Ants crawling on a wall and floor next to you are dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of ants crawling on a wall and floor next to you are may emblematize restfulness, hankering and intimacy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding of this dream about ants crawling on a wall and floor next to you are betokens sovereign oomph, ladylike passion, taste and authority.
Positive renewings are around when: ants crawling on a wall and floor next to you are - This symbol of dream forebodes ascendancy and being a frontrunner. In different circumstances, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream should imply vice versa definition: some person might be slick and/or insecure in relation to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 57, 14, 49, 100, 6; 2 extra numbers - 29, 11.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and brown .
  • Wallet - Association: Male security, resources, identity. Question: Which of my attitude to safety, am I ready to change ? General Meanings: In the dream the wallet represents the place in which the dreamer keeps safely his resources – not only the financial, but also all the rest. Wallet symbolizes the personality and the desire to identify and to realize themselves. Depending on the circumstances the following special meanings are possible: The loss of wallet warns that you may be exposed. Finding a wallet can announce that you will know all the tricks; The wallet contains money, this often points out to the... (read more)
  • Ant - Association: Social organization, order, industriousness. Question: How do I have to work with others to achieve my goals? General Meanings: Ants are to be assessed differently, though you should specifically consider the following circumstances: Luck – In the dream you see ants, this promises success and happiness, but only if you look exactly like the proverbial striving hard-working insects. Good sign and Ready to implement plans – Ants on your body are also considered as favorable omen, perhaps the conscious wants to point us here and now to the fact, that we have to reflect on our own hard... (read more)
  • Ground (floor) - if see beautifully laid out floor – In the dream you notice beautiful floor, then this dream goes as a warning of danger. You have to be very attentive; Hard period if see dirty floor -To dream of dirty floor, then this dream indicates anger, worries and vexations in near future, you will have to put lots of efforts “to clean” everything; Wavy happiness if run on the ground – You are running on the ground and then fall down in your dream then this may announce you joy and sorrow at the same time; Watch yourself if lie on... (read more)
  • Wall plaster - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Temporary luck if see plaster walls – The plaster walls as a dream symbol is a sign that the success will not last for so long, so this is the time for you to use it; Warning if falls on you – Wall plaster falls from the walls on you in the dream, so this points to disasters and revelations of bad things; Good sign if see plasterer at work – The dream has a positive meaning that shows that you will never be poor due to your abilities. Hindu (Hinduism) Hiding something if plaster walls – The... (read more)
  • Wall - a garment, a house, a wall and so on. This is the surrounding with which one you have to live and to be ready to deal with it. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Obstacle if see a wall – The wall as a dream symbol is regarded as an insurmountable obstacle while you are trying to reach something. Hindu (Hinduism) Damage if see a wall – In the dream for you appears a wall then you may expect that you will have almost insurmountable obstacles in your life which will damage all your plans and aims. Arabian (Islamic) Be realistic if stand in front... (read more)
  • Brilliant (gemstone) - General Meanings: Arrogance Brilliants (gemstone) as a dream symbol frequently warns against overconfidence, which leads to arrogance and causes conflicts with other. Hidden inferiority Perhaps this dream denotes that behind the outward appearance hides considerable feelings of inferiority and insecurity that one tries to hide by showing wonderful external appearance. Wonderful person Gemstone may also represent a high ideal, or a true loving man that you previously have not noticed or underestimated. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Inferiority if see gemstone – The gemstone as a dream symbol very often indicates feelings of inferiority. This marks bluff and your own... (read more)
  • Floor - Association: Entrance, privacy. Question: How well the different parts of myself consistent with each other? Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Warning if break floors – In your dream you break floors then this marks that near you there is death or serious accident.... (read more)
  • Bedbug - General Meanings: Embarrassment The bedbug symbol usually stands for negative and unpleasant situation or phase in persons’ life. Also this announces irritation or confusion in minds. Illness Also this symbol announces about disease or even death. Your body is too polluted by bad habits or even painful thoughts. Your mind is too tired to fight with all these feelings. Psychological Meanings: Inner dirt From this side the bedbugs are associated with the dirt. You may feel dirty inside you. These bugs appears only in the places where are lots of dirt. So this symbol shows that you conscience is dirty... (read more)
  • Water - the moment. If the water trapped at the gateway it means that you do not show your feelings and hiding emotions away from the others. You’ve made a wall that no one can cross, except you wish to open up yourself; If you were dreaming of crystal clear water, it indicates the chastity and innocence of your inner self. Stagnant and inactive water shows that you are stuck within yourself. You are trying to find the way out, but there is something that stops you from it. Make sure you find what kind of obstacle stops you from moving forward;... (read more)
  • Walling - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Different period if walling – In the dream you walling then this marks that you do not know what to do in your life, what to choose.... (read more)
  • Aborigines (indigenous peoples, native inhabitants) - and insight you have inside. Because imbalance inside you may make you psychologically unsteady. Psychological Meanings: Everyone has personality parts that stay simple and primitive, no matter how civilized you may be. This dream doesn’t pay attention to material things but to the most important – to the spiritual side. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level natives in the dream represent the symbol of getting closer to the earth and to the nature. Traditional Meanings: Hindu (Hinduism) You are dreaming that you see indigenous peoples, this is not a good goal, you are on the wrong gates. You focus on... (read more)
  • Prune (pruning of plants) - Association: Elimination of old growth. Question: What is the old stuff do I want to eliminate? General Meanings: New start The dream of pruning of plans indicates that it is time for you to get rid of everything what is old and unpleasant to you. You have to prepare for the new phase of life.... (read more)
  • Growth (plants) - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Change, development, unfolding, bloom, maturing, enrich, gradually widening, deepening harvest evolution. Description Growth is increase in size, experience or maturity. The growth in the medicine wheel is connected with the external position of the southern soul path. This symbol also includes the mineral fluorite, the comfrey plant, the animal rabbit and the color violet General Meaning Change, expansion, maturation. Association Growths. Transcendent Meaning Gift of readiness that will allow to enter new universal knowledge to you.... (read more)
  • Servant - General Meanings: Servants (Butler) is usually understood as a warning. The following circumstances: To see servants this dream may be a warning about false friends who have only selfish interests in mind. To be a servant shows that you are exploited by others. Sometimes a dream symbol of servant may indicate sincere humility or false modesty, expresses inhibitions and feelings of inferiority that the dreamer has to overcome. Servant in the dream is usually understood in the same sense as the maidservant. According to ancient dream books, this dream announces that you will be promoted at work. Psychological Meanings:... (read more)
  • Worms - can change his life and do something more fruitful. It may be that the dream consciousness with this image of sexual desires, which the dreamer is considered immoral and indicating his guilt. Spiritually: To transfer (hand over) the worms is a metaphor for death. The dreamer should therefore be prepared, that something will occur on the spiritual level and it may soon change. Traditionally: Arabian – Dreaming that you are eating worms: you will get transitional sojourners and collect pension money from them. – Separate worms from someone through the anus: he will be saved from worry and annoying people.... (read more)
  • Driving into water - water is flowing it foretells how you feel at the moment. If the water trapped at the gateway it means that you do not show your feelings and hiding emotions away from the others. You’ve made a wall that no one can cross, except you wish to open up yourself; If you were dreaming of crystal clear water, it indicates the chastity and innocence of your inner self. Stagnant and inactive water shows that you are stuck within yourself. You are trying to find the way out, but there is something that stops you from it. Make sure you find... (read more)
  • Board - a box, the dreamer has to be careful because he may get into a trap. To build hut with board, the dreamer wants to become more cleaner and to shine brighter. To cut boards with saws, this denotes that the dreamer wants to change some things in his life. To balance on a board in the dream, this refers to the fact that the dreamer will have an emotional risk. Floor made of boards, this dream symbolizes safety and stability. Boards used for a decorative wall surface, the dreamer has hidden jewelry (skills or talent) in his inner space. Psychological... (read more)
  • Ivy - and false friends; Have to safe if see ivy on walls – This dream marks that you have to fix an existing relationship if you want to have it; True friend if wear an ivy wreath – In the dream you are wearing  an ivy wreath then this marks that you have a very loyal friend who will help you always; Suffer if see withered ivy – The withered ivy in the dream stands for suffering and tribulation because of lost love. Hindu (Hinduism) Real friends if plant an ivy – In the dream you plant an ivy then this dream announces that you will... (read more)
  • Teeth (tooth) - cleaning your teeth in the dream, means you struggle hard up for others, also predicts that you must do great efforts to preserve the property that you have; Saved position If cleaned teeth became brown – In the dream the dentist has extensively cleaned teeth and the next morning they are brown again, it shows that the interests and concerns to a certain person or position had been protected. Get an answer if get a tooth – Good sign that you will get certainty in a doubtful affair; Prosperity if golden tooth or teeth – This dream announces you wealth; Uncertainty if... (read more)
  • Vampire - should be only seemingly dead persons, who leave their grave at night and drink people’s blood. It was believed, that vampires are unresolved souls, which could not fulfill their purpose in life when they were alive. They were overtaken by death and therefore can not find the rest.  A dream symbol of vampire and bat, points to dark and threatening thoughts and imaginations of the dreamer. Sucking energy and fear of relations The blood-sucking creature is as a monster who goes through our dreams. Where the Vampire (blood-sucking bat) enters the dream events, he stands for a person who wants to... (read more)
  • Heteroptera / True bugs - Artemidorus Meanings: Bugs indicate discontent and worry, as well as concerns because they cause sleepless nights. They also make inconvenience and dissatisfaction with family members. General Meanings: Worries and disadvantage and In a dream to see bugs then this dream announces inconvenience and disagreement with the family. Perhaps the dreamer will have an ability to get rid of a troublesome person and he will not hurt and offend. If you see crawling bugs, then in your life you will meet more intrusive people. When the bed is full of bugs, then this means that you have an unpleasant problem that... (read more)
  • Baby snake - of trouble later. If you step on a nest and snake youngsters bite you in a leg – very important issue is blocking your way right now in waking life. This threat is underestimated by you. If your dream is full of rattlesnake babies – then it serves as maximum alarm to you. But if attacking baby snakes miss and can’t bite – current obstacles is not a threat at all. You can be free from worries. You are overestimating recent issues. An arousal of creative sexual temptation is represented by crawling snake baby over your body. If it comes... (read more)
  • Apple - too high aims, which you will not achieve; Prosperity if pick apples in a dream – You will start picking your work fruits, means that you will be prosperous person; Good sign if red apples with green leaves on a tree – This dream of red apples is a good omen, that you did everything perfectly and now you have a harvest of your hard work; Happy love if eat a nice red apple – When you are eating a red apple in a dream, announces a gratifying and happy love affair. For single ones, it means a new partner and marriage, new feelings of... (read more)
  • Picture - a picture in a dream – This dream shows and indicates an unfavorable circumstance and reduction of success; Respect if hanging up a picture in a dream – Dreaming that you are hanging up a picture, this announces a honor for you, you deserve this because of your hard work; Weak spirit if hanging in your own home – Signifies that you have a weak mind and spirit, this shows that you can be easily dissuaded from the path; Anger if remove a picture – Anger is inside you, this will not let you to move forward; Worries if one or... (read more)
  • Brick up - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if brick up – To dream that you bricking up something then this may be that you may lose a livelihood; Withdraw if brick up wall – You brick up wall in your dream, then this shows that you retreat from somebody or situation; Wrong behavior if someone brick up – In your dream you see that someone bricks up wall or fence then this means that people want to step aside from you. This may be because of your arrogance, rudeness.... (read more)
  • Elf - have to expect something from people, you have to do it on your own. Contexts’ Meanings: To dream an elf – In the dream the elf appears when the person has some kind of worries and troubles and imbalance in his life. He wants to know how he can easily solve them all. Many elves in the dream, signifies that there are several ways to solve the problems , but you have to think very carefully which way to choose. The elf attacks or chases you – In the dream you have been attacked by an elf, this announces you poverty,... (read more)
  • Petrifaction (wood) - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Conservation; Detail; Manifold; Messenger; Perseverance; Understanding the cycle of the Earth; Stability; Connection; Bridging. Description The petrifying to wood is the totem mineral of the turtle clan which is connected with the Earth in the inner circle of the medicine wheel. The petrifaction of the wood starts when its structure is affected by dramatic changes in the earth. The petrifaction are available in many colors because they became stones from the plants. General Meaning Investigation of your connection with plants and mineral resources. Exploring ancient knowledge. Association A fossilized heart. Transcendent Meaning The ability to connect yourself... (read more)
  • Elephant - force and energy with which you overcome barriers on the life where you are led by mind and logic. Ridicule – Elephant in the circus can warn about exaggerated vanity and craving for admiration, that lets easily reveal you to absurdity. Desire for happy life – Female elephant with little ones symbolizes that you long for a quiet, peaceful and harmonious family life. Psychological Meanings: Force and Power – Not only in reality but also in the dream the elephant is a pachyderm, who hardly knows about his destructive power. As a dream symbol it represents the power of the subconscious mind,... (read more)
  • Acrobat - will get favor from men. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if dreaming of an acrobat – The dream warns that your activities are very dangerous – you should consider them again, before it isn’t too late. M. Ibn Sirin dreambook: Acrobat can be qualified as a Jumping by muslim interpreter of dreams M. Ibn Sirin Islamic dream meanings and interpretations about Jumping by Muhammad Ibn Sirin Jumping — (Acrobatic; Acrobat; Bounce; Hop; Leap) To dream that you are hopping on one leg – symbolizes moving from an old place into a new one. If the dreamer takes a broad leap with one... (read more)
  • Car - the wish to express yourself more and show your abilities to others; The state of the mind is not on the track if parking the car wrongly – to place the car on the wrong way, suggest to put your thoughts on the direct way. Psychologically: Car as a symbol of the life drive On the psychological level the dream that includes the car, very often relates to the drive of life which dreamer has. Sometimes people feel that they are going too slowly and are not able to reach the goals they are aiming for. Alternatively, the dream may... (read more)
  • Buck - you will have to fight for your position; Threat if buck threatens with the horns – You have been threatened by the buck in your dream, then this dream wants to warn you that enemies seek to intimidate you with dirty affairs; Protect yourself if defend against an attacking buck – The dream is a sign that you have to be more attentive and to act more seriously against your enemies; Stupidity if ride on a buck – In the dream yo are riding on a buck, then you will make yourself ridiculous because of silly decisions; No worries if... (read more)