type of deformity refers to a part of one’s personality, which has not yet been integrated or developed. In the dream a dwarf represents the part of the dreamer which was damaged by a painful infancy or childhood trauma or too little of emotional care or attention. Learn to use your energy Dwarf generally symbolizes unconscious energy and forces which affect the life imperceptibly, you must recognize them more clearly and more exactly so that they can be... (read more)
  • Old age - Association: Maturity; degeneration. Question: What is perfect for me? What am I ready to replace? General Meanings: Past experiences and skills To see an old objects or persons in the dream, this denotes past experiences and knowledge. The dreamer has an ability to use them in current situation or in the future. The dream of a historical person signifies that the dreamer knows how to use his talents or skills and what kind of abilities he has. Psychological Meanings: The old age as a dream symbol has two meanings positive and negative: The negative meaning – mortality, death and... (read more)
  • Despise - General Meanings: As the old dream books indicates that the contempt/despite announces financial gain in near future. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Respect if be despised – You became despised person this dream announces that you will come upwards because of your hard work; Reward if contempt someone – You state contempt for somebody in your dream, this dream denotes that you will attain wealth and you will be rewarded because of your efforts. Hindu (Hinduism) Wealth if be despised person – You became despised person in the dream, this is a very good sign that you will come to... (read more)