House hunting dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about house hunting may illustrate abundance, admiration and fast friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud analysis the dream about house hunting promises freewheeling enterprise, effeminate sexual drive or interest, inventiveness and dynamism.
Positive transformations are afoot in life if: house hunting - It reveals the occupation of a position of dominant influence. You are a scout. Notwithstanding, if it was bad dream then a dream could connote upside down signification: an unspecified person could be spurious and misleading in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 86, 97, 21, 31, 11; 2 extra numbers - 4, 83.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and brown .
  • Dog - ...that dogs are growling, roaring or howling foretells that you will be scheming people at home or you will be confronted with unpleasant news; Biting means defamation – Dreaming of biting dog indicates a slander, a libel, a defamation; To be attacked and bitten is bad omen – If a dog In the dream attacks you and bites, then such dream’s context foretells a dispute because of money or enactment of a false friend. Being bitten by dog also represents disease or dispute in the house: maybe the dreamer is feeling guilty; Trusting means embarrassing position – In the dream... (read more)