Best friend sleeping with my boyfriend dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of best friend sleeping with my boyfriend may foretell snugness, flame and affection.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation such dreaming of best friend sleeping with my boyfriend denotes self-contained boldness, girlish desire, virtuosity and power.
Enthusiastic changes are about to become true in waking life only: best friend sleeping with my boyfriend - It denotes the opportunity to gain profit. You are at a higher level than others. Nonetheless, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream may name backwards spirit: a person of great value is being feline or risky in regard to your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 25, 96, 23, 76, 61; 2 extra numbers - 52, 79.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and brown .
  • Dog - actions. More dogs – more doubts. If others were chased in the dream, then it means that risky persons around you. Being able to run away from dog or dogs means hope and possible bright future; Play means victory – In the dream to play with your dog or to see happy and playful dogs means that you will overcome your opponents. If someone else is playing with dog, he will be lucky too. If this person isn’t friendly with you, then this dream is a message to be more patient and careful in order to overcome your enemies; Chain or... (read more)
  • Cheating on your boyfriend - General Meanings: Guiltiness -  Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend, the meaning in common sense is about feelings and emotions, that you might have in case of such activity. Unhappiness - Cheating on your boyfriend in dream also can mean that you have insufficient satisfaction from relationship with your boyfriend. Changes – To dream that you cheat on your boyfriend can indicate changes that you wish. * Please, see meaning of an adultery. See dreaming of adultery meaning for complete understanding your dream about cheating on a partner.... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - Association: – Obligation, promise, oath. Question: – With what I want to unite myself? General Meanings: A ring in a dream usually stands for a relationship. It is not necessarily a love relationship, which the dreamer has to another human being, and sometimes they are too narrow and impede the self-development. A wedding ring symbolizes a permanent bond and a promise. A ring seal or an old heirloom embodies the traditions and values​​. An engagement ring is a symbol of an even deeper loyalty. A friendship ring seal is a symbol of the long-term friendship between two people. If... (read more)
  • Water - ...resolution; Emotions and feelings;  Wetness and liquidness; Thirstiness; Aquarius. Question: How do I feel? What do I feel? Generally: Water is in the interpretation of dreams usually understood as a symbol of emotional and feminine aspects. Water is a mysterious substance, it can flow over and around things. Whatever stands in its way, water can destroy it. The potential of the dreamer and his ability to create out of his own inner need a new life, can be symbolized by water. Water is an ancient symbol that embodies the general’s soul life with the conscious and subconscious contents. The individual meaning of... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - financial way…. (Mad Dog) A dog in a dream also represents a police informer or a police dog…. (Dog) A dog in a dream also means suffering from extremely high fever and in relation to Dog star or the stars Procyon and Sirius of the constellations Canis Minor and Canis Major…. (Dog) If the dog is vicious and / or to dream that dog is growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself…. (Dog) Also you must reconsider the conceptions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty (man’s best friend) and to be ”treated like a dog”…. (Dog)... (read more)
  • Bestiality (zoophilia) - Association: Association with animal passions or instincts. Question: What are the fundamental aspects of myself, that I am afraid to deny? General Meanings: Wild and tameness instincts When sex with animals occurs in dream, then this dream points to primitive instinct or a natural and intuitive way of acting. To see bestiality or to be involved in sexual act with any kind of animal in your dream then this indicates very bestial feeling and desire to have something. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Dissatisfaction of sex if be involved in bestiality or to see bestiality – In the dream you see... (read more)
  • Leg - ...have stable assets which come to prosperity. For woman, this brings happy family and marriage. Short life if glass legs – In the dream you see the legs made of glass, this denotes that you will not live long and your death will be sudden because the glass breaks very easily; Be on good terms with friends if lose – In the dream you lose your legs show that strive to get along with your friend. Arabian (Islamic) The legs and feet are the pillars of the body and without them the body would collapse and writhe in agony and pain. Barrier... (read more)
  • Driving into water - harmony with the needs of his body and he is paying enough attention to his health. If the water is hot, however, can be a sign of illness or a stressful, unbalanced lifestyle. Psychological Meanings: The mythology as well as today’s evolutionary theory see the source of all life in the water. It is also for the preservation of the life of utmost importance, what gives to the water a maternal-feminine aspect. In the dream, the water is a symbol of the unconscious psychic energy. The symbol of the unconscious is life giver and sustainer of life. If the water is... (read more)
  • Afraid - falling or flying is created because of our subconscious is trying to give us feelings about such activities. Trauma if having fear of falling – According to scientifically proven studies of dreams, fear of falling while we are sleeping occurs because of traumatic events from our waking life. Explanations are very realistic and indicate that the dreamer had trauma from childhood like falling from parents’ arms or he had trauma during childbirth. Dissatisfaction if afraid of falling – Ancient Egyptians explained dreams about fear in comparison to lack of confidence within the dreamer. Because of being unable to make firm... (read more)
  • Broom - General Meanings: Get rid with problems Brooms can be understood as sexuality symbol and indicate neglected sexual needs. If you sweep with it, you will probably get rid of disturbing psychological influences and overcome obstacles. Unreal friends and Creating your order Sometimes the broom warns of false friends and counselors.  Who holds a broom in his hand and sweeps with it, wants to create his own order. In strangers hands, brooms are comparable to those witches, which ride on them and do mischief: Somebody wants to begin quarrels with us or cheat on us somehow. You should take this warning seriously and watch out... (read more)
  • Cats - Association: – The aspect of female, smoothness and softness; also independently and autonomously. Question: – How do I integrate the flexible and independent parts of my personality? What do I feel in relation to the combination of these two features? General Meanings: The cat is a very independent and lonely animal. However, cats and human beings can have a great friendship. The cat is a symbol of loneliness and individuality. The most vivid feature of the cat is the sensitivity which shows the sensitive side of the dreamer. Consider, that the cat in the dreams also represents sexual aspects... (read more)
  • Mastiff - mastiff and be afraid of it – When in the dream a mastiff appeared and you are afraid of it, then this may indicates that you will have problems to rise above mediocrity because of the aggressive behavior; Betray if be bitten by a mastiff – This dream marks that you will be betrayed by one of the best friends and this will bring lots of damage for you; Good husband if woman – For a woman this dream promises a wise and faithful husband. Hindu (Hinduism) Good way if see a mastiff – The dream gives you a sign that you... (read more)
  • Friendship - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sorrow if dream of friendship – The dream of close friendship the this may show that you will experience heartache. Arabian (Islamic) Discomfort if make friendship – In your dream you are making a friendship, then you may have some inconvenience.... (read more)
  • Cheating on your girlfriend - General Meanings: Guiltiness -  Dreaming of cheating on girlfriend meaning in common sense is about feelings and emotions, that you might have in case of such activity. Unhappiness - Cheating on your girlfriend in dream also can mean that you have insufficient satisfaction from relationship with girlfriend. Changes – To dream that you cheat on your girlfriend can indicate changes that you wish in your life or in the relationship. * Please, see meaning of an adultery. See dreaming of adultery meaning for complete understanding your dream about cheating on a partner.... (read more)
  • Adultery - means that he will encounter severe trials. Possibility of death: If the dreamer enters a brothel and can’t find the way back and it’s impossible to leave that place, then such dream shows small possibility that he may die shortly. Trust: If the dreamer is sleeping with someone else’s wife, while the husband of her is not showing in a dream, means that her husband will entrust the dreamer with his home to manage. * Please, see meaning of marriage, divorce, sexual intercourse. * Partner stands for boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, fiancé or fiancée, spouse or just friends with benefits.... (read more)
  • Vase - Association: – Susceptibility; Exhibition. Question: – What am I ready to receive? General Meanings: A dream symbol of vase with some kind of plants or flowers frequently stands for the femininity. Also this dream may symbolize the creativity. Psychological Meanings: Strong love and happy relation The vase can also be a symbol for secrets or for the absolutely feminine body. When you put flowers in the vase in your dream, it represents your best and the most wonderful feelings, that is why it is often associated with sexual wishes and love. Also, if we put flowers in the vase,... (read more)
  • Bed - Association: Sleep, withdrawal from all activities; foundation. Question: What I want to retire? Of what I want peace? In general: The dream takes the bed especially important: “make your bed and now lie in it.” To ensure that our unconscious is symbolized situation. In the bed you sleep, you feel secure, to the sleeping man, no demands are made. In the dream, the sleeper is disturbed frequently. There is a restlessness that has not reached his consciousness and we should pursue it. The dream bed is best for the left hand, unconscious on the side. At the moment when... (read more)
  • Gravestone / Sepulcher - gravestone) of former partner (ex-husband, ex-wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner) - The unconscious shows that you still miss one of them in your life. You have to forget and keep moving on without them. You have to throw away him/her from your heart, because this will disturb you to find your soul mate or love of your life. Seeing nameless gravestone (tombstone, headstone) – Such a dream is a bad sign. This is a mark of death and the end of life. The nameless gravestones announces loss of relative or a close friend. * Please, see meaning of grave.... (read more)
  • Rabbit - Association: – Fertility, happiness, uncertainty. Question: – Where in my life I am prepared to be productive? Medicine Wheel: Keywords Fertile, cunning, small, innocent, conservative, fun, growth. Description The rabbit, which is associated with the Medicine of the external position of the southern soul path and with the growth, is a rodent with long ears, soft fur and a short stubby tail, the underground, digging burrows. It is known for his keen sense of hearing, his speed and fertility. There are over seventy different rabbit species around the world. Some people claim that rabbits reproduce so quickly because they... (read more)
  • Baby / Babies - to be a little better.” as Gordon B. Hinckley once said. – Old and new: Beautiful babies – friendship might end (big chances), renew or to start (rare scenario). But this dream’s condition is tricky one. There is ONLY a small possibility that you will encounter some changes related with your friends. But be aware that dreaming of handsome, lovely or pretty babies (must be more than one), announces potential loss in social life – the end in friendship or sometimes renewal of it, but keep in mind, that it shows also an oppurtunity to start a new one. Maybe... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - If you have dreamed about snake in your shoe then it has a lot of different meanings. So to dream a snake in my shoe means this: You contaminated load of leaf clippings. You mealy, defective offspring of a motherless barnacle. May a plague-ridden Rush Limbaugh shimmy in your pants. You moronic, bad excuse for earwax. You sloppy mountain of petrified camel gizards. Also, a dream about snake in my shoe means this: May an army of fleas viciously find shelter on your best rug. You creepy, bad excuse for bat guano. May an army of biting weasels fart upon your mother’s grave.... (read more)
  • Beer - Association: Beer bliss; refreshment. Question: What do I have to loose? General Meanings: Beer signals about an unshakable inner peace and serenity (colloquially we say peace beer), which comes from confidence and harmony with itself. You should consider whether it might not become too phlegmatic. Drinking beer in a dream – announce good health and financial success, also you will find presumably sincere friends. Moldy beer in the glass – suggests that a friendship might be declining. Drinking fresh beer in moderation – this promises good health as long as you do not spill it. Beer is just foam... (read more)
  • Attendance - ...because you may not get any help from closest friends or family members; Sorrow if expect some kind of attendance – You’re expecting some kind of visits and none of them took place in your dream, then this is a sign that you will have many tears and sorrow in near future, because do didn’t do the most important decisions in your life; Important deals if have an attendance – In the dream you have a planned visit then you will have to deal with authorities in order to solve your problems; Troubles with plans if make a visitation –... (read more)
  • Squirrel - Association: Horten, running in the wheel. Question: Where in my life I’m ready to feel safer? General Meanings: Diligence and Well-being – Squirrel is a lively busy little creatures. After the ancient dream books, this announces that you do not need to worry about your future happiness, and material well-being, because you will find helper.  It can exhort to make provisions for the future so that you will not suffer from hardship. This is especially true if the squirrels in the dream busily collect fodder. Psychological Meanings: Deception – The cute little critters flatter with us in the dream; in... (read more)
  • Ivy - and false friends; Have to safe if see ivy on walls – This dream marks that you have to fix an existing relationship if you want to have it; True friend if wear an ivy wreath – In the dream you are wearing  an ivy wreath then this marks that you have a very loyal friend who will help you always; Suffer if see withered ivy – The withered ivy in the dream stands for suffering and tribulation because of lost love. Hindu (Hinduism) Real friends if plant an ivy – In the dream you plant an ivy then this dream announces that you will... (read more)
  • Farewell - ...of the parents promises changes mostly for younger people which announces greater independence. Parting with a boyfriend or a steady friend, it is often the expression of distrust of their actual loyalty. Saying goodbye to old people, in some cases point to a never seen again, but sometimes also include the admonition that you should give up a bad habit. In the dream woman often dreams farewell announces certain changer in her life or lifestyle. Was the separation cheerful or sad? Perhaps it marks a certain stage of life or a relationship. If it is not a stage of life, then... (read more)
  • Fire - ethereal fire brings good luck, particularly to sick persons, it is to them as a sign of the rescue and salvation. General Meanings: Warmth, Comfort, Power It is significant to separate dreaming of fire and dreaming of conflagration. The fire is seen as a major element of nature that man has, without awe and guilt, like all myths tell that the fire was stolen to serve for man. This value radiates the heat. Such a dream always results large spiritual powers. For one of the qualities of the soul is the fire. Therefore, the fire in the outer appearance is... (read more)
  • Letter - not grow anymore. This points that the dreamer contributes a decision. It can be that the dreamer in the real life waits for the result of an exam or an application. If you get unexpected letter with the answer, this may be interpreted in two ways: the dreamer can expect pure fulfillment of wishes, or instill a confidence if you are convinced to have given the best. If write a letter yourself in the dream, then this is an indication that you want to come in contact with someone. Psychological Meanings: The letter is absolutely applied as a symbol of communication. Letters can... (read more)
  • Meet - dream symbol will bring you illness or death in the family. Arabian (Islamic) Journey if meet famous people – This dream announces that in near future you will have unexpected but pleasant journey. You will travel and come back home safely; Love if meet with a friend – When you meet with your good friends in the dream, then this dream shows that you will meet your love from the closest friends; Wrong relationship if meet with an enemy – The dream shows that you will make an uncomfortable reunion, but later you will get rid of this relationship.... (read more)
  • Eye - the symbol of sensual and intellectual perception. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) if dreaming eye in general – This is a symbol of faith, intelligence, mind, alertness, curiosity; Warning if see an eye – This dream is a warning that a watchful enemies try with the smallest chance to harm your business or life; Love if seeing fiery eyes – This dream will bring you love and happy family; Help if seeing blue eyes – In the dream you see blue eyes, signifies that confidence inspires confidence and you should protect a friend; Love if see blue eyes of known person... (read more)
  • Apple - an apple – You will have to separate from a dear friend or a girlfriend. Artemidorus Meanings: Sweet – pleasure of love The sight and eating of sweet, ripe summer apples is good. It meant rich love pleasure, particularly to those who try to attract a woman or lover, because the apple is consecrated and dedicated to Aphrodite (goddess of love). Sour – anxiety, grief Sour apples on the contrary describe disorder and disputes, because they are associated with Eris (goddess of the discord). The winter apples, which you also name quinces, bring grief because of their astringent effect. Contexts’ Meanings: Eating... (read more)