Seeing my dead father in pain dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about seeing my dead father in pain may signal rest, worship and affection (love).
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung understanding of the dream about seeing my dead father in pain represents unallied humor, womanliness sexual urge, taste and ascendency.
Constructive transfigurations are going on in your life only: seeing my dead father in pain - This dream sign betokens advantage and being one step ahead of other. Variously, if the dream was more like nightmare then this dream may convey backwards significance: a person of great significance could be delusive or menacing in relation to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 67, 1, 34, 88, 30; 2 extra numbers - 11, 46.
Fortunate colors for this dream: golden and brown .
  • Wine glasses - Association: Fun & Pleasure; Happy & Fortunate. General Meanings: Joyful life Dreaming of wineglass (or glasses of wine) indicates great times, happy and funny days. Also glass of wine may be symbol of a pregnancy. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good omen if dreaming wine glass – Very good sign about upcoming happy news which will change your life into better; Disappointment if seeing an empty wine glass – You are dreaming that you see an empty glass of wine, signifies that you do not let yourself to participate in a pleasure, also announces disappointment, because you haven’t completed something what... (read more)
  • Beer - intrigues; Good friends if drinking beer with someone from your brotherhood – This shows that you have good and useful, helpful friends; Get rid of bad dependence if for habitual drinkers dreaming beer – The dream shows that it is time for you to start harmonic life, you are ready to get rid of this dependence; Good life if seeing fresh foam of the beer – Good and well life is coming to you; Marriage if spill beer in the dream – This symbol will bring you marriage or christening. Hindu (Hinduism) Good life if drinking beer – This shows... (read more)
  • Crying - Association: – The release of emotions & grief. Question: – What kind of emotions am I willing to express? General Meanings: Mental Suffer - Cry often stands for uncontrollable feelings or pain. Whether the dreamer himself or others are crying in his dream, there are always the discharge of accumulated feelings. Perhaps the dreamer is saddened by events in the past, or he is afraid to embrace the future. Release of feelings - The kind of crying can be very revealing. Cry in the dream often appears from inner tensions, especially if you can not cry in the waking state.... (read more)
  • Chamomile - chamomile – such dream shows that you will become ill, but will get well very soon either; Will live long if drinking chamomile tea or picking up the blossoms of it – the dream promises long journey through life leading with decent health; Will get relief from pain if walking in the fields of chamomiles – to walk in the fields of chamomile promises recovery out of spiritual or physical pain. Hindu (Hinduism) Problems with respiratory organs if picking up the chamomile – the dream is a sign of your health getting weaker. Arabian (Islamic) Mild sickness or disease if... (read more)
  • Burn / Combustion - is a sign that you will suffer from great pain. Also this dream is a warning against reckless promises and shady business deals, they may bring you lots of damage; Harm if suffer from a combustion – In the dream you suffer from a combustion, this shows that you will deal with risky ventures which have an extremely harmful effect for you or your family; Love if be burned – You are burned in the dream, this announces that you will have hot and passionate love; Losses if suffer pain – You suffer pain because of burn in the dream,... (read more)
  • Can - painted can – You will have pleasure and satisfaction in your life when in the dream you see nicely painted can; Prestige if get can as a gift – You got a can as a present in your dream, then this announces that you will get honor and prestige in your life; Hindu (Hinduism) Hidden feelings if see a can – The can as a dream symbol indicates hidden feelings or secrets in your life; Sorrow if see damaged can – The damaged can in the dream marks your own feelings that you are hurt and feel sorrow because of others... (read more)
  • Injury / hurt - Association: Work on old pain or wounds. Question: Which wounds would I like to allow to heal? Which damage am I ready to close well? General Meanings: Painful experiences Injury appears because of disappointment, slights, injustice or separation from a love, if these experiences are unprocessed or displaced. Hurt in real life In the dream to be injured, shows that in real life you are tired emotionally, weakened by worries. Also you feel threatened or attacked by someone in your real life. Maybe you are injured emotionally by the one you love. Emotional instability Someone else is injured (the... (read more)
  • Thorns, spines and prickles - Association: Sting of consciousness. Question: In what way am I willing to make the physical and spiritual aspects of my personality in line? In general: To be stabbed in the dream of a spine means that the dreamer has to deal with minor problems. Also, announce the thorn alone unpleasant life experiences or even a serious mental illness. At times, he warns against the obstinacy of others, against the hard to get there. Symbol of self-reflection to the old virtues, in the Christian sense of the suffering have to help others. – Bring thorns blood to flow, then the... (read more)
  • Arnica montana - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Relieving pain, Healing, Useful in emergencies, Help for skin. Description Arnica grows in the northern mountains of the United States and Canada. It is a plant with yellow flowers. It helps against shock and pain. Arnica ointment helps against sprains, wounds, bruises and skin lesions. General Meaning Look at your old pain, wounds and scars. The help for skin, either real or in a figurative sense. Transcendent Meaning A gift of healing. First aid.... (read more)
  • Doctor - a benevolent father, teacher or adviser from which you may get concrete and specific recommendations for life. Hope of help and knowledge It is also expresses the hope of help in a difficult and on a good situation for successful outcome. You see yourself as a doctor, you will gain more self-knowledge and better understanding in solving problems. Sometimes the doctor appears as a menacing figure, what often shows exaggerated fear of disease (hypochondria), rarely indicates a still unidentified disease. Psychological Meanings: Indication or warning before disease In the dream, the doctor is a very important symbolic figure: He indicates that... (read more)
  • Admiral - authority or great power and domination. Psychological Meanings: The desire to control your “life boat” The Admiral is basically a complex dream symbol that corresponds to the captain in some aspects.It refers either to a model, a dominant father-figure or even to God and the destiny. It can also refer to the dreamer, who has enough strength and confidence and would like to control his “lifeboat in the sea of life”. The admiral also represents a symbol of authoritarian male sexuality. Especially the actions of Admiral in a dream should be considered, if you want an accurate interpretation. Traditional Meanings: European... (read more)
  • Old people - get rid of all bad influence or behavior; False friends if see an unknown old man – This dream shows that you have to take care of yourself. Sometimes the old person may be a sign that there are lots of harmful people around you; Worries if see an old woman – This dream symbol stands for anxiety, difficulty or inability to deal with problems in your life. But you will overcome them without any painful consequences; Positive sign if see a lot of old people – In the dream to see many old people, this is very auspicious dream. You have so much experience in your... (read more)
  • Burial (bury, burying) - General Meanings: Edge out bad things and move forward Burial in the dream often stands for the attempt to edge out painful experiences or negative traits. You haven’t done this successfully for a long time so you have to process them consciously, because  they will damage your life. Sometimes, this includes – going out and looking for company. Psychological Meanings: Shame because of behavior and immorality What is buried in the dream, this is like the shadow on the soul. It can be translated as the vice or the incorrect attitudes in the waking life. You can forget and... (read more)
  • Dolphin - European (Judeo-Christian) Reaching goals if see a dolphin – The dream of dolphin may be a sign that you are free for choices and decisions in your life. You are wise person and move toward your goals. Arabian (Islamic) Success if see a dolphin – Generally to see a dolphin in a dream stands as a symbol of good luck and satisfaction of life; Loss of love if see dead dolphin – In the dream to see a dead dolphin, then this dream indicates that you will loose a loved person or really good fellow. * Please, see meaning of whale.... (read more)
  • Bee - them – Announces about squabbles with friends; Loss If Kill; Awesome time If On the blossom – To see a bee on a red large flower, this shows the beginning of a lucky period, success in almost everything;  For an officer - Obedient henchmen; For a preacher - New members of the community; For a business man - good sales; For parents – A lot of fun with their children. Hindu (Hinduism) Loss If Dead – A dead bee means loss, also the loss of a friend. Arabian (Islamic) A good sing If Seeing – This announces a good omen; Worries If been stung by... (read more)
  • Yew (tree) - If a young woman sits under a yew, she will put up with many grueling fears because of loyalty of her lover. If their lover stands at a yew, she will possibly get to know about his disease. If she admires a yew, she will alienate from her relatives by a failure marriage; Death if dead tree – A dead yew tree without needles, announces a tragic death in the family; Assets is not consolation about your loss. Hindu (Hinduism) Happiness if beautiful tree – In the dream you see really beautiful Yew tree with red berries, signifies that you will be... (read more)
  • Lion - you will lose it; Perfect success in all things if defeated the lion – the dream shows your victory in many aspects of your life; Power and prestige if shoot the lion – the shooting is the proof that you won the battle between good and bad; Might get deceived if you are overwhelmed by lion – such dream warns you to be careful, do not trust anybody and be aware of those you are surrounded by; The enemy is going away from you if lion is dead – the dream shows that the hostility of an enemy is losing... (read more)
  • Cedar - Symbol of Lebanon. Transcendent Meaning Administration of ancient wisdom, strengthening and help with a disease. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good future if see many cedars – In the dream you see many cedars then you may have a honorable future because you are respectful person; No success if see green cedar tree – You see green, well-formed cedar tree in the dream, then this may be that terminate a pleasing success in a business; Bad period if see dead or ill cedar – The dream where you see dead or ill cedar then you may expect a distress, you will not achieve your goals... (read more)
  • Bear - Association: Possessive love. Question: To what extent love is dangerous for me? General Meanings: Strength and Power – Bear in a dream most often goes as impetuous and brute force, which you should use with caution in order not to overshoot the target. Positively such a force, energy and perseverance can help you to handle with hard situations. Leadership and healing ability, strength for defense. Danger and Menace – The dream about bear also has a dangerous, threatening meaning in itself. In the fairy tales and mythology of the Nordic nations and Russia the bear is the king of beasts.... (read more)
  • Baby / Babies - accepted as it is. – Capacity of recall: Dreaming of dead baby or babies can sometimes suggest a bad memory (short and long term) . Maybe you are experiencing decrease in ability to remember? If you have problem with keeping things in mind, then you should concentrate and focus your attention more. Furthermore, think all over and see what have you forgot. Is there anything? Dreaming of defunct, deceased or lifeless symbols may show temporary problems not only with ability to use short term memory, but also to remember places, things, or persons. Perhaps you want to unlearn some part of your past? Is there... (read more)
  • Jay - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Troubles if see jay – In a dream you see jay then this means difficulties that require maximum effort to overcome them; Responsibilities if catch jay – The dream where you catch or caught the jay then this dream marks that will have hope for positive duties; Strife if see dead jay – The dead jay in the dream points to domestic strife and unpleasant future.... (read more)
  • Widow & Widower - in a dream symbolize female spiritual wisdom. Traditionally: European – In general widower or widow: points to unexpected joy and happiness and maybe announce lost of family in the distant future; – To see or to be: you will not get rid of a nuisance; – Also seeing of widow: bad people bring a lot of problems; – To be widower in dream: indicates an illness of a wife; – To talk to a widow: it is possible to wife by death; – If a woman dreams that she is a widow: disloyalty of the husband. – When a young... (read more)
  • Monkey - dead – You see dead monkeys in the dream, your worst enemy’s will retreat from you; Unfaithfulness if see (young) woman – The young woman sees the monkey in her dream, this points that she should quickly get marry, because her fiance will be unfaithful with the woman who is subordinate to him; Deception if (young) woman feeds herself in a dream – In the dream you feed a monkey, this announces that you will be tricked by a sycophant. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if see on the tree – This dream warns, do not believe the sycophants! ill-considered acting if one... (read more)
  • Snake - foretells self-renewal, spiritual independence or rebirth, along with any other kind of positive transformations. Psychological Meanings: Importance – Snake is most important archetypical character of dreams. According psychiatrist C.G. Jung a snake demonstrates something significant in the subconscious. It can be dangerous or can bring salvation. Since the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, the snake is most commonly met with fear. Good or bad – Because of snake mysterious nature, it is seen as the carrier of deepest energetic forces of the soul, but snake also is seen often in a conflict, so snake dream has both meanings – positive... (read more)
  • Oak (tree) - symbolizes health, long life, luck and success. Sit under the oak in the shade often stands for the feeling of the safety and security,  perhaps announces also that you stand under a powerful protection and you are supported. Bald oak warns that plans will fail and you will have troubles with them. Dried and dead oak can announce that you will get into big trouble, but you will find out everything without harm if you do not allow to sink the courage. Felled oak can indicate the separation of an related person, sometimes also disease or death of a relative.... (read more)
  • Carrion - General Meanings: Carrion is often equated with corpse. Only the corpse of a horse (in ancient dream books) is partially understood as a promise of long life. Find or see a corpse: You have left difficult or not very successful period of life behind yourself. A plan or a task is completed or abandoned. If we see a dead animal in front of you, the importance of the animal should be stated as a symbol to experience and to to learn more precise details. Psychological Meanings: The symbol of carrion appears in a dream, means that a problem is solved, in addition... (read more)
  • Analysis of Water - of business, decrease in prices or gains of war. Water helps for everything to come to life. Water in dreams represents a semen, a birth, a life. Water can symbolize a marriage, a fertility and a delivery of one or more children. Water can be lifegiver and sustainer or it can be a deadly foe and lifetaker. Water is the same in dreams as it is on the earth. On one side, water is symbol of purity, peace and justice, but on the other – symbol of worries, pain, sorrow or destruction and death. Positive & Negative Symbols Most common... (read more)
  • Amputation - Association: Dismemberment Question: What must I tear apart, to be able to complete myself? General Meanings: Fear of loses The dream of an amputation of one or more limbs, this vision may be as a sign of fear or risk for the dreamer to lose the part of himself. When one loses one’s own body part by amputation in a dream, this dream leaves a strong sense of loss. The lost ability, power or property – something what is dear to the dreamer. Impending losses The loss of a leg indicates restriction of movement, for example, unfulfilled desire to... (read more)
  • Fear - Association: Unexpressed love, self-doubt. Question: What am I willing to accept in myself and in others? General Meanings: Discontent In the dream images play very important and prominent role. The fear in the dream signifies your dissatisfaction of yourself. Need to correct mistakes Maybe you did essential mistakes and you want to correct them. To cry because of fear in the dream, indicates very serious mistake, which has to be solved or corrected. Psychological Meanings: We all have fears The psychologist indicates that we all have fears as a necessary circuit breakers and fuses in person’s life. Dealing with... (read more)
  • Apple - General Meanings: Apple is an ambiguous symbol which is found in myths and religions (for example, eviction from the paradise in the Bible). Symbol of temptation Generally, it is interpreted as a corruptibility of the dreamer by worldly material things and then can warn how easily he allows to lead into temptation. In the old testament the apple stands as a ” forbidden fruit ” which can reveal what is good and what is bad. In the original text of the Bible it is spoken only about “fruit”. Fertility For the Mediterranean people the pomegranate, the fig and the quince are... (read more)
  • Dock - Psychological Meanings: Find the way to reduce pain Docks leaves may be used to relieve skin irritation. This dream may be a sign that there are always some ways how to deal with pain or unpleasant events in your real life. * Please, see meaning of foodstuff.... (read more)