With big and small rocks dream meanings

Reassuring evolutions are awaiting in your life when: with big and small rocks - This symbol signs the state of being superior to all others in power. You are a scout. However, if your dream has left bad feeling then your dream might adumbrate upside down subject: a person of importance can be deceiving and/or chancy in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 46, 6, 50, 40, 86; 2 extra numbers - 26, 21.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and purple .
  • Smallpox - that someone has smallpox, then this dream announces that you will get money. Arabian (Islamic) Money if see (the disease) someone with smallpox – In the dream someone has a disease with smallpox you will be surprised because of your incomes; Wealth if have smallpox – You are dreaming that you have smallpox, then you are lucky person because you will become unexpectedly rich; Worries if smallpox are black – The smallpox in the dream are black and dirty then you have very unfavorable dream, this indicates destruction of your life or property. * Please, see meaning of acne.... (read more)
  • Dog - physical urges; Fear means bad judgment – The fear of the animal in the dream, represents mind. To be afraid of the dog is often explained as poor conscience of the dreamer; Dog following means sharpness – If in the dream a dog has accompanied the dreamer, then it shows that his instincts are awake; Pain means lack of confidence –  If a dog is chained up or tortured, then it symbolizes the unconscious mind with complexes in waking life; Big or giant dog means relaxation – Large dogs symbolizes mitigation of problems and relief in the waking life; The... (read more)
  • Big snakes in the road - dream of big snake in a road may have such symbolism: You festering ass. May many South American killer bees find your innards suddenly delectable. You lazy offspring of a motherless fuckwad. May a scabrous platoon of disease-carrying weasels gleefully dance in your mother’s shoes. Also, dreaming about big snakes in road can have more meanings: May an army of disease-carrying maggots and a slavering Rush Limbaugh seek a battleground upon your heinie. May a truckload of plague-ridden weasels, with the power of Thor’s belch, discharge bodily waste on your best rug. You curdled fondue pot. You stenchy, retarded, assinine,... (read more)
  • Bigamy - General Meanings: Hard to choose In a dream to be a bigamist, then this is an indication of your inability to make decision – either between two loved ones, or between two possible action. The dreamer has two options, which are of equal value for him, so this is really hard to make decisions. Psychological Meanings: Betray To be married in the dream with a bigamist, then there is a possibility that you eventually will be betrayed by a person who stands near you. Spiritual Meanings: Two ways On the spiritual level may the bigamy may denote that you... (read more)
  • Driving into water - water means that your feelings are a bit too cold. Arabian (Islamic) – Drinking warm water – To drink a warm water in the dream, it is an indication that the dreamer will get in trouble and annoyance, these will be big as the heat of the water, because happiness is like cold water, when hot water is misfortune. – Washing with warm water – If someone washes with warm water, his distress will be lower. – Drinking wine mixed with hot water – If in the dream someone is prophesied to drink wine mixed with hot water means heavy... (read more)
  • Water - - The quickly rushing water like a waterfall or the ocean waves tell that you are in a phase of rapid changes in interests, a threshold in life have achieved, in which you’ll let go of all control and enjoy yourself at the flow of life force. - Retrieved from the surf breaking on the beach shows that you realize how your feelings interact with your physical reality. - A dream of big waves that roll onto the beach may indicate forthcoming decisive emotional events. How did you feel it,waves when weighed against the beach, indicates whether you have to... (read more)
  • Nose - do; Business failure if dream of smaller nose than you actually have one – beware of your opponents as you are going to fail in all of your endeavors; Loss of assets if nose is bleeding – to dream that your nose is bleeding signifies misfortune and loss. Sometimes the dream may be a warning of upcoming disaster within your health. Beware and take care better after yourself; Unfulfilled sexual desires if women see man with big nose – for a woman to dream about man who has big nose, indicates her sexual, erotic desires towards some particular men. Hindu... (read more)
  • Fire - person, activity, or cause; Welfare If dreaming sailors and travelers – bring continued prosperity; Safety and Accomplishment If Seeing big fire – dreaming of big fire, means a convenient and safe journey for sailors & travelers and success with awards for writers and unlimited business success; Disclosure and Wellness If Seeing signs of fire – this points to revelations of a sin or a secret and the healing of a sick person; Friendship If Seeing in the open field or igniting in field – announces that dreamer will have a beautiful friendship; Pleasure and Love If Igniting fire – this dream shows that  a lot... (read more)
  • Mouth - danger that your words can cause; The gain of the money if the mouth is narrow – to dream that you have small and narrow mouth, symbolizes riches you will obtain; Honor if the mouth is wide – the dreamer that has a mouth which is big and narrow, will be respected by those he is surrounded by; Inability to express your feelings if your mouth is full – to dream of having the mouth full of stuff, for example food, shows your desire to express your thoughts and feelings. The fullness of mouth shows the inability to show those... (read more)
  • Horse - if dream of a foal – if you’ve dreamed of the horse that is still very young and small, signifies happy celebration or event you will be delighted to enjoy it; Progress if the horse is saddled, but without rider – usually when the dreamer sees a horse that is saddled, but no sign of the rider, represents possible prosperity at work or advancement in any other area of the dreamer’s life; Accomplishment if the horse is saddled with the rider – to dream of the horse that has been saddled and had a rider or the dreamer was the... (read more)
  • Big snake killed by car - To dream big snake killed by car can suggest very powerful surprising fearfulness or intuitive resistance. In addition, such dream denotes entirely concealed dangers, very unfeeling human. Despite everything, it means grand strength of the unconscious part of the mind, which gives valuable ingredients for successfulness in waking life. According to Freud, big snake killed by car has meaning of impulses of erotic nature.... (read more)
  • Pond (small lake) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Joy if see a pond – To see pond or small lake in dream then this means that after a painful experience you will follow a new happiness. Hindu (Hinduism) Happiness if see a pond – To dream of pond announces you peaceful relations and happy life. Arabian (Islamic) Satisfaction if see a pond – The dream of pond indicates that you will have life full of joy and satisfaction.... (read more)
  • Knoll (small hill) - General Meanings: Health and comfort The traditional interpretation of dream, a knoll as a dream symbol brings the dreamer well-being from his very early childhood which gave him the mother’s breast. Psychological Meanings: Comfortable life On the emotional level the knoll shows the person need to have a long and comfort life. The dependence of these features always come with feminine. The mother nature takes care of her children. Spiritual Meanings: A knoll symbolizes mother earth or the entrance to the underworld. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No worries if climb a knoll – In the dream you climb and reach the... (read more)
  • Iceberg - General Meanings: Frozen and hidden emotions Iceberg can be understood as the whole personality, which is seen only a small part of the personality. The rest part extends only beyond the threshold of consciousness. Which may be revived from freeze. The frozen feelings and emotions, bad experience or pain. Psychological Meanings: Hidden emotions and fear A symbol of the fear of feelings, the need of control and distance, deliberately steered emotional withdraw. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Solve worries if see iceberg – The iceberg symbol in the dream may show that you have unsolved problems in your life that... (read more)
  • Animals - big impact with everyday life. When we have an emotional crisis it reflex in our dreams. For example, someone that just broke up, having the dream of the animal attacking him, then such dream might show the anger towards that person. Another example, the dreamer has a dream of seeing the animal feeding his babies, then such dream might indicate your parental instincts or the environment which includes children you are surrounded by. The third example explains man’s relationships to his divorced wife. He was dreaming of being a tiger and trying to eat his ex wife. The dream shows... (read more)
  • Bread - what he wants from life. Maybe he made wrong decisions. Brotherly love The loaf is also a symbol of humanity, friendship and sharing. Inner growth Food of life which strengthens both equally body and soul. Who dreams of the bread, whose life gets a sense, because he grows inside together with a community. Prosperity Pay attention to the size and form of bread in the dream. The prosperity and success is announced if you see big loaves of bread. More humility The bread sometimes requests more modesty. Anxiety, sorrow Only old, hard or moldy bread announces distresses and crisis from which you will... (read more)
  • Fire (Christianity) - passions slightly; Worries If large fire with smoke – announces trouble and mischief; News If small fire - small fire which cause no damage can expect unimportant news; Sorrow If fire going out – brings grief to you; Devastate If fire itself extinguish – your hopes are destroyed; Journey If dancing around – Dreaming of dance or watch others dance near fire, this announces a cheerful trip; Damage If Getting into fire – this means that you will have big harm; Problems If burning – To suffer burns from fire in a dream, this points to worsening circumstances; Joy If looking in the oven... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - and dogs Dogs and cats together Dogs, cats, mices and guinea pigs Your dog ​​runs away Large black dogs Dog crying Fleas on your dog Kill a dog in driveway German Shepherd Dog bites a person in the face Dying dog Your dog ​​speaks Bathing dogs Big white dog Your dog ​​hurt Dog chasing you and wants to bite Dogs barking Dogs mating Step on dog poop Dogs playing with you Your dog dies Dogs having sex Black dog that haunts you Dalmatian dog Death of a dog Devil in dog form Dog bites you in the face Small white... (read more)
  • Bighorn sheep - Association: Pigheaded. General Meanings: This dream shows that one part of you seeks higher social position or desires to belong to a social group. Psychological Meanings: A gift of knowledge from feminine side. The dream symbol marks that you will have an ability to understanding relationships.... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - has left him inflected with a small loss…. (Dog) (See Dog)… (Police dog) Dreaming of a lap-dog, foretells you will be succored by friends in some approaching dilemma If it be thin and ill-looking, there will be distressing occurrences to detract from your prospects…. (Lap-dog) If a dog tears off one’s clothing in a dream, it means that a vile person is slandering and backbiting him…. (Dog) See Dog)… (Dog star) A hand bell in a dream also means a scandal…. (Hand bell) A hand bell in a dream represents a jobber, a broker, a wife and her children, or... (read more)
  • Dwarf - used more consciously and deliberately. Inferiority and negative feelings Partly, it also stands for qualities and experiences which you can not “make smaller”, neglect or edge out. Frequently this expresses feelings of inferiority, which explains that vanity and craving for recognition will remain unsatisfied. Psychological Meanings: The fear to resist The fairy-tale character often stands for inferiority complexes. Who dreams himself smaller then in reality, feels disadvantages toward a competitor, believes that he can not compete with him/her. Part of personality that needs to deal and take responsibility In the dreams dwarf sometimes acts as a very helpful friend. A dwarf can represent... (read more)
  • Snake - and negative. Therefore snake can show splitting subconscious into one of two directions – good or bad. Two-headed snake – Especially the snake with two heads, one on each end, in the dream represents that the dreamer is being forcefully pulled in two different directions. Maybe there is too big load for you, too many things to carry. And that makes you not going anywhere. In this case your actions are having the opposite of the desired effect. Also two headed snake can be seen as a symbol of love affair or love triangle.  The bicephalic snake (two heads on one... (read more)
  • Acorns - General Meanings: The beginning of everything Acorns as a dream symbol indicates that from small beginning a huge growth will occur in your life. Acorn (fruit of the oak) is the bud in which the full-grown oak tree, this dream marks that you are ready to growth in your life and to seek your aims and to realize them. The seeds of the oak stand for the germinating life, a fresh start but with limited funds. Sometimes the acorn also signifies about an experience that will make the considerable influence to your future. The following meanings: To see an acorn... (read more)
  • Tongue - careful what you speak or do. Hindu (Hinduism) Clearness If Cut – If the man dreams, his tongue was cut off , was shortened or became big that he could not move it any more, he will cut inequitable opinions; Disrupting If Cut – If you are wise and smart, you will lose your cleverness and wisdom, the enemies will triumph about you, and you will get in a big distress. A man will be defeated in the processes which he leads and does not come out of without troubles and affliction; Happiness  If Seeing - If a woman has this... (read more)
  • Baby / Babies - to be a little better.” as Gordon B. Hinckley once said. – Old and new: Beautiful babies – friendship might end (big chances), renew or to start (rare scenario). But this dream’s condition is tricky one. There is ONLY a small possibility that you will encounter some changes related with your friends. But be aware that dreaming of handsome, lovely or pretty babies (must be more than one), announces potential loss in social life – the end in friendship or sometimes renewal of it, but keep in mind, that it shows also an oppurtunity to start a new one. Maybe... (read more)
  • Pregnancy - that his wife became pregnant and her belly became bigger: he will accumulate gold in its vaults, but worries and sorrow are inevitable; Success if Wife with Big Belly – If common man is dreaming that his wife became pregnant and her belly became bigger: he will achieve outstanding results in his affairs. Hindu (Hinduism) Broken Friendship if Being Pregnant – In a dream to be pregnant (same for both, woman and man): means that the dreamer will lose a good friend. Artemidorus: Dreams of pregnancy meanings accordng to Artemidorus Daldianus Meanings of the dream about pregnant man, significance by social... (read more)
  • Diamond ring - man – is a sign of strong person: might be the dreamer himself or his wife; If diamond ring is for wedding – happy and unbreakable marriage; If it is engagement ring – indicates right choice for those who are in love; To find – Dreaming of finding a ring with diamond meanings by sex: For woman – happiness in marriage; possibility of successful opportunity in career; For man – indicates money, profits from business or better position in work; could mean a marriage to a good woman; newborn son. The big – Dream of big diamond in ring meaning... (read more)
  • Build - General Meanings: The dream of building stands for the plans which give us efforts to build and expand your life. The symbol of building assessed favorably, particularly the construction of a house is a sign of future planning. To build something cute and small in the dream, denotes that you will deal with your problems quickly. The building grows aimlessly up and up, then you problems will grow and grow. To build a bridge, this is very positive sign that you may expect that difficulties will be overcome. The building collapses or decides remove, this dream symbol warns against... (read more)
  • Tree - conclusions on energy, attitudes, beliefs, ideas and values ​​which influence behavior and act decisively. Sometimes a tree is understood as a power symbol. The following accompanying circumstances can facilitate the exact interpretation: The leaves  say about how the dreamer acts and effects on his environment. The branches give information and explanation about the completed stages of development of the dreamer. A tree with spreading branches stands for a warm heart and loving personality, A small close-leafy tree suggests a blocked personality. A well-formed(shaped) tree symbolizes a well-ordered personality. A large, tangled tree – a chaotic personality. Tree with blossoms indicates better... (read more)
  • Threshing - General Meanings: Huge worries The threshing in the dream is the sign that the dreamer urgently has to learn how to separate wheat from the chaff (the main things from the inessential). Otherwise he will soon get bogged down into big problems. Also all irresponsible and fast actions should be avoided. Psychological Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unpleasant people if see threshing – In the dream you see threshing then this dream denotes that that you  will have to deal with unpleasant people; Stopped work if thresh yourself – In the dream you thresh in the fields then this dream marks that you... (read more)
  • Stall - this dream announces small gifts in near future. Also this dream promises a good harvest. Hindu (Hinduism) Keep power if see stall – The dream symbol of stall marks that you have to save your strength, because you will need this later in your real life. Arabian (Islamic) Loss if see small wooden stall – The small wooden stall in the dream indicates problems in business life, perhaps you may loss some money or property; Worries if stall with all products – In the dream you see a stall with lots of products then this denotes strife and anxiety.... (read more)