Attacked by bees dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of attacked by bees can denote satisfaction, enchantment and agreement.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung analysis this dream about attacked by bees expresses self-governing essence, dainty sensuality, talent and competency.
Constructive changes are afoot in life only: attacked by bees - This regularly represents dominance and being a trailblazer. Still, if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream should embody backwards substance: a person of great significance should be dishonest and slippery in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 27, 100, 2, 84, 51; 2 extra numbers - 100, 2.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and brown .
  • Bee - – Threatening bees or destroying bees honeycomb point to tensions between one’s own personality and the environment. The dreamer has difficulty finding a place in society and feels uncomfortable in teamwork. Opportunity – The dreamer was stung by a bee, this means that he stands in front of an important event or a change in his life situation. Pleasure and Protection – He meets a non-aggressive bees swarm this means he will enjoy many small pleasures in life. The bees sit on his head, he should be very careful from harm of any kind. Award – According to the old... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - ...Other snake in your shoe dream meanings: May many South American killer bees and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in your father’s house. May the hosts of Hades gleefully throw a party in your shoes. May a crazed Rush Limbaugh find your buttocks suddenly delectable. May a truckload of plague-ridden gnats and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in the sewer you call home. And some meanings more: You festering bag of mung. You musty, unspeakable, bad excuse for fungus. You friendless, sloppy, bad excuse for leaf clippings. You funky, blithering offspring of a motherless simpleton. May... (read more)
  • Dog - attacked by dog in the dream forewarns about danger. The dreamer must be cautious. Small dog means carelessness – Dreaming of small, tiny, little or short dog stands for lower thoughts and desire for frivolous amusements. More dogs – more careless the dreamer is; Shaggy dog means problems – Dreaming of hairy dog is bad omen. Dog with long, thick, unkempt hair (coat) indicates awkward transactions or sick children; Lapdog means reliable friends – Dreaming of healthy lap dog have good symbolic meaning. Lapdogs or any small dog of toy breed group denotes that your friends will assist you... (read more)
  • Epee (sword) - ...Divorce if see a sword – The man sees a sword in his dream denotes that he will experience really feared separation; Happiness if have an epee in hand – In your dream you have an epee in your own hands then this promises fame, glory, joy; New experience if be attacked with an epee – When you were attacked with an epee in the dream, then this announces that you will have a decisive experience which may change something in your life; Warning if have a razor – In your dream you have a razor then this dream denotes that you have to... (read more)
  • Bandit - ...Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if see a bandit – In the dream you see a bandit so this dream is a warning that you’re in danger.Also marks that you are involved in an affair which will not bring advantage; Fear if be attacked by bandits – When you are attacked by bandits in your dream, then this denotes that you will experience a great fear; Protect your property if be attacked and robbed by bandits – This dream marks that your financial position needs to be improved because somebody will use your inattention and will use this for their... (read more)
  • Big snakes in the road - ...damp dingo zits for brains. May a putrefied heard of biting wolverines franticly drool in the toxic dump you call home. May a festering hoard of South American killer bees have a religious experience upon your heinie. Further, to dream about big snake in the road can represent this: May ninty-nine funky, rabid pit-fiends sneeze in the landfill you call home. You gross offspring of a motherless cretin. May a defective platoon of fleas and a noxious hoard of South American killer bees seek a battleground upon your heinie. May forty-two crazed wiener-dogs find your buttocks suddenly delectable. Alternatively, a... (read more)
  • Vampire - ...the nets of an exploiter; False friends if attacked by a vampire – In the dream you are bitten or attacked by a vampire, this signifies that you must beware of false friends; Destroyed enemies if kill with a stake – In the dream you fight or kill with a stake, you will defeat somebody who has bad or harmful intention towards you; Be aware if your friend is a vampire – You are dreaming that your good friend is the vampire, you should watch out the intentions of this person. Hindu (Hinduism) Worries if seeing a vampire – To... (read more)
  • Beehive - ...a meaning which shows that you will have bad luck and misunderstandings in near future. Arabian (Islamic) Richness if find or get a tamed hive of bees – This is wonderful dream because you will become rich if you are poor, you will earn more according to the diligent work of bees. Fortune if find honeycomb – In the dream you find honeycomb, then you will earn wealth easily while others have worked hard for this; Reward if see a beehive – This dream marks that your hard work will be rewarded, you have worked for this long time.... (read more)
  • Wasps - ...resist with many temptation, which can damage you reputation or personal life; Overcoming If wasps was driven out with smoke – The dream announces that the enemy will be expelled and defeated with mockery and derision; Annoyance If stung by wasps – The grief-filled days will annoy you and they won’t let you to make right decision; Frustration If bitten – Also means disappointment threatened by malicious friends. Artemidorus Meanings: Dream of wasps in general is a bad omen. Wasps in dream predict that you will fall between scoundrels and brutes. * Please, also see meaning of bees & insects.... (read more)
  • Snake - the mercy; - To be attacked and bitten by a snake: you will be exposed to an attack on your honor, by deceitful and insidious machinations of a woman; you will have inconvenience; there is a danger that leans to the negative tendencies; the enemies may harm a business; - To see how someone else is bitten by snake: you might offend or hurt a friend; - To get over a serpent: one lives in constant fear of disease; selfish people want to make a dispute; - To hold a snake confidently in hand: one has tactical skills and will... (read more)
  • Airplane - ...losing the ability to be in charge of the things or doubts about certain decisions that has been made. The airplane has been attacked To dream of the plane that was attacked by invaders, signifies the criticism the one has towards others or himself. Maybe there were things, which were done in an inappropriate way, therefore the dreamer feels sorry for that. Falling out of plane Sometimes there are hopes and targets, that were set up too high, therefore the one is afraid of losing in certain situation or is unable to fulfill his own ideas. In this case, the... (read more)
  • Viper (snake) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see viper – The dream of viper may be a warning that you may have a serious accident or damage; False people if see viper – The dream where you see a viper then this denotes to beware of false friends because they want to make damage to you; Be aware if be attacked by viper – To be attacked by multi-colored viper,this indicates that enemies will try to make damage to you and your plans. Hindu (Hinduism) Enemies if see viper –  The dream where you see a viper may mean... (read more)
  • Assassination - ...Fear to feel pain In the dream you were attacked in order to be killed but escaped successfully then this dream signifies that you really afraid to be hurt and you always run away from difficult situations. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if commit to murder – The dream when you commit to do assassination indicates that you have to beware of shame. You do not have to sacrifice yourself for a hopeless cause or situation, because this will bring you only damage; Stay calm if see or experience – In the dream you see a murder then this dream... (read more)
  • Eagle - ...who is hitting a prey – Shows that you feel that you were physically defeated by a stronger personality; Danger if being attacked by an eagle – To be attacked by an eagle in the dream, this announces imminent and threatening danger; Losses if catch an eagle in the dream – The dream shows that you will defeat an enemy, but you will have loss and grief because of this; Restriction if see an eagle in a cage – You feel restricted by your friends and the environment, this doesn’t let you to move on; Defeated enemies if shoot an eagle... (read more)
  • Wild boar - General Meanings: Courage, assertiveness and aggressiveness The meaning of wild boar is similar to pig meaning in the dream, but it warns more against ruthlessness. Because boars are the most unpredictable and aggressive animals (like enemies). They can attack and make damage for you when they have a chance. In ancient times the boars were symbols of courage and warrior. So this indicates your own honor. The ability to face with problems. Protection Also the wild boar has a positive meaning. This can indicate protection and little success in difficult times in your life. Psychological Meanings: Wild elements You were attacked by... (read more)
  • Bulldog - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) True Friend if see – The bulldog in a dream means that without knowing it, you have made a powerful and trustful friend from an enemy; Risk if attacked by one – In the dream you enter into other people’s land and then you were attacked by a bulldog, there is a risk that you exceed the laws of your country or borders; Growth if a friendly bulldog – When the bulldog is friendly, shows that despite incendiary criticisms of your opponent, a rise is imminent. Hindu (Hinduism) Assurance if walk – The dream shows that you... (read more)
  • Assault - careful and to prove the facts; Helpless if be assaulted – This indicates that you feel powerless in your life, because of difficult situation; Feel persecution if be sexually assaulted – When you were sexually assaulted in the dream, this shows that you were victimized by someone and this worrying you; Fight with yourself if be attacked by an animal – The dream shows you fear and desire to repress your bad and wrong behavior, your inner world fights with it; Defense if attack somebody – This denotes that you defend yourself from negative influence. Arabian (Islamic) Hiding instincts if be attacked... (read more)
  • Unicorn - associated with power to overcome all the barriers that you meet in your way of perfect life. You are riding on, walking or flying with an unicorn in the dream – Means that you are tired because of the worries or hard work, or painful experiences. The unicorn appeared in the dream to help you and to heal your inner world. This dream will bring you success in solving your problems, this will bring you to better life. Being attacked by an unicorn or killed an unicorn in the dream- This dream is not so positive. If you are attacked... (read more)
  • Lion - ...back; Loss of wealth if been followed by the lion – if you saw yourself being followed by the lion, then such dream shows that you will lose your riches; Warning of impending danger if being attacked by a lion – the attack symbolizes the danger that is waiting for you; Danger which you will overcome if lion steps back – you will be able to beat risks, however this will take a lot of courage from you; Will engage in a risky business if hunt the lion – make sure the risks you take are worth just in case... (read more)
  • Hive - General Meanings: Swarm of bees usually stands for attractiveness to other people (to be swarmed), young girls see this symbol very frequently in their dreams. This dream indicates that the dreamer wish to be attractive and adorable in his real life. Psychological Meanings: Hive as a dream symbol has a positive sign for the role that the dreamer plays in society. This marks that the dreamer is respectful and trustful that is why people “swarm” around him. It may also indicate little sexual pleasure. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happy life if see hive – In a dream you see... (read more)
  • Elf - ...have to expect something from people, you have to do it on your own. Contexts’ Meanings: To dream an elf – In the dream the elf appears when the person has some kind of worries and troubles and imbalance in his life. He wants to know how he can easily solve them all. Many elves in the dream, signifies that there are several ways to solve the problems , but you have to think very carefully which way to choose. The elf attacks or chases you – In the dream you have been attacked by an elf, this announces you poverty,... (read more)
  • Injury / hurt - Association: Work on old pain or wounds. Question: Which wounds would I like to allow to heal? Which damage am I ready to close well? General Meanings: Painful experiences Injury appears because of disappointment, slights, injustice or separation from a love, if these experiences are unprocessed or displaced. Hurt in real life In the dream to be injured, shows that in real life you are tired emotionally, weakened by worries. Also you feel threatened or attacked by someone in your real life. Maybe you are injured emotionally by the one you love. Emotional instability Someone else is injured (the... (read more)
  • Snake - Snake in a dream symbolizes a fight. It can mean that you are in a fight with someone. Snake dream can also serve as an alert to stay watchful. It is possible that such dream prognosticates future events of being in a fight within a situation or some person in your waking life. Thus the dream can also be a representation of your feelings of being attacked. Fight symbolism in a snake dream is oracular one and brings knowledge of future events.... (read more)
  • Polar bear - General Meanings: Unhappy love Ancient dream books the symbol of polar interprets as a warning against disappointment by a loved one. The coldness of your partner will make you sad and unhappy. Need of psychological or spiritual reawakening Polar bear symbol stands for strength and power to overcome upcoming worries and misfortune. This symbol signifies that the dreamer should awake again your mind and thoughts to deal with barriers in your life. Psychological Meanings: In the dream the symbol of polar bear associated with soul guidance and peace with yourself which will bring spiritual well-being. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unhappy love... (read more)
  • Castration - ...important to pay attention to even small details in the dream: who attacked you and how? The feelings of the dreamer are also very significant: was he scared, confident worried or fearless? Sometimes the dream shows the fear of the men being impotence, without ability to satisfy himself or a women. Besides that, a dream might show the fear that is related not only to sexual elements, but also to other ones (for example work). The dreamer could be afraid of showing worse than he is or/and be worse than the others. Psychological Meanings: Very often the dream of castration... (read more)
  • Bear - ...archetype. Spiritual Meanings: At this level, the bear symbolizes spiritual strength and power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Profit If see a bear – This dream informs you about the winning in the games or gain and also you will get a tremendous competition; Hardship If dancing – This dream announces you about uncertainty in interpersonal relationships and also you can even expect some gossips and annoyance; Harm If being attacked by a bear – This dream is a warning that you will suffer from great damage; Good luck If hunting bear – You are on the right way, go on... (read more)
  • Aggression - Psychological Meanings: Suppressed anger inside you You killed or shot the known person in the dream, this expresses suppressed anger feelings which you have edged out in the everyday life. On the contrary you are murdered  or attacked by somebody you know, this certain person has unfulfilled and impossible expectations to you in your life. If you cannot fulfill the wishes, demands or expectations more because of others, then responsible complexes arise in your dream. The unconscious often responds by aggressive attacks from “internal pressure”. * Please, see meaning of steam.... (read more)
  • Adversary - General Meanings: If you dream that you faced an adversary so it symbolizes that you will protect yourself and the others from any harm. In the dream you overcame the adversary it signifies that you will avoid any difficulties you will deal with everything. Do not worry, because you will make order. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be ready if meet adversity – To meet adversary in the dream so this dream is a warning that you may be immediately attacked by enemies, you should defend your own interests; Illness if adversary – The adversity in the dream may announce upcoming disease so... (read more)
  • Wolf - ...a very uncomfortable opponent; – To be followed by a wolf: means danger; – To be attacked by one: friend will cause many difficulties to you; – To track, follow, trace or pursue a wolf: you will overcome all threats; – Try to kill wolf or to see killed wolf: you turn off treacherous opponents, who want to embarrass you. Arabian – The wolf means a greedy rulers. – Dream of fighting with a wolf: you will have a dispute; – If the dreamer kills wolf: he is a powerful person & he will destroy his opponents; – If the... (read more)
  • Rabbit - ...wealth and idealism, partly explain these properties, however, out of fear, insecurity and inferiority feelings, you will not be attacked by others. White rabbits are generally considered good luck symbol, black announce failures and sadness. If you kill a rabbit, this indicates that suppressing emotions and related mental contents will lead you to unhappiness. Traditionally: Arabian – To see white rabbit: warns of false friends; – To see more white than black rabbits: signal that junior may come soon; – To dream baked, roasted or grilled rabbit: you will reach earnings or profit. European – To see: false friends will... (read more)
  • Letter - ...for a offer which is either legally or morally questionable. A registered letter can also indicate a lack of quality or attractiveness which bothers her. Pay more attention to the loved one if get certified mail (registered letter) – For lovers this dream promises that you will have a premonition of problems in your relationship. You have to work with them if you want to keep these relations. Be careful if received an anonymous letter – The warning that you have to be aware because you will be attacked from an unexpected direction and position; Jealous if write an anonymous letter... (read more)