Evil laughing dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about evil laughing may betoken quiet, devotedness and love.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's understanding such dreaming of evil laughing signifies separate nerve, ladylike sensuality, artistry and effectiveness.
Positive conversions are about to become true in life when: evil laughing - This symbol means advantage and being a frontrunning person. Diversely, if it was bad dream then your dream should stand for backwards definition: someone can be fallacious and faulty in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 27, 24, 10, 2, 35; 2 extra numbers - 14, 97.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and blue .
  • Extraterrestrial being - Association: Distances, unfamiliar or unknown, not human. Question: Which part of me is strange or unconventional? General Meanings: The dreamer has to face the obscurity which arouses fear. Psychological Meanings: Differ from others The dreamer experiences himself or a part of himself as outsiders or strangers. The dream indicates that he knows and realizes that he lives his life differently than others. Spiritual Meanings: Something stranger or unknown may be due to evil, but also may signify supernatural practices, mystical phenomena or magic. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Desire to know if meet extraterrestrial being – When in your dream... (read more)
  • Lizard - ...leaves her in penniless, so she has to struggle to earn more If she doesn’t want to live in misery. Hindu (Hinduism) – Stop dreaming If Seeing – When in your dreams appears a lizard then you have to be on the ground of reality, don’t dream. The reality is cruel because somebody can use your insouciance. Arabian (Islamic) – Worries If Seeing – You are dreaming that you see a lizard, this dream concerns you about evil people; The hidden enemies cause you unpleasant, annoyances in the near future. Be aware. * Please, see meaning of dragon, animal.... (read more)
  • Darkness - ...to learn to know yourself better. Psychological Meanings: Negative emotions and feelings Darkness in the dream wants to pay attention to dark and depressive sides of the dreamer. The shadows in the dream stands for incomprehension, ignorance, fear, old age and death, but also the unconscious. The dreamer faces with ambiguous feelings and hunches, his doubts and uncertainty. The enlightenment of the darkness indicates that the dreamer’s thoughts and feelings now looks much clearer and may create more definite action for future. Spiritual Meanings: At the spiritual level the darkness stands for chaos and the evil magic. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fail if... (read more)
  • Thorns, spines and prickles - ...situation – the exemption is difficult; – in thorns advised: you should prepare for in the near future difficulties and obstacles; – a crown of thorns on head wear: much mental suffering. Hindu (Hinduism) – note not the stubbornness of your fellow man; – being stung: you’ll have to worry in your profession. Arabian (Islamic) – A thorn is an evil, cunning guy, whichever is such as the spine, with the exception of the thorny trees that bear fruit, of which we spoke above, because these indicate the strength and dignity of the human and the small thorny shrubs in... (read more)
  • Fine (penalty) - Psychological Meanings: Who pays a fine in the dream then he/she may expect that in real life you will have to pay a fine. The soul can expect a punishment for anything. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.... (read more)
  • Desert - ...desert: your desire give you no peace; – Dreaming, that you are in it: you’re going against heavy sorrows; – To see or to look into desert from far away point: you will have very soon to leave your environment. Your life was so far without success; – To see camel in desert: not all can be so good as you are, so you should have mercy on your fellow man; – To die of thirst in desert: someone will envy to you, because of your luck, but do not listen that evil; – General: your worries are big, but... (read more)
  • Stopper - Traditionally: European – Promises the possibility of evil will soon be able to make up for it; – To see or handle it: announces a loss. Hindu – You may have an injury irreparable.... (read more)
  • Root - ...a dream, probably go to the bottom of a case or find the root of all evil. If it remains stubbornly stuck in the ground, we can hardly fathom what made ​​us curious. The root is seen in a dream typically part of the tree. Sometimes vision of this dream points to the penis. Particulars results must be taken from the dream actions. Traditionally: Arabian – To see roots or to eat root: you can expect abundant living. European – General: announce misfortune in business and in health; Also: repressed instincts which carve their way to the light; – To... (read more)
  • Magician - ...strength against the shaman. Great talents The magician is a figure with superhuman and magical powers. This may be a warning to the dreamer, to keep himself not so powerful and not so important against others. A magician may reflect an amazing display of talent or skill. Black magic The magician  also stands for dark side of the person. You want to reach your goals and wishes by deceiving people and underhanded tricks. This signifies deception, evil and treachery. You try to fool others in order to make better position for yourself. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Warning and changes if seeing or... (read more)
  • Two (number 2) - Number Two symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance: General Meaning of Number 2 in dream: Two shares in opposites like good and evil, light and dark, inside and outside, brings contradictions in own personality, and calls on learning to live with it and constantly to seek compensation; Spiritual Meaning of Two: Duality, indecision, balance, male and female, two sides of the debate. Characteristics of Two: serenity, sincerity, selflessness, social life, harmony. indecisiveness, indifference, irresponsibility, being stubborn. Practical Significance of Two: business or personal relationships must be treated with caution; Association: Duality, opposition, balance and partnership. Question: How do I join in relationship? Psychological Meanings: In the... (read more)
  • Astronomer / Astronomy - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad intentions  if dream of astronomer – To dream astronomer as well as astronomy means to have an evil omen, because you are jealous for something that you can not reach.... (read more)
  • Boa constrictor - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Hard period if see boa constrictor – The dream symbol of boa constrictor symbolizes the same thing as the devil, stormy times lie ahead, you will be disappointed by humanity; No worries if kill boa constrictor – In the dream you kill boa constrictor then this has a good omen which denotes that you will overcome all the troubles.... (read more)
  • Break your word - Traditionally: European – To break your own word in dream: they avoids you because of your bad qualities; – Dreaming that someone else breaking up his word: you should avoid this person, because of his evil characteristics.... (read more)
  • Wolf - ...wolf grabbed or bitten him: he will have to endure violence and pain of an unjust and greedy enemy; – To see wolves in a pack: you will be influenced by evil, greedy people; – Also dreaming of pack of wolves: you has to deal with sneaky friends, which are preparing to attack you; – To listen how wolf or wolves howl: your enemies will take you to the event; – To see very large pack or many packs of wolves: you have more enemies than friends. Hindu – To see: you’re in danger and you will have to endure... (read more)
  • Monkey - Association: Skillfulness, maliciousness, humor. Question: Which part of me is almost a human? General Meanings: Primitive instincts and life style Monkey stands for the animal primitive, uncivilized, materialistic-oriented people without intellectual interests; it can contain the need to develop and to mature the shades of our ego. In the dream, the monkey often points to primitive desires which the unconscious would like to make more clearly to us, sometimes it also shows fear, that our fellows can estimate us worse than we are actually, or to make fun of us. The monkey has bitten, this means that the flatterers might... (read more)
  • Alum - General Meanings: Lack of love and Guilt Alum promises obstruction of sophisticated and ingenious plans. The taste of alum announces remorse because of evil intentions toward an innocent person. The woman dreams of a large amount of alum, shows that her marriage will be marked by frustration, disappointments and lack of affection. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad decision if taste alum – Means that you do something what is against morality; Trust yourself if discard alum -You really know how to help yourself, trust your inner feelings; Bad events if see alum – You will have unhappiness in your family, at... (read more)
  • Affair - Association: Dedication, passion. Question: What impulses I want to give? General Meanings: Awareness because of desires The dream gives an advice that the dreamer should think of his sexual needs and his desire for excitement, you have to use your awareness. To dream of an affair, this allows you to admit safely and surely such feelings. Maybe you have the urge to do something cheeky or something what is associated with emotional risks for you. Psychological Meanings: Unacceptable emotional fulfillment For the dreamer this may look an active way of emotional satisfaction, which is unacceptable for him in the waking... (read more)
  • Adam (the first man) - ...Eve with a fig leaf, with the snake around the hips and abdomen - This dream shows that your malice and false beliefs influence your fate and will not help you to move forward. You have to find again and deepen your faith; Harm if see that Eve is listening or talking with the snake – The dream denotes that the women will cause harm to your wealth and reputation; Pass failure but with unhappiness if woman embodies Eve – If young woman has dream that she embodies Eve, means that she is tempted by evil in the form of an... (read more)
  • Fire - ...and pure flame, it is like blessing, but if it blazes enormously and unrestrained, it shows the evil. Prosperity The best to see is hearth fire – glow and pure. It means great prosperity, because where meals aren’t prepared the fire is pure; Poverty You cannot see the fire on the stove if it expires then it threatens grinding poverty; Success To dream that you carry a burning torch at night, it is positive especially for young people. It usually means pleasant love affairs and successful businesses, because you can see what is in front of your feet; Wellness The... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - ...the acquisition of supernatural forces. So dreaming of a magical ring might symbolize hidden magical powers that you have. Dreaming of painted ring on the ground or wheat circles as rings, all dreams of this kind are related to the protection, because the ring also is the limit that stops the evil. If you were dreaming of being in wheat circles or of seeing a ring that is painted on the ground as a circle around you it shows your ability to protect yourself from the others, which may harm you or wants too much to take from you. Questions: These should... (read more)
  • Archetype - ...who recognizes and understands the power of his intuition, and he uses this for the service of God and the community. In the dream he can appear as a shaman or pagan priests. The Magician/Wizard: This man uses his judgment completely dispassionate, for both good and bad, only because he enjoys the exercise of power. More negatively, he is the swindler or the master of unexpected changes. Urboros: The snake that bites its own tail, is a symbol of consciousness and need for development (the primordial chaos in people, the contradictions of good and evil, man and woman). Mandala: Circle and square... (read more)