Fly in ear dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about fly in ear can augur satisfaction, benevolence and amity.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung interpretation the dream about fly in ear stands for nonaligned essence, girlish sexual urge, ingenuity and endowment.
Reassuring reworkings are ahead in waking life only: fly in ear - This naturally predicts ascendancy and being a visionary person. Variously, if it was bad dream then this dream could point out vice versa hint: a person of authority can be sly and/or precarious in relation to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 56, 18, 27, 8, 26; 2 extra numbers - 48, 40.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and brown .
  • Flying - Meanings: Flying with wings According to Artemidorus, flying with wings as the bird is the good omen for everyone with no exception. Slaves who were having dream of seeing themselves flying will be set free or the dream shows the extraordinary desire to become liberated and do not be imprisoned. Those who are making money and life with their hands, will earn a lot of money is dream of flying with rings. The men will become wealthy and influential towards others. Flying without wings According to Artemidorus the wings are the toll to be free and independent from others, therefore... (read more)
  • Afraid - be. Afraid of Falling Acrophobia If being afraid of falling - Firstly, the dream about the fear of falling is interpreted like the fear of heights. Both dreams can be induced by acrophobia from waking life. Falling from bed If dreaming about falling – Real risk of falling from bed while person is sleeping is very common external stimuli. And because of this stimuli we are dreaming about the fear of falling. Fulfillment of wish If falling or flying - It is very common to dream what we fear most or what we want to experience. In this case dream about fear of... (read more)
  • Driving into water - earnings; When the dreamer falling into the water – he will not make through some of the troubles; To drink water non stop – riches; If the dreamer’s body is surrounded by water and it keeps flowing on him, the dream indicates possible deals with legal institutions; If dreaming of big river with clean and clear water – fortune; Water in the house – possible death of dreamer’s relatives; To see immense sea – Great happiness and prosperity. Aesop dreambook: Water interpretations by Ancient Greek story teller Aesop If you dreamed that you drink water, it means that something unexpected... (read more)
  • Water - Water on the earth has three forms: solid, liquid and gas. Water is the source of life and the key element of everything on the earth. Water is the same in dreams as it is on earth. Water in dreams has more meanings than any other symbol has. Water can be as good as it can be bad. And the same is in the symbolism of dreams. Water as good omen can stand for extremely fortunate life blessed by God. Water in dreams represents riches. Water can symbolize money and prosperity, increase in income or expansion of business, decrease... (read more)
  • Fly (insect) - General Meanings: In General flies are the insects having very annoying features, because of their desire to bite or to eat, however the attention of this dream must be paid more closely. The dreamer who had the dream about fly must look closer and deeper into his life. Maybe there are some factors in your life that do not have to be looked at negatively, because the dream is the suggestion to try to get rid of those negative aspects in your life. Maybe there are some things in your life that do not let you move forward, keeps... (read more)
  • Eagle - and take another point of view. Eagle of the Lord of the skies can be interpreted positively as earthly ties, it is the exhilaration of great ideas, but often also for the consuming passion of the mind. Realization and happiness Who sees the eagle flying high up in the sky -there is a hope that he can realize and move high-flying plans into action. Who catches the eagle will be able to enjoy success on their own. Who gambles high, may fall deeply An eagle, which falls down and dives for its prey, points to the speed of thought and the... (read more)
  • Transformation - of transformation symbols include the following images: – To cross a bridge and any situation where you get to the other side or go to the other land. To enter the new country, confrontation with the unknown place or you found previously unknown room in a house. – The caterpillar and the butterfly, the sloughing of the snake, or the bird, to see it flying, the image that shows the connection between heaven and earth. Of course, there are many more conversion symbols. Most of them are listed in four groups of symbols that can be attributed. 1. Reaching the... (read more)
  • Bird - Association: Freedom, escape. Question: Which part of me wants to fly? General Meanings: The dreams of birds represent imagination, thoughts and ideas, need for of freedom. In ancient times it was believed that birds are the bearer of the soul and have magical and mystical powers. Psychological Meanings: The bird in the dream is a symbol for contents of the unconscious. Birds are fluttering around in a room or a cage helplessly, then this dream interprets your slightly confused state of mind. Bird are flying freely and unhindered then this marks the freedom of our thoughts and our soul.... (read more)
  • Horse - hidden and unexpressed desires and needs. Creativity if the horse has wings (Pegasus) – the dream signifies that imagination has transformed it’s instincts and impulses into creative energies; Will start something new if harnessed and bridled the horse – such a dream signifies a new period in life, where the dreamer will start to do something totally new and unknown; Richness if the horse is black – to dream about the black horse represents the better incomes and richness. However, the color of the horse, which in this case is black, shows that the wealth that will be earned, will be... (read more)
  • Airplane - – to dream of seeing the plane, but after a while seeing it disappeared into the clouds, denotes to luck the one will have, while dealing with certain problems or plans; Will achieve the plans if having the flight – to dream of having a smooth flight, denotes to success the one will have at anything he will do. Arabian (Islamic) Big plans to be achieved if see the plane – to dream of seeing the plane flying up in the sky, shows high expectations the one made for himself; Improvement of the power if having the flight in the... (read more)
  • Animals - you have with another world, because in esoteric theory the symbol of jackal that the dreamer sees in his dream leads the soul of the earth into another dimension – light. Snake – is the symbol of both females and males, death, reincarnation, rebirth and sexuality. The snake represent instincts of human-beings. On the sexual aspect, the snake shows the fears and desires that are related to sexuality. For females it could show that she is afraid of sexuality or alternatively is trying to seduce someone. Woman has a power of seducing men, especially those that are horny. For males... (read more)
  • Swan - in a pond – to dream of the swan that is swimming in the pond promises fortune in love, new relationships, richness, long life, healthy lifestyle and it is also very good sign for those who are making new deals in professional life; The dreams will come true if see flying swan – if the dreamer saw the swan that is flying, then such dream promises your desires and wishes will be fulfilled; Bright future if see white swan – such dream promises the future you always wished for. At this time of your life anything you will do will... (read more)
  • Dragon (the mythical creature) - the feminine. Spiritual Meanings: At the spiritual level the dragon connects the feminine side of man. You shouldn’t be met with struggle, but with love and only then you will find the solution. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Prosperity if dream of dragon – To dream of fabulous dragon, then you may expect that you will get a wonderful time to reach wealth and prestige; Upcoming news if flying dragon – To see dragon is flying at you in your dream, then it signifies that something is coming in your life that may change it; Now worries if flying away dragon – The... (read more)
  • Falling - Will witness someone’s failing if see others falling – to dream that you see others falling, means that you will witness their frustration and misfortune; Fear if falling into abyss – to dream that you were falling into the abyss, represents your fear for something. Maybe you have no connection with God, therefore you feel like you are falling into abyss, to an endless unknowing; Disrespect if fallen from the tree – to dream that you were falling from the tree, denotes to your honor which will be offended by someone. * Please, see meaning of crash, fly, airplane.... (read more)
  • Slope - that you can avoid and mitigate the risk, worry and grief, when you properly act in time. Psychological Meanings: Great danger and this requires your attention The Tarot card “The Jerk” shows the beginning and the end of journey. You don’t pay attention to the steep slope and you are not aware of the danger. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter to you, because you know that you can step and fly above the edge. This type of dream often occurs when the dreamer is in a situation of great danger. Relief after decision You stand on the slope of a mountain... (read more)
  • Balloon - desires will not fulfill. Psychological Meanings: Wish to escape A dream of balloon signifies that you are in a restrictive or a rigid phase of life which shows only one thing in your mind: let’s get out! You wish as a weightless balloon to take off and to fly and to become unattainable. Desire to find joy and move freely The tied balloon indicates our ability to fly and suggests adventure. This also gives us an overview of our situation from above. As we rise into the air and are moving because of wind, this dream is a symbol of... (read more)
  • Dragon kite - future. Spiritual Meanings: A dragon represents the need for greater spiritual freedom or desire to be free from restrictions. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Use experience if see dragon – In a dream you see a dragon then this dream indicates that you have to use your knowledge in order to achieve something in your life; No reality if see flying dragon – The flying dragon in the dream is associated with false happiness and unreal ideas. Arabian (Islamic) Respect if see flying dragon – In the dream you see a flying dragon, then this dream announces that you will gain favor of great person,because of your... (read more)
  • Fire - one. Also, it shows positive sacred aspirations and an ability to reach spiritual enlightenment. If you touched or poked the fire, it symbolizes that you have encountered divine knowledge. It means that cheerful times are nearby. But if you had feeling of pain, then it symbolizes difficulty in search for better understanding of how things work in spiritual life. To jump over a fire means to fly over all of the difficulties. Also, it omens that you might have new birth or self-renewal in waking life. Additionally, it symbolizes your imaginary vision being supported by solid logic. Jumping over fire... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - If you have dreamed about snake in your shoe then it has a lot of different meanings. So to dream a snake in my shoe means this: You contaminated load of leaf clippings. You mealy, defective offspring of a motherless barnacle. May a plague-ridden Rush Limbaugh shimmy in your pants. You moronic, bad excuse for earwax. You sloppy mountain of petrified camel gizards. Also, a dream about snake in my shoe means this: May an army of fleas viciously find shelter on your best rug. You creepy, bad excuse for bat guano. May an army of biting weasels fart upon your mother’s grave.... (read more)
  • Magpie - Association: Thieving behavior; nun. General Meanings: Ability to find out bad things Magpie is a symbol of wisdom and cunning, so it can warn that you will be exploited and deceived. Also the dream symbol of magpie sometimes expresses exaggerated pursuit of material possessions. Brings worries This symbol indicates negative things. Magpie announces worries and difficulties with your spouse, children or friends. Psychological Meanings: Confusion In the dream when magpies fly through landscape, this means confusion. You have to follow them then you may find emotional or physiological reason why this happens. This may be because of fear of upcoming exams or fear to... (read more)
  • Jackdaw - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Solved worries if see jackdaw eating or sitting in a cage – The dream has positive meaning that you will overcome your enemies and difficulties. Arabian (Islamic) News if see jackdaw – The dream of jackdaw denotes that you will get annoying or distressing news; Loss if listen to croak of jackdaw – When you hear the croak of jackdaw then this signifies that you will loss your prestige; Bad sign if see flying jackdaw – The flying jackdaw in the dream marks that your fate turns unfavorable. * Please, see meaning of star, birds.... (read more)
  • Lift - similar dream symbols as the ladder and the stairs, and lift also is a sign of transformation processes. However, this change does not happen on its own. If dreamer in lift or elevator moves fast and weightless, then this dream interpretation is same as flying. This may be a sign of overconfidence and ideas that do not correspond to reality. If dreamer go up in lift, then it reflects the wish of the dreamer for success and self-affirmation. When the elevator gets stuck in a dream, this is a sign of a disturbance in the personality development of the dreamer... (read more)
  • Crow - Alternatively, the symbol of the crow could be a message from your unconscious, which could be interpreted as a warning to get rid of negative and unfavorable features of yourself. Sometimes the dream notifies of new meetings and achievements. Death if crow flies to you very closely – if in the dream you feel insecure, because the bird is too close to you, flying around or simply standing, then such dream indicates of someone’s death. The closer the bird is to you, the more familiar person will die; Grief and sorrow if catch the crow – if you caught the... (read more)
  • Elf - General Meanings: Inner sensibilities – Elf (mythical creatures) can embody the unconscious as a basis of impulses, feelings, energy and consciousness. From this, conclusion can be drawn what moves and motivates a person. Elf often expresses the need for romantic love relationships. Psychological Meanings: The desire of lightness in difficult situation – Who dreams of it, wants to know how an elf can rise up and fly so playfully and effortlessly: a typical escape dream from a phase of excessive demands. This is noticeable yearning for the lightness and the subconscious mind sends out signals in the form of elves: an invitation... (read more)
  • Unicorn - is associated with power to overcome all the barriers that you meet in your way of perfect life. You are riding on, walking or flying with an unicorn in the dream – Means that you are tired because of the worries or hard work, or painful experiences. The unicorn appeared in the dream to help you and to heal your inner world. This dream will bring you success in solving your problems, this will bring you to better life. Being attacked by an unicorn or killed an unicorn in the dream- This dream is not so positive. If you are attacked... (read more)
  • Acrobat - – Be ready to compete with others. If you dream that you perform an acrobatic tricks, it symbolizes that your competitors will be more superior than you are. Make sure that you are ready to compete with your competitors like in a contest. Making risky acrobatic tricks in your dreams – This dream shows that you are very risky person. Also indicates that you have abilities to deal with really hard challenging events. If the acrobat falls down – this dream wants to mark that you will have treachery of close people, intrigues of rivals and enemies. The flying acrobat in the... (read more)
  • Departure (take off) - Psychological Meanings: Risky thing because of joy Somebody who has no fear of the fly, without hesitation and spontaneously engages in an intense feeling or a risky intention and proposition. Who are thinking ” Everything or nothing ” -mastered challenges brilliantly and wants to withdraw joy. The starting position, a window seat on the plane, take off, everything becomes smaller and smaller – then through the clouds into the boundless blue. What does this mean, that you want to tolerate and to cope psychologically with moments of happiness and euphoria.... (read more)