Water coming through holes in the ceiling unexpect dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream of water coming through holes in the ceiling unexpect may foretell repose, hankering and welcomeness.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's understanding such dreaming of water coming through holes in the ceiling unexpect announces unregimented spunk, feminine sexual urge, brilliance and attraction.
Favourable metamorphosis are about to become true in your life only if: water coming through holes in the ceiling unexpect - This synbol of your dream consistently symbols dominance and being a vanguard. Else ways, if this dream was with negative emotion then such dream might personify backwards nuance: an unspecified person should be treacherous or ticklish in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 10, 17, 57, 25, 38; 2 extra numbers - 49, 46.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and purple .
  • Water carrier - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Richness if see water carrier – In the dream you see a water carrier, then is is a wonderful sign that your money will multiply. Hindu (Hinduism) Support if see water carrier – The water carrier as a dream symbol indicates that you will get support to implement your goals. Arabian (Islamic) Fortune if see water carrier – The dream of water carrier announces successful period in your life, you have to use all the gift that destiny gives you.... (read more)
  • Rain - illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly | but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure…. (Rain) If the skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone…. (Rain) To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited…. (Rain) To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy…. (Rain) If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed... (read more)
  • Sea - Denise Lynn (short): Short interpretation of the sea in dreams by Denise Lynn The dream of the sea as the life of the sea represents the unlimited power of intuition. The meaning of the sea in the dream depends on the water conditions: Quiet, calm sea demonstrates the tremendous inner strength, as well as the emotional and spiritual balance; Turbulent, restless sea requires you to have a great courage on a journey to the calm waters through the emotional storm. Denise Lynn (detailed): Detailed interpretation of the sea in dreams by Denise Lynn The sea symbolizes life, your subconscious... (read more)
  • Water lily - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be strict if see water lily – The water lily in the dream goes as a sign of strictness, you have to be strict only then you will avoid additional losses. Hindu (Hinduism) Need work if see water lily – The dream marks that you are not for beauty, also you have to put some work and efforts to reach results. Arabian (Islamic) Be thankful if dream of water lily – To dream of water lily means that you need to show some respect to people around you, because they  help you when you needed.... (read more)
  • Waterspout - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Show your emotions if see waterspout - Your inner world is in confusion because there are a lot of different emotions which want to run out. Hindu (Hinduism) Expression of emotions if dream of waterspout - The dream of waterspout stands for repressed emotions which overflow. You shouldn’t keep them inside you because this will make damage to you. Arabian (Islamic) Aggression if dream of waterspout – To seethe waterspout in the sky in your dream, then this dream is a sign that you really act too rude with others and hurt them.... (read more)
  • Hot water bottle - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Show emotions if see hot water bottle – The hot water bottle in the dream denotes that you keep all your emotions inside yourself and you have to express them because this may bring damage to you. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if see hot water bottle - This dream is a sign that you have to beware of your health. Arabian (Islamic) Anger if see hot water bottle – The hot water bottle in the dream marks that soon you will meet some barriers which may bring anxiety.... (read more)
  • Fishing - Association: Search of food; underground or inside. Question: What do I hope to catch? General Meanings: Recovery and Patience -Fishing shows that you are in the mental balance or it will soon recover. This is an indication that you should never lose patience. Prosperous and wonderful time – If something bites on fishing hooks, a favorable change is in sight. If you pull fish from clear water, then this promises success and happiness for the coming period. Warning about intrigues and vexations – Cloudy, dirty water where you fish,  warns of intrigue and similar dark machinations, which you yourself apply... (read more)
  • Heavy rain and flooding - indicate harsh condition in your life. It can mean that there is something what is not going very well. You can be psychologically broke and it is showed by flooding. But water also symbolizes continuation in regeneration and rebirth. So, your dream means also revival and rejuvenation. As prognostication it foretells bright future because of the finalization of overreaching emotions. On other hand, water as the main component of rain and flooding represents life. But because flooding is unexpected so it adds symbolism of unforeseen character. Heavy rain and flood augurs that you might receive heavily surprising birth in waking... (read more)
  • Groundwater - Association: Submerge in emotions. Question: Which emotions will overwhelm me? Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Emotions if see groundwater – The ground water in the dream stands for hidden emotions no matter positive or negative. This marks that they will spray out with all the strength. Hindu (Hinduism) Strength if groundwater – The dream of ground water indicates that you have the extra power inside yourself. Arabian (Islamic) Need of rest if groundwater – When you dream of groundwater, then this means that you are tired enough with the stress and worries and all these emotions bubbles inside you. You... (read more)
  • Flower - You can go through your determined stand a good connection; – But must take care that they do not make you the neighbor dispute; – Tear off: pay attention to your advantage; – Get paid: we will show you great favor. – Sow: improve your bad times; – Bind: unexpected surprise coming into your house. You will be able to rejoice. Arabian (Islamic) – Looking great, fresh and beautiful: joyful experience things; – Only rich: one will deal with a bereavement; – Pick: your joy will soon pass, you should use every opportunity to offer one’s life; – Plant: good... (read more)
  • Tap (valve) - Association: Control or release of emotions. Question: What are the feelings I put on or off? General Meanings: A tap symbolizes the ability to gain access with universal resource. Success belongs to the fact is it possible to turn on and off the tap. This indicates the dreamer’s ability to regulate his own affairs. Psychological Meanings: Showing emotions Water is the symbol of emotions. Therefore, a water tap raises in a certain way the abuse of feelings. When the person can intentionally turned on and off his feelings so this means that he has a great self-control. The ability... (read more)
  • Bucket (a bucket of water) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Respect if see a a bucket of water – The bucket of water announces that you will earn respect from other people. Hindu (Hinduism) Honor if see a bucket of water – This dream denotes that you deserved honor and good reputation because of your hard work. Arabian (Islamic) Hard work if empty bucket – The empty bucket in the dream, this is a sign that you have to work hard  if you want to earn respect.... (read more)
  • Watering - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if water flowers, plants – In a dream you are watering plants and flowers, then this dream is a good omen, which announces a blessing family and satisfaction in your life; Stupid actions if watering meat during cooking – In the dream you are cooking and watering the meat, then this indicates that you will make yourself ridiculous and stupid because of your stubbornness while reaching your goals.... (read more)
  • Wade - General Meanings: If you wade somewhere in your dreams, then this can be caused of your feelings. The dreamer wades through water, then he/she has to deal with emotions in his real life in order to make calmness. Sometimes you can walk and realize how deep you are in the water and how to cope with external circumstances. Psychological Meanings: Ability to understand emotions Often the feeling when wading has important meaning as the action by itself. This dream feelings may give information about one’s self or your own emotions of particular situation. Spiritual Meanings: Spiritually the wading is a cleaning... (read more)
  • Falling - on, the new life, ideas are coming together. Somebody saved you while you were falling To dream that you’ve been falling, but then somebody have saved you, signifies the protection you fell you have from someone. According to dream, you feel that at any time of your life, when you will not know how to act someone will give you a hand and will help while going through your life. Make sure you do not attach yourself to this person to much, because sometimes the help you need might not be provided for many reasons such as the end of... (read more)
  • Ewer (water pitcher) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see ewer (water pitcher) – You will have to beware of the secrets, the observance of this is at the risk, especially if you break the pitcher. Hindu (Hinduism) Hard period if broken ewer – The dream of broken ewer is a sign of upcoming difficulties and difficult period. Arabian (Islamic) Doing good things if see ewer – The dream symbol of ewer marks that you will do good things on your own without anyone support; Disputes if break ewer – In the dream you break the ewer then you will have dispute... (read more)
  • Bridge - on left or right so the dreamer is not protected. Psychological Meanings: Link - A bridge is a frequently occurring image in dreams and it almost always refers to the transition from one life phase to another. It describes the emotional connection between the dreamer and other people or different areas of life and has the significance of an association. Reconciliation and Harmony – It combines opposites or bypassed difficulties that may exist in one’s own personality or relation with others. Thus encourages to strive for greater inner harmony and reconcile conflicts through compromise. Inner world condition via bridge condition –... (read more)
  • Ceiling - Association: Limits to the high end. Question: When and where in my life I am ready to move up my limits? General Meanings: Your own abilities The dream of ceiling has an association with some kind of limits or borders. Such a dream symbol indicates your own ability to move on and to remove all the barriers in your life, but also this may be as a sign that it is time to stop and do not waste your efforts.... (read more)
  • Waterfowl hunting - Artemidorus Meanings: Waterfowl hunting symbolizes bravery and ready to act. The dreamer is ready to chase his own desires no matter with what barriers he will meet.... (read more)
  • Ice - life. The existential fear, the complex not to get ahead can break into financial or erotic terms. Spiritual Meanings: At the spiritual level ice symbolizes a part of self which is frozen and must be thawed, then the progress is possible. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No prospects if see ice – In the dream you see an ice, means that you are too stagnant to make a progress; Damage caused by friends if floating ice in a clear water – The dream announces that your luck will be destroyed by grumpy and envious friends; Investigation if see an iceberg –... (read more)
  • Barefoot - General Meanings: In the dream barefoot indicates either poverty, humility, but the positive side of the dream is the ability to return to the earth or sensual freedom. Walking barefoot often promises better health, especially if you move through clear water. Go barefoot because you can not find your shoes, so this dream symbolizes that you are afraid of losing your livelihood. Walking barefoot on sharp stones (boulders) announces upcoming problems in important matters. Psychological Meanings: In the dream to walk barefoot because can not find shoes, this dream shows a lack of etiquette of the dreamer and he... (read more)
  • Vat - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good life if see vat full of water – The full vat of water in the dream shows that you always have access to a wealth and wisdom because you did wonderful decisions which now bring you satisfaction and good life; Good opportunity if see empty vat – The dream indicates that you have a good possibility to fill yourself with wisdom and wealth in the near future. Hindu (Hinduism) New things if see vat – The vat as a dream symbol indicates that you are ready to accept new issues in your life and to fill your life... (read more)
  • Bomb - which threaten on your own fears and destructive feelings if you cannot control them any longer. Other interpretations arising under the following circumstances in the dream: Worries – A single bomb that we see in the dream could be a message that hits like a bomb and/or announced unexpected problems and dangers. Avoid hostility – Throwing a bomb shows that you must reckon with the hostility with others. Rescuing from anger – A bomb attack on another person which you see, promises that you yourself happy will escape from a danger. Psychological Meanings: Inability of changes/ Lack of decisiveness – The... (read more)
  • Castle - Association: Fortified and magnanimous self. Question: What walls do I want to tear down? General Meanings: Safety The dream of castle is associated with the feminine principle which is closed and defended by privacy. Castle first of all is an indication of safety and security, especially in interpersonal relationships. Fight The siege of the castle in the dream may be a warning that you may meet unexpected obstacles and risks with which ones you have to fight. Psychological Meanings: To be imprisoned in a castle, this dream denotes that the biggest difficulty for you is to liberate yourself from... (read more)
  • Letter - not grow anymore. This points that the dreamer contributes a decision. It can be that the dreamer in the real life waits for the result of an exam or an application. If you get unexpected letter with the answer, this may be interpreted in two ways: the dreamer can expect pure fulfillment of wishes, or instill a confidence if you are convinced to have given the best. If write a letter yourself in the dream, then this is an indication that you want to come in contact with someone. Psychological Meanings: The letter is absolutely applied as a symbol of communication. Letters can... (read more)
  • Beggar - When you meet a beggar on the street then this means coming trouble in your life; Fortune if be a beggar – In the dream you are a beggar, so this dream is very positive which announces you success in the lottery; Isolation fro surrounding if be a beggar and hide – In the dream you are hiding because you are a beggar, then this is a sign of social isolation and fear of your own weaknesses; Unexpected event if a beggar comes into the house – The beggar comes to your own house in your dream, then this dream... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - woman; prosperity or power obtained through hypocrisy. Meaning by gemstone, by stone; ring’s meaning in dream by incrustation: Ring with any incrustations – represent the dreamer’s goals; Ring with a gemstone – power, influence, prestige, charisma, good renown, money, and other riches. Ring with two gemstones – means two important appointments, material and a spiritual ones, or inner and outer ones; financial benefits, Ring with a green sapphire or green ruby – means an intelligent son who will become a great man of knowledge. Ring with a carnelian – red stone – means the end to the dreamer’s poverty. Ring... (read more)
  • Precipice (Cliff) - precipice, it should be understood as even more massive warning, which perhaps indicates that you will not escape from difficulties any more. To fall down into an precipice, this announces an impending personal disaster, that can’t be stopped anymore. The fall depends on the personal circumstances, this can mean unexpected  fortune, if you particularly land softly on the ground. But it is often  signifies emotional sorrow inside you, sometimes the dream is then a momentary situation from real life which appears in the picture (such as the fall out of bed, when you immediately wake up). This is favorable sign when... (read more)
  • Giving birth to a baby girl - means the childish side of yours; To dream of giving birth to a baby girl through caesarean section, also known as c-section, for a pregnant woman, means a wish for easy delivery or it can prophecies a very professional assistance, alternatively for others, it means success in professional life, career or business; To dream of a neighbor is giving birth to a baby girl means socialization with spiritual persons; Dreaming of giving birth and naming the girl means very detailed goals and aspirations; Dreaming of giving birth to baby girl in amniotic sac means secure environment; Dreaming of seeing that... (read more)
  • Rail transport - life journey. When traveling by train we voluntarily from the schedule and the leadership of the train, we are on the journey of human life, which has its specific stations, their particular behavior. This journey of life through the ages through education for our individual human targets. Trains have their specific departure times – who does not reach in time the train is not coming along. What a great metaphor is thus created for the “lateness”, for the “missed connection” in life generally. Every action has its favorable moment, his “Kairos”, where it is ready for us necessary, you have... (read more)
  • Horse - he has to pay attention to the stubbornness of the horse, which will tell much more; The enemy is coming to you if the horse has not been saddled – such a dream, signifies evil, which the dreamer will suffer from others; Unexpected pleasure if see unknown horse – if the horse that was seen in a dream is unknown and never been seen before, then such dream promises enjoyment and delight at all aspects in this period of your life; The love of your life will come to you if the horse walks in a house – to dream... (read more)