Strange woman dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of strange woman may predict opulence, enjoyment and sympathy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's understanding such dreaming of strange woman symbolizes liberated life, dainty passion, accomplishment and faculty.
Supportive renewal are happening in waking life only: strange woman - It indicates the opportunity to gain some benefit. You are a visionary person. In spite of that, if it was bad dream then such dream can tell the meaning of backwards connotation: some person might be lying and/or jeopardous toward your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 76, 92, 4, 80, 8; 2 extra numbers - 61, 51.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and yellow .
  • Ring (jewellery) - ...drawn from the finger: shows great difficulty letting go of the old partners; - Get ring as paid or as gift: you will find a good friend and wish for a love will come true; - Give ring to someone: connection of an awaited love or friendship does not succeed; - See others with rings: a sign of growing prosperity and many new friends; - If a woman dreaming that she has a ring on her right hand: she cherishes the intention to enter into a strong bond with a man; - If a young woman get a ring in... (read more)
  • Bed - find his wife pregnant with his child. – To have an unfamiliar bed, he will take in the stranger woman, whose nature and essence of beauty, size and equipment of the bed is like. – Length of a familiar or strange pads on his bed and himself to lie, he will gain great joy and responsibility, because the pad is on a wooden bed, wooden but has powerful men, the longer it lies on the bed to the more he will be raised about these men. – Sleeping on a soft cushion without worry, you will afflict your wife... (read more)
  • Worms - ...also be understood as erotic-sexual symbol. – But the meaning, when worm eaten fruit in dream, is clear: intrigues, evil enemies to harm, risk of infectious diseases; – To see worm or worms in dream: someone is hurt intentionally or unintentionally; Also: friend or acquaintance is becomimg more unpleasant, possibly that someone undermining your position; Also: strange premonition of a plague, but it still in dark burrows; – Dreaming that you search worms for fishing: promises profit and success; – To use worm as fish bait: ability to use even hostile forces for your own good; – To see tapeworm,... (read more)
  • Tree - ...your house, you see a grown up tree where previously wasn’t a tree, means that you will get a guest which will stay at your house for awhile; if the tree bears fruits – it is a close relative, if it doesn’t bear any fruits – there will be a stranger. Family if grape tree – A bachelor dreams a noble or wild grape vine has sprouted in his house, he will meet a woman and generate so many children with her as much as he saw grapes on the tree; If he didn’t see any grapes, he may nevertheless... (read more)
  • Room - desired all the time. Your life will be wonderful and full of joy; Painful experience if room is dark, sinister and dirty in the dream – You are dreaming dark, sinister and dirty room, this dream will have unpleasant experiences in your life; Changes if being in a strange room – When in the dream you are in the strange room means that you can expect changes, possibly with a change of location; Warning if being in a known room in the dream – In the dream you feel that you are in well known room, signifies that the... (read more)
  • Kiss / Kissing - ...and love you have towards that particular person you were kissing in your dream. The dream could also show your hidden romantic feelings to this friend; Acceptance of suppressed aspects of your personality if kissed the stranger – such dream denotes to the final realization of who you are. Consider, that if you were kissed by the stranger, then such dream shows the new aspects in your personality you found you have; The desire to be the best if kissing the popular person/celebrity – if you were kissing the person that is known by mostly people and he/she is actor,... (read more)
  • Bride - Association: Female receptivity. Question: What am I willing to receive? General Meanings: The need for love relations If a woman sees herself in a dream as a bride, this expresses the wish to bring herself to a love relationship after independence. The dreamer must learn to understand the change of responsibility. In the dream of a man a bride symbolizes the view of the feminine, innocent parts inside her. If the dream about wedding – especially if it is of those who is dreaming – then this is an indication of feelings integration to reality. Bride, bridegroom are understood... (read more)
  • Bread - Association: Food, shared resources; association. Question: What nourishes me together? General Meanings: Bread stands as basic food for the material needs of the life, also can embody friendship, experience of life and wishes, or can emerge as a religious symbol. Often it is understood as an indication to a positive development of further life in material, social and spiritual or intellectual aspects. Desire of fulfillment of wishes Fresh bread in sufficient amounts stands for the wish of fulfillment of physical desires. The dreamer is not sure Bread tastes badly and strangely in the dream, then the dreamer is not sure,... (read more)
  • Farewell - ...of the parents promises changes mostly for younger people which announces greater independence. Parting with a boyfriend or a steady friend, it is often the expression of distrust of their actual loyalty. Saying goodbye to old people, in some cases point to a never seen again, but sometimes also include the admonition that you should give up a bad habit. In the dream woman often dreams farewell announces certain changer in her life or lifestyle. Was the separation cheerful or sad? Perhaps it marks a certain stage of life or a relationship. If it is not a stage of life, then... (read more)
  • Burglar -, but with your courage and determination you can surely defend yourself successfully. Pay more attention to the strangers if attacked by the burglar – The dream signifies that you will have to fight with dangerous enemies. They will destroy your business and activities that you do if you’re not careful enough in your dealings with strangers; Success and award if pass a burglar to the police – In the dream you pass the burglar to the police, denotes that you will win a new process with the partners and you will rewarded for an ability to deal with challenges; Embarrassing... (read more)
  • Apartment - ...apparent improvement of the situation; – To have a nice flat: future looks extremely positive; – Dreaming that you can’t find your own apartment: dreamer lost good faith in humans; – To dream, that you does not have home: you will make many things wrong or bad luck in decisions; – To move house: hectic action and urgent trips to get to a port; – To see a strange flat or to be in it: usually heralds a big change; – To rent a flat: promises improvement; – If apartment with many open doors: symbolizes various women relations; – Flat... (read more)
  • Broom - General Meanings: Get rid with problems Brooms can be understood as sexuality symbol and indicate neglected sexual needs. If you sweep with it, you will probably get rid of disturbing psychological influences and overcome obstacles. Unreal friends and Creating your order Sometimes the broom warns of false friends and counselors.  Who holds a broom in his hand and sweeps with it, wants to create his own order. In strangers hands, brooms are comparable to those witches, which ride on them and do mischief: Somebody wants to begin quarrels with us or cheat on us somehow. You should take this warning seriously and watch out... (read more)