My unborn baby hand reaching out of my belly dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of my unborn baby hand reaching out of my belly can prophesy relief, fidelity and fellow-feeling.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung understanding this dream about my unborn baby hand reaching out of my belly promises sovereign heart, effeminate sexual drive or interest, finesse and enablement.
Approving in the affirmative way adjustments are going on in life : my unborn baby hand reaching out of my belly - It foretells ascendancy and being a pioneering person. Nonetheless, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream should connote backwards meaning: a person of importance may be fraudulent and/or difficult toward your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 81, 56, 59, 76, 82; 2 extra numbers - 75, 7.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and purple .
  • Hatchet - General Meanings: Warning Hatchet as a dream symbol has a similar meaning as the ax, it can warn against harm which can be caused through your own destructive energies and actions, but also the dream of hatchet may announce you success through hard work. Be more realistic Old dream books understand the hatchet occasionally as an indication that you have to get rid with certain hopes, because your drawbacks will not let you to reach them, especially if you keep it in your hand. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning against bad people if see hatchet – In a dream... (read more)
  • Worms - Association: – Decomposition & insignificance. Degradation & irrelevance. Disintegration & unimportance. Question: – Where in my life I am prepared to assert myself? In general: In its basic meaning, the worm can stand for the penis. Depending on the gender of the dreamer and his attitude toward sexuality, the worm may be perceived as threatening. Worm stands for sexual and other impulses, which can even reject them as low and suppressed. In a broader sense it may symbolize the past, the new comes, often related to manure. Psychologically: The invertebrate reptile, which we see in the dream, may indicate... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - Association: – Obligation, promise, oath. Question: – With what I want to unite myself? General Meanings: A ring in a dream usually stands for a relationship. It is not necessarily a love relationship, which the dreamer has to another human being, and sometimes they are too narrow and impede the self-development. A wedding ring symbolizes a permanent bond and a promise. A ring seal or an old heirloom embodies the traditions and values​​. An engagement ring is a symbol of an even deeper loyalty. A friendship ring seal is a symbol of the long-term friendship between two people. If... (read more)
  • Confession - General Meanings: Get rid of bad feelings On the one hand the dream of confession means that you admit fault and blame, but on the other hand the forgiveness gives you hope for a new, light hearted start. The dream symbol of confession finally gives you a sign to admit mistakes and correct and get rid of them. Only then you will be pure and clean “paper”, where you can start writing your new life story. Psychological Meanings: The confession is the first sign that you are ready to accept your mistakes and try to correct them. Dreams of... (read more)
  • Baking - that your own life is in your own hands. Psychological Meanings: The dream of bread as our daily bread symbolizes the desire of little fortune in our life – happy family life, desire to have a family, simple and solid relationships. Also the dream of baking bread may indicate the exhaustion and the need of resignation from current position. Perhaps the dreamer has to show more creative talents and only then the success is possible. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level this is a desire of creativity among different things. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Better time if bake or see... (read more)
  • Work/Working - General Meanings: Need to finish work The task to do work signifies unfinished work in your real life. You had huge plans or desires and now you have to be more active and to continue your work and you will reach everything. You work hard to reach your goals in the dream, this denotes the importance of this task. On the other hand, over-exertion may also marks as a self-punishment. Psychological Meanings: Fear to fail The dream symbol of work may be a sign of stress and worries at work. When you are looking for new work in your... (read more)
  • Eel, eels - or is pulled ashore, difficulties can be overcome. It escapes or it slips out of our hands, then creates difficult problems at our work, or the money slips through our finger. The quality of the water is the ultimate mark for the meaning of the dream. Clear, flowing water and the view is nice – the spirit of your life could change. Now more (mental) agility could change your life positively, clear ideas and their implementation is now very important. Muddy, murky water means that you want to be “slick” and move easily through unexplained threatening situations. If fear or disgust... (read more)
  • Water - cooperation in human body, thus it used as a ground for clairvoyance. And symbolic significance of fish in water is always associated with pregnancy. For a woman, during a pregnancy dreaming of water is usual. An internal stimulus is an amniotic fluid inside a sac within belly where a foetus resides. Thus the movements of embryo increase frequency of water dreams. If foetus moves or water breaks while sleeping, before it happens or during the process, a mind can invoke an image of storm in a sea or an ocean. Also drowning or choking with water means the same. For... (read more)
  • Bean - General Meanings: Fear To dream of beans stocks, this reflects fear to fail, shows lack of confidence and perseverance. Clear aims of the future To plant beans – this dream symbol is an indication of confidence about your own future and the desire to create something useful. Beans are a warning against too materialistic thinking. ( they cause the full belly swells outwards) Sexual desire How all germinating plants this also is interpreted as a symbol for the feminine genital organ. Beans can stand for sexual needs (testicle symbol), particularly if they germinate. Traditionally, the bean is considered as... (read more)
  • Fulfillment of wishes - Psychologically: Dreaming of wish fulfillment means, that you are loosing ambition to have high expectations, hopes and desires. Even when you have learned to restrain them, because you know that they are unfulfillable, it does not change the fact that they are hidden deep inside and still exist. The most common dreams are actually outflows of your conscious or unconscious desires. If you feel tired and exhausted in waking life, then dreams of a sunny Mediterranean beach or a quiet lagoon are very possible. Dreaming of efforts on a person of the opposite gender, then you probably have desire... (read more)
  • Crying - very positive this denotes that you’ll experience great joy; Love sorrow If Crying somebody – To dream that someone else is crying announces that you will grieve for loved one. Arabian (Islamic) Consolation If Crying person that you know – To see someone that you know is crying in your dream, then this means that you know how to comfort this person; Happiness If Crying yourself – To dream that you are crying, this announces that you’ll find joy; Also a lucky, fortunate and cheerful time ahead. * Please, see meaning of baby, mother, friends, water, voices, laughter, dispute, mourning.... (read more)
  • Watermelon - give watermelon – In the dream you are eating a watermelon and sharing it with someone, then this dream denotes that you are open to make new contacts or new projects; Be attentive if break a watermelon – The dream is a sign not to hurry because you may make mistakes which will be very difficult to solve in your future. Arabian (Islamic) Baby if see big watermelon – The dream announces that you got a present from above, you may expect to be pregnant or you will take care of orphan. * Please, see meaning of melon .... (read more)
  • Diaper - life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Two sides if see diaper – In the dream you see diaper then this dream marks that everything has two sides in life, so think what you do or say; Joy if dirty diaper – If the diaper is dirty in the dream, then in real life this will bring happiness into you house. Arabian (Islamic) Job if see diapers – The dream of diaper announces that you will get permanent work and salary. Hindu (Hinduism) Pregnancy if see baby diaper – The dream sign may show that you may be pregnant. * Please, read dream meaning of feces.... (read more)
  • Cradle - new start for us will give a very happy time in which we can really swing through any difficulties. If a baby in the cradle, then we should appreciate the security, which instantly beautifies our life. Spiritually: Sometimes the material body as opposed to the spiritual is displayed as a cradle. Traditionally: European – Dreaming of new & unused cradle: singles could be married soon; – To see empty, which is used: announces a happy family event and long life; – An orphaned see: approaching accident, probably due to illness; – To see cradle with a screaming infant: one is... (read more)
  • Fire - General Meanings: Warmth, Comfort, Power It is significant to separate dreaming of fire and dreaming of conflagration. The fire is seen as a major element of nature that man has, without awe and guilt, like all myths tell that the fire was stolen to serve for man. This value radiates the heat. Such a dream always results large spiritual powers. For one of the qualities of the soul is the fire. Therefore, the fire in the outer appearance is so attractive to all people. Psychological Meanings: Fire occurs as ambiguous symbol in different contexts in the most important dreams.... (read more)
  • Coffin - about your mortality. Maybe you are thinking what have you done in your life, will you leave something after you. You can feel that you are trapped in worries  and troubles. You are stuck and can’t find the way out. Dreaming of coffin with a person ( mother, father, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, partner, relative ) – In the dream a coffin with a person that you know, may mean that you have fear about this person’s health. Also this can show that you need more attention from the certain person which was in your dream. You are afraid to lose the... (read more)
  • Bed-wetting - in society, or he is condemned for wrongdoing. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the bed-wetting indicates a need to express yourself as a personality freely and without any boundaries. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fear if baby or children bed-wetting – The dream of mother that her child wets the bed, this is  an unusual sign of fear because of her children; Late recovery if wet the bed when sick – In the dream you wet a bed because you sick, this dream indicates that you will not recover as quickly as hoped. * Please, see meaning of bed.... (read more)
  • Twelve (12) - Psychological Meanings: Your time The number twelve 12 indicates the hour of the Messiah, this means that you can reach everything by your own efforts. In a dream the clock shows eleven fifty-five, then it is right time to take the initiative in waking life. The Twelve (12) is like the number Ten (10) – a whole symbol. Completed tasks The ancient Babylonians number 12 meant the whole sacred number symbolism. The Twelve is understandable as a picture for completeness, because we have twelve months in the year, also the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve apostles. *... (read more)
  • Cannibalism - Association: Fear of integration; part of the self that is unusual and unrecognizable. Question: Which part of me is consumed? General Meanings: The dream of cannibalism is mostly defined as inappropriate and rude behavior. The symbol of cannibalism in dreams was already known in early Babylonian and Assyrian dream books and it was explained as wealth for him the the one who eats the meat with him. According to Freud, the cannibalism as a symbol represents the affections of sadism, which sometimes might be true. Closer relation Generally, the dream indicates that the dreamer wish to have closer relationships... (read more)
  • Moose - if see many – In the dream there some moose , this signifies that you control your life perfectly, you are on the right way. Hindu (Hinduism) Wisdom if see a moose – This dream wants to pay your attention to elderly people around you. You have to trust your family member, because they are wise; Arabian (Islamic) Short relax if see a baby moose – This dream signifies you some luck and happiness, this may be a short but wonderful journey. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Deer; solidly; strength; power; wise; ancient. Description The Moose is the largest member of... (read more)
  • Bloody nose - should prepare himself for disasters, speculations and dangerous situations. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the fear of relationships you are in. Hindu (Hinduism) Great health if nose is bleeding – the dreamer in in excellent state of health if his nose was bloody. Arabian (Islamic) Miscarriage if nose is bleeding for a woman – such dream indicates the danger of losing the baby; Danger if bleeding nose for a man – the dreamer should be aware with others as the dream warns of upcoming danger. Alternatively, the dream can indicate a good health, especially for those who are sick at... (read more)
  • Cats - Association: – The aspect of female, smoothness and softness; also independently and autonomously. Question: – How do I integrate the flexible and independent parts of my personality? What do I feel in relation to the combination of these two features? General Meanings: The cat is a very independent and lonely animal. However, cats and human beings can have a great friendship. The cat is a symbol of loneliness and individuality. The most vivid feature of the cat is the sensitivity which shows the sensitive side of the dreamer. Consider, that the cat in the dreams also represents sexual aspects... (read more)
  • Sexuality - General Meanings: In General the sexuality of human beings develops at very early age. When the baby starts discovering his own body, he discovers senses and pleasures that never felt before. At this stage of his life, he learns which parts of the body has to be touched if he wishes to feel the pleasure. Sometimes, when parents notice babies touching themselves they are afraid of such actions, therefore the babies are punished in many various ways. Because the child has been traumatized in his childhood, he has more dreams that are related to sexuality than any other ordinary... (read more)
  • Burial (bury, burying) - General Meanings: Edge out bad things and move forward Burial in the dream often stands for the attempt to edge out painful experiences or negative traits. You haven’t done this successfully for a long time so you have to process them consciously, because  they will damage your life. Sometimes, this includes – going out and looking for company. Psychological Meanings: Shame because of behavior and immorality What is buried in the dream, this is like the shadow on the soul. It can be translated as the vice or the incorrect attitudes in the waking life. You can forget and... (read more)
  • Embryo - life if dream of embryo – the one who saw an embryo in his dream, is getting new tasks, ideas of his life. Arabian (Islamic) New plans and ventures if see embryo in a dream – the one must prepare for the novelty Contexts’ Meanings: Embryo while pregnant To be pregnant in reality and dream of embryo, signifies the connection the mother has to the baby she is expecting. It is very common for pregnant women to dream of embryo. Many embryos To dream of seeing lots of embryos, denotes to many new plans and ideas the dreamer has. The... (read more)
  • Eye - of false friends that want to use you; Losses if cut out eyes – To cut an eye in a dream may indicate an impending loss; Loss if eyes are bad – In the dream you feel that your eyes are bad, this marks loss of money and property; Deceived desires if closed eyes – This dream signifies about deluded hopes; Losing friends if losing an eye – in the dream you have lost your eye, this announces a loss of good friends; Sorrow if take of an eye – This dream signifies that you will have sorrow because of love;... (read more)
  • Watering - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if water flowers, plants – In a dream you are watering plants and flowers, then this dream is a good omen, which announces a blessing family and satisfaction in your life; Stupid actions if watering meat during cooking – In the dream you are cooking and watering the meat, then this indicates that you will make yourself ridiculous and stupid because of your stubbornness while reaching your goals.... (read more)
  • Scaffolding - General Meanings: Need of creation A scaffolding in a dream symbolizes a temporary structure in the life of the dreamer. This dream appears for the dreamer when he wants to build something, to create something new, or because something old needs to be repaired. In both cases, the scaffold is necessary in order to achieve the desired height or aims. Psychological Meanings: It is important to give structure and order in your life. Sometimes there is a danger that the structure stifles life and you can stuck in the same place. Spiritual Meanings: A scaffold as a dream symbol... (read more)
  • Barricade - General Meanings: The dream of barrier (barricade) is either an obstacle or a protective boundary. The barrier in front of you in the dream indicates that may expect difficulties in near future. The barrier is behind you or you overstep it in the dream, then you will overcome all the difficulties in your life. The barrier or barricade is used for safety, then this dream indicates that you have to protect yourself and your life. Psychological Meanings: This is a dream symbol of strength or barrier to reach your goals. This stands for inability to overcome your own inhibitions.... (read more)
  • Brook - even to better; Illness if brook or stream mixed with blood – This dream is very unfavorable which announces sickness and death in your family; Good changes if bathe in or stand in a brook – This dream marks that soon you will recover from an illness or you will have an ability to improve your life; Reaching goals if wade in stream or brook – In the dream you wade in the brook and enjoy then this denotes that you will achieve your goal and desires that you have in your life. * Please, see meaning of river.... (read more)
  • Education - General Meanings: Need more knowledge To dream of an education institution, then the dreamer should reconsider his own attitude to the discipline in general. Perhaps the dreamer prepares for a particular task but he is not sufficient and needs the acquisition of additional knowledge. Psychological Meanings: Searching for help The dreamer has a task to solve the current problem and he is reaching for strategies in the childhood or adolescence (which usually were valuable) when he was at school. That is why the dream of education appears, he is trying to find help and solution. Spiritual Meanings: An education... (read more)